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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 10 (search)
December 17 Bravo, Col. Edward Johnson! He was attacked by 5000 Yankees on the Alleghany Mountains, and he has beaten them with 1200 men. They say Johnson is an energetic man, and swears like a trooper; and instead of a sword, he goes into battle with a stout cane in his hand, with which he belabors any skulking miscreant found dodging in the hour of danger. December 18 Men escaped from the Eastern Shore of Virginia report that Mr. Custis had landed there, and remains quiet. December 19 Judge Perkins came in to-day and denounced in bitter terms the insane policy of granting passports to spies and others to leave the country, when every Northern paper bore testimony that we were betrayed by these people. He asked me how many had been permitted to go North by Mr. Benjamin since the expiration of the time named in the President's proclamation. This I could not answer: but suggested that a resolution of inquiry might elicit the information. He desired me to write such
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
ield, rather than not succeed in destroying Lee's army! Lee's army, after our victory, is mostly uninjured. The loss it sustained was not a flea-bite. The enemy, in their ignominous flight on Saturday night, left their dead propped up as sentinels and pickets, besides 3000 on the plain. Accounts from North Carolina indicate the repulse of the enemy, though they have burnt some of the railroad bridges. We shall hear more anon. Reinforcements are flying to the scene of action. December 19 Gen. Burnside acknowledges a loss of upwards of 5000, which is good evidence here that his loss was not less than 15,000. The Washington papers congratulate themselves on the escape of their army, and say it might have been easily captured by Lee. They propose, now, going into winter quarters. We have nothing further from North Carolina or Mississippi. Gen. Banks's expedition had passed Hilton Head. A Mr. Bunch, British Consul, has written an impudent letter to the department,
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXXIII. December, 1863 (search)
t is enlarged, all substitutes now in the army will have to serve for themselves, and their employers will also be liable. December 18 Yesterday evening the battalion of clerks was to leave for Western Virginia to meet the raiders. After keeping them in waiting till midnight, the order was countermanded. It is said now that Gen. Lee has sent three brigades after Averill and his 3000 men, and hopes are entertained that the enemy may be captured. It is bright and cold to-day. December 19 Bright and cold. A resolution passed Congress, calling on the President to report the number of men of conscript age removed from the Quartermaster's and Commissary's Departments, in compliance with the act of last session. The Commissary-General, in response, refers only to clerks-none of whom, however, it seems have been removed. Capt. Alexander, an officer under Gen. Winder, in charge ot Castle Thunder (prison), has been relieved and arrested for malfeasance, etc. Gen. C.
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
bserve the change of manner of the Secretaries and of heads of bureaus toward Vice-President Stephens, when it was feared the President was in extremis. Mr. Hunter, fat as he is, flew about right briskly. If Savannah falls, our currency will experience another depreciation, and the croaking reconstructionists will be bolder. The members of the Virginia Assembly propose paying themselves $50 per day! Congress has not yet passed the act increasing the compensation of members. December 19 The darkest and most dismal day that ever dawned upon the earth, except one. There was no light when the usual hour came round, and later the sun refused to shine. There was fog, and afterward rain. Northern papers say Hood has been utterly routed, losing all his guns! A letter from Mr. -- to-- , dated Richmond, December 17th, 1864, says: I have the honor to report my success as most remarkable and satisfactory. I have ascertained the whole Yankee mail line, from the g
rters, posting his cavalry in that neighborhood also, except a detachment at New Market, and another small one at the signal-station on Three Top Mountain. The winter was a most severe one, snow falling frequently to the depth of several inches, and the mercury often sinking below zero. The rigor of the season was very much against the success of any mounted operations, but General Grant being very desirous to have the railroads broken up about Gordonsville and Charlottesville, on the 19th of December I started the cavalry out for that purpose, Torbert, with Merritt and Powell, marching through Chester Gap, while Custer moved toward Staunton to make a demonstration in Torbert's favor, hoping to hold the enemy's troops in the valley. Unfortunately, Custer did not accomplish all that was expected of him, and being surprised by Rosser and Payne near Lacy's Springs before reveille, had to abandon his bivouac and retreat down the valley, with the loss of a number of prisoners, a few hors
us rumors in camp this night. Friday, December 18th: Remained in camp near Montmorelles, all this day. General Twigg's division returned to Monterey, General Taylor and staff accompanying him. General Quitman made chief of the division proceeding on to Victoria. Mississippi and Georgia regiments, with Baltimore battalion, forming two brigades, under Colonel Jackson, acting brigadier-general. Two Tennessee regiments, first brigade, under Colonel Campbell, acting brigadier-general. December 19th: Reached camp Novales last night. Extremely cold, and cool all this day; almost a frost this evening. Lancers seen hovering near the camp — supposed to be a body of 400 or 500. Not a Mexican soldier have I seen since leaving Monterey. Monday, January 4th: Colonel J. Davis rejoined this regiment, and this day assumed the command. Mr. Davis's own account is here again quoted: The projected campaign against the capital of Mexico was now to be from Vera Cruz up the steppes a
Dec. 19. A meeting of members of the Georgia Legislature, favoring cooperation, was held at Milledgeville. A convention of Southern States desiring cooperation was urged, and an address to the people of South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida, was issued.--Tribune, Dec. 20. A bill has been introduced into the Legislature of North Carolina, providing that No ordinance of said Convention, dissolving the connection of the State of North Carolina with the Federal Government, or connecting it with any other, shall have any force or validity until it shall have been submitted to, and ratified by, a majority of the qualified voters of the State for members of the General Assembly, to whom it shall be submitted for their approval or rejection. --Evening Post, Dec. 20. The Commissioner from Mississippi to Maryland addressed the citizens of Baltimore this evening. In the course of his remarks upon the intentions of the seceding States, he said: Secession i
December 19. Maj. Frank R. Bloom, of Macon, Ga., Aide to Gen. Henry R. Jackson, died to-night of pneumonia, at that place. He distinguished himself at Sewall's Point and at Greenbrier, Va., and was possessed of all the generous qualities and greatness of soul which characterize the true patriot and soldier; and in the community in which he lived no man was more beloved or had more devoted friends.--Richmond Dispatch, Dec. 27. Captain Ricketts, First Artillery U. S. A., who was wounded and captured at the battle of Bull Run, arrived at Washington, released on parole, accompanied by his wife. At ten o'clock this morning a rebel battery of three guns, flanked with about two hundred infantry, suddenly commenced shelling the encampment of Col. Geary's Pennsylvania regiment, near Point of Rocks, Md. About twenty shells, well aimed, fell in the midst of the encampment — the first within a few feet of Lieut.-Col. De Korponay, commanding. The six companies in camp were well
December 19. To-day Colonel Dickey, in command of a detachment of Union cavalry, returned with his command to camp near Oxford, Miss., after an absence of six days on a scouting expedition, during which time he and his party marched about two hundred miles, worked two days at the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, of which they destroyed thirty-four miles, captured one hundred and fifty prisoners, and a large amount of rebel stores, and returned, passing around a body of rebels numbering nine to one, and reached camp without having a man killed, wounded, or captured.--(Doc. 77.) Yesterday a party of General Stuart's rebel cavalry captured a train of twenty-six wagons laden with army supplies, at Occoquan, Va., and to-day twelve of them were recaptured by a squadron of Union cavalry under Colonel Rush, after a sharp fight, in which the rebels were defeated, they having to destroy the remainder of the wagons in their flight.--The funeral obsequies of the late Brigadier-General George
either suspected of stealing the clothing sent by the Yankee Government for the prisoners now in our hands, or receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen. Several soldiers, wearing the confederate uniform, have lately been seen with blankets branded U. S., and in some cases, shoes, with the Yankee mark on them, have been sold to citizens at uncommonly low figures by some of the guards of the prisons. Several individuals have been arrested on the above charge.--Richmond Examiner, December 19. Colonel Carter, of the First rebel Virginia cavalry, with six other persons, was captured at Upperville, Va., by a detachment of the Twenty-second Pennsylvania cavalry.--an entire company, belonging to the Third North-Carolina rebel cavalry, was captured near Washington, N. C., by a party of the Fiftieth Pennsylvania regiment, commanded by Captain Blakely. Yesterday, at sunset, the Nationals left Washington, and after a march of twenty-four miles, came upon the enemy's camp. The n
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