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he treaty. Franklin saw the danger and interposed: If any further delay should be made, the clause insuring to the subjects of Great Britain the right of recovering their debts in the United States must also be reconsidered. But on this article Strachey prided himself as his greatest success; and, rather than expose it to risk, he joined with Oswald. Fitzherbert, now left alone, reflected that peace with the United States would be the best means of forcing France and Chap. XXIX.} 1782. Nov. 30. Spain to declare their ultimatum; and he, too, gave in his consent. On the thirtieth, the commissioners of both countries signed and sealed fair copies of the convention. Thus far no word in it had, except indirectly, indicated the existence of slavery in the United States. On the demand of Laurens, a clause was interlined, prohibiting, on the British evacuation, the carrying away any negroes or other property of the inhabitants. So the treaty of peace, which already contained a conf