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e they cast off and declared aliens, they must become a poor and needy people. But the king heard these suggestions with scorn. The New England governments, said he to North, are now in a state of rebellion. Blows must decide whether they are to be subject to this country or to be independent. This was his instant determination, to which he obstinately adhered. On the other hand, Franklin, who was confident of the triumph of liberty, explicitly avowed to his nearest Chap. XVI.} 1774. Nov. 30. friends, that there was now no safety for his native 7 country but in total emancipation. In this condition of affairs the fourteenth parliament was opened on the last day of November. British influence during the summer had assisted in establishing between the Czar and the Ottoman Porte the peace which was so glorious and eventful for Russia. The speech from the throne could offer congratulations on the tranquillity of Europe, and fix attention on the disobedience in Massachusetts.