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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 16., Volume II of Medford records. (search)
ouse was raised, and voted not to build one. On July 20, 1719, education seems to have been called to their attention, as it was voted that the town will have some meet person to keep a writing school in the town for three or four month in ye winter season. This was done at a town meeting especially called for this purpose and no other action was taken except to appoint a committee to Treet with Some meet persone or persons to Keep A writing School in the Town as afore-mentioned. On November 30th the house of Thomas Willis, Jr., was selected as the place where the school should be kept, and on December 11th voted to employ Mr. Henery Davison . . . to Keep A School In Said Town for One qr of A Year Next Ensuing, and to allow him ye Sume of Three Pound Money for Keepin School the Time above sd and also To Diet him for ye time above Said. A committee was appointed to collect by subscription eight pounds for defraying the charges of the school, and in case it could not be so raised