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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Anti'pater of SIDON (search)
Anti'pater of SIDON (*)Anti/patros), of SIDON, the author of several epigrams in the Greek Anthology, appears, from a passage of Cicero (Cic. de Orat. 3.50), to have been contemporary with Q. Catullus (consul B. C. 102), and with Crassus (quaestor in Macedonia B. C. 106). The many minute references made to him by Meleager, who also wrote his epitaph, would seem to shew that Antipater was an elder contemporary of this poet, who is known to have flourished in the 170th Olympiad. From these circumstances he may be placed at B. C. 108-100. He lived to a great age. Further Information Plin. Nat. 7.52 ; Cic. de Fat. 3; V. Max. 1.8.16, ext.; Jacobs, Anthol. xiii. p. 847.[P.
. ii. p. 268, ed. Benedict.), that his patience was also recounted in the lost treatise de Consolatione. His corporeal blindness did not quench his intellectual vision. Bereaved of sight and advanced in age, he still attended his duties, and spoke in the senate, and found means to write a Grecian history. Cicero states (Tusc. Disp. 5.38), that he also gave advice to his friends (nec amicis deliberantibus deerat); and, on account of this expression, he has been ranked by some legal biographers among the Roman jurists. In his old age, he adopted Cn. Aurelius Orestes, who consequently took the name of Aufidius in place of Aurelius. This precedent has been quoted (Cic. pro Dom. 13) to shew that the power of adopting does not legally depend on the power of begetting children. Aufidius was quaestor B. C. 119, tribunus plebis, B. C. 114, and finally praetor B. C. 108, about two years before the birth of Cicero, who, as a boy, was acquainted with the old blind scholar. (De Fin. 5.19.) [J.T.G]
Bocchus (*Bo/kxos). 1. A king of Mauretania, who acted a prominent part in the war of the Romans against Jugurtha. He was a barbarian without any principles, assuming alternately the appearance of a friend of Jugurtha and of the Romans, as his momentary inclination or avarice dictated; but he ended his prevarication by betraying Jugurtha to the Romans. In B. C. 108, Jugurtha, who was then hard pressed by the proconsul Q. Metellus, applied for assistance to Bocchus, whose daughter was his wife. Bocchus complied the more readily with this request, since at the beginning of the war he had made offers of alliance and friendship to the Romans, which had been rejected. But when Q. Metellus also sent an embassy to him at the same time, Bocchus entered into negotiations with him likewise, and in consequence of this the war against Jugurtha was almost suspended so long as Q. Metellus had the command. When in B. C. 107, C. Marius came to Africa as the successor of Metellus, Bocchus sent seve
BOMILCAR 4. A Numidian, deep in the confidence of Jugurtha, by whom he was employed on many secret services. In particular, when Jugurtha was at Rome, in B. C. 108, Bomilcar undertook and effected for him the assassination of Massiva, who happened to be at Rome at the same time, and who, as well as Jugurtha himself, was a grandson of Masinissa, and a rival claimant to the throne of Numidia. The murder was discovered and traced to Bomilcar, who was obliged to enter into large recognizances to appear and stand his trial; but, before the trial came on, his master privately sent him back to Africa. (Sal. Jug. 35; comp. Liv. Epit. 64.) In the ensuing year, we find him commanding a portion of Jugurtha's army, with which he was defeated in a skirmish at the river Muthul by Rutilius, lieutenant of Metellus. (Sal. Jug. 49, 52, 53.) In the winter of the same year Metellus, after his unsuccessful attempt on Zama, engaged Bomilcar by promises of Roman favour to deliver Jugurtha to him alive or d
Cae'pio 7. Q. Servilius Cn. N. Caepio, Q. F., son of No. 6, was praetor about B. C. 110, and obtained the province of Further Spain, as we learn from the triumphal Fasti, that he triumphed over the Lusitanians, as propraetor, in B. C. 108. His triumph is mentioned by Valerius Maximus (6.9.13); but Eutropius (4.27) is the only writer, as far as we are aware, who refers to his victories in Lusitania. He was consul, B. C. 106, with C. Atilius Serranus, and proposed a law for restoring the judicia to the senators, of which they had been deprived by the Sempronia lex of C. Gracchus. That this was the object of Caepio's law, appears tolerably certain from a passage of Tacitus (Tac. Ann. 12.60); though many modern writers have inferred, from Julius Obsequens (100.101), that his law opened the judicia to the senate and the equites in common. It seems, however, that this law was repealed shortly afterwards. As the Cimbri and Teutones were threatening Italy, Caepio received the province of G
Galba 7. SER. SULPICIUS, SER. F. SER. N. GALBA, a son of No. 6, succeeded Calpurnius Piso as praetor in Spain, and was consul in B. C. 108; and in 100, during the disturbances of Appuleius Saturninus, he took up arms to defend the republic against the revolutionists. (Appian, Hispua. 99 ; J. Obseq. 100; Cic. pro Rab. perd. 7.)
Gauda a Numidian, was son of Mastanabal, grandson of Masinissa, and half-brother to Jugurtha and had been named by his uncle Micipsa as heir to the kingdom, should Adherbal, Hiempsal, and Jugurtha die without issue. In the Jugurthine thine war he joined the Romans. Sallust represents him as weak alike in body and in mind; and Marius therefore, when (in B. C. 108) he was endeavouring to form a party for himself against Metellus, whom he wished to supersede in the command, had little difficulty in gaining Gauda, to whom Metellus had refused certain marks of honour to which, as king-presumptive, the Numidian conceived himself entitled. (Sal. Jug. 65; comp. Plut. Mar. 7, 8.) [E.E]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Geta, C. Lici'nius consul B. C. 116, was expelled from the senate by the censors of the following year, who at the same time degraded thirty-one of the other senators. Geta was restored to his rank at a subsequent census, and was himself censor in B. C. 108. (Cic. Clu. 42; V. Max. 2.9.9.) [W.B.D]
Horte'nsius 4. Q. Hortensius, found in some Fasti as consul in B. C. 108.
d a conspiracy formed against his life by Bomilcar (one of his most trusted friends, but who had been secretly gained over by Metellus [BOMILCAR]), together with a Numidian named Nabdalsa: the conspirators were put to death; but from this moment the suspicions of Jugurtha knew no bounds; his most faithful adherents were either sacrificed to his fears or obliged to seek safety in flight, and he wandered from place to place in a state of unceasing alarm and disquietude. The ensuing campaign (B. C. 108) was not productive of such decisive results as might have been expected. Jugurtha avoided any general action, and eluded the pursuit of Metellus by the rapidity of his movements: even when driven from Thala, a stronghold which he had deemed inaccessible from its position in the midst of arid deserts, he only retired among the Gaetulians, and quickly succeeded in raising among those wild tribes a fresh army, with which he once more penetrated into the heart of Numidia. A still more importa