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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 18 18 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), History of Rome, books 1-10 (ed. Rev. Canon Roberts) 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt) 1 1 Browse Search
Hyperides, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 41-50 1 1 Browse Search
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ng and the venal orators who advocated his cause at Athens. In B. C. 346, Aeschines was sent as pulago/ras to the assembly of the amphictyons at Pylae which was convoked by Philip, and at which he received greater honours than he could ever have expected. At this time Aeschines and Demosthenes were at the head of the two parties, into which not only Athens, but all Greece was divided, and their political enmity created and nourished personal hatred. This enmity came to a head in the year B. C. 343, when Demosthenes charged Aeschines with having been bribed and having betrayed the interests of his country during the second embassy to Philip. This charge of Demosthenes (peri\ parapresbei/as) was not spoken, but published as a memorial, and Aeschines answered it in a similar memorial on the embassy (peri/ parapresbei/as), which was likewise published (Dem. De fals. Leg. p. 337), and in the composition of which he is said to have been assisted by his friend Eubulus. The result of these
fic writer. Suidas says he wrote 245 plays, and the titles of 113 have come down to us. The *Meropi/s, *)Agkuli/wn, *)Olumpi/dwros, and *Para/ditos, in which he ridiculed Plato, were probably exhibited as early as the 104th Olympiad. The *)Agw=nis, in which he ridiculed Misgolas, was no doubt written while he was alive, and Aeschines (c. Timarch. pp. 6-8) in B. C. 345, speaks of him as then living. The *)Adelfoi/ and *Stoatiw/ths, in which he satirized Demosthenes, were acted shortly after B. C. 343. The *(/Ippos, in which he alluded to the decree of Sophocles against the philosophers, in B. C. 316. The *Pu/raunos in B. C. 312. The *Farmakopw/lh and *(Uobolimai=os in B. C. 306. As might have been expected in a person who wrote so much, the same passage frequently occurred in several plays; nor did he scruple sometimes to borrow from other poets, as, for example, from Eubulus. (Athen. 1.25f.) Carystius of Pergamus (apud Athen. vi. p. 235e.) says he was the first who invented the part
Arvi'na 1. A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina, P. F. A. N., whom Livy sometimes calls A. Cornelius Cossus, and sometimes A. Cornelius Arvina, was magister equitum B. C. 353, and a second time in 349. (Liv. 7.19, 26.) He was consul ill B. C. 343, the first year of the Samnite war, and was the first Roman general who invaded Samnium. While marching through the mountain passes of Samniam, his army was surprised in a valley by the enemy, and was only saved by the heroism of P. Decius, who seized with a body of troops a height which commanded the road. The consul then conquered the Samnites, and triumphed on his return to Rome. (7.28, 32, 34-38, 10.31; Niebuhr, Rom. Hist. iii. p. 120, &c.) Arvina was consul again in B. C. 322 (A. Cornelius iterum, Liv. 8.17), and dictator in 320, in the latter of which years he defeated the Samnites in a hardfought battle, though some of the ancient authorities attributed this victory to the consuls of the year. (Liv. 8.38, 39; Niebuhr, iii. p. 200, &c.)
with the Thebans also, and fearing an attack both from them and from Philip, he applied to Athens, and through the influence of Demosthenes not only obtained alliance, and an acknowledgment of the independence of Chalcis, but even induced the Athenians to transfer to that state the annual contributions (sunta/ceis) from Oreus and Eretria, Callias holding out great promises (apparently never realized) of assistance in men and money from Achaia, Megara, and Euboea. This seems to have been in B. C. 343, at the time of Philip's projected attempt on Ambracia. Aeschines of course ascribes his rival's support of Callias to corruption; but Demosthenes may have thought that Euboea, united under a strong government, might serve as an effectual barrier to Philip's ambition. (Aesch. c. Ctes. ยง 89, &c.; Dem. Philipp. 3.85; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. vi. p. 19.) In B. C. 341, the defeat by Phocion of the Macedonian party in Eretria and Oreus under Cleitarchus and Philistides gave the supremacy in the
ndancy in the country, and brought away a son of Cersobleptes as a hostage. (Dem. Olynth. i. p. 12 ad fin.; Isocr. Phil. p. 86c.; Aesch. de Fals. Leg. p. 38.) At the time of the peace between Athens and Philip in B. C. 346, we find Cersobleptes again involved in hostilities with the Macedonian king, who in fact was absent in Thrace when the second Athenian embassy arrived at Pella, and did not return to give them audience till he had completely conquered Cersobleptes. (Dem. de Fals. Leg. pp. 390, 391, de Cor. p. 235; Aesch. de Fals. Leg. pp. 29, 40, &c.) In the course of the next three years, Cersobleptes seems to have recovered strength sufficient to throw off the yoke, and, according to Diodorus, persisted in his attacks on the Greek cities on the Hellespont. Accordingly, in B. C. 343, Philip again marched against him, defeated him in several battles, and reduced him to the condition of a tributary. (Diod. 16.71; Ep. Phil. ad Ath. ap. Dem. pp. 160, 161; Dem. de Chers. p. 105.) [E.E]
ith L. Popillius Laenas. There was peace in that year both at home and abroad: a treaty was made with Carthage. (Liv. 7.26, 27; Gel. 9.11; V. Max. 8.15.5; Eutrop. 2.6.) In B. C. 346 Corvus was consul a second time with C. Poetelius Libo. He carried on war against the Volsci, defeated them in battle, and then took Satricum, which he burnt to the ground with the exception of the temple of Mater Matuta. He obtained a triumph on his return to Rome. (Liv. 7.27; Censorin. de Die Nat. 17.) In B. C. 343 Corvus was consul a third time with A. Cornelius Cossus Arvina. Young as he was, Corvus was already regarded as one of the very first generals of the republic, and the state therefore looked up to him to conduct the war against the Samnites, which had broken out in this year. His popularity with the soldiers was as great as his military talents, and he consequently possessed unbounded influence over his troops. He was distinguished by a kind and amiable disposition, like the other members
ng delay he consented to render an account of his conduct during the embassy, B. C. 343, escaped punishment, notwithstanding the vehement attacks of Demosthenes in t they would receive it as such. On the return of the ambassadors to Athens in B. C. 343, the oration on Halonesus (*peri\ *(Alonh/don) was delivered. It is usually ptein in Jahn's Jahrb. vol. 11.2, p. 144, &c. 7. On Halonesus On Halonesus, B. C. 343, was suspected by the ancients themselves, and ascribed to Hegesippus. (Liban44 and 45. The two orations against Stephanus, belong to the time previous to B. C. 343. The genuineness of the first is doubted by I. Bekker. See C. D. Beel, Diatri6. 47. *Kata\ *)Olumpiodw/rou bla/bhs *Kata\ *)Olumpiodw/rou bla/bhs after B. C. 343. 48. *Pro\s *Timo/qeon u(pe\r xre/ews *Pro\s *Timo/qeon u(pe\r xre/ews, fav. *)Apografh/. 53. *Kata\ *Ko/nwnos abi)ki/as *Kata\ *Ko/nwnos abi)ki/as, B. C. 343. 54. *Pro\s *Kallakle/a peri\ xwri/ou *Pro\s *Kallakle/a peri\ xwri/ou, of
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Diony'sius or Diony'sius the Younger or the Younger Diony'sius (search)
indeed directed in the first instance against Dionysius, but against Hicetas and his Carthaginian allies; but his rapid successes and the general respect entertained for his character induced Dionysius, who was still blockaded in the citadel, and appears to have abandoned all hope of ultimate success, to treat with him rather than the opposite party. He accordingly surrendered the fortress of Ortygia into the hands of Timoleon, on condition of being allowed to depart in safety to Corinth, B. C. 343. (Diod. 16.65-70; Plut. Timole. 8-13.) Here he spent the remainder of his life in a private condition, and is said to have frequented low company, and sunk gradually into a very degraded and abject state. According to some writers, he was reduced to support himself by keeping a school; others say, that he became one of the attendants on the rites of Cybele, a set of mendicant priests of the lowest class. His weak and voluptuous character render these stories by no means improbable, althoug
Mus 1. P. Decius Mus, is first mentioned in B. C. 352, when he was appointed one of the quinqueviri mensarii for the purpose of liquidating in some measure the debts of the citizens. In B. C. 343 he served as tribune of the soldiers under M. Valerius Corvus Arvina, in the Samnite war, and by his heroism saved the Roman army from the most imminent danger. While marching through the mountain passes of Samnium, the consul had allowed his army to be surrounded in a valley by the enemy: destruction seemed inevitable; when Decius offered, with the hastati and principes of the legion, in all sixteen hundred men, to seize a height which commanded the way by which the Samnites were hastening down to attack the Roman army. Here he maintained himself, notwithstanding the efforts of the Samnites to dislodge him, while the Roman army gained the summit of the mountain. In the ensuing night he broke through the Samnites who were encamped around him and joined the Roman consul, whom he forthwith per
ear to have thoroughly satisfied him, still no infringement of the peace took place. The same year (344) was marked also by a successful expedition of Philip into Illyria, and by his expulsion for the third time of the party of the tyrants from Pherae, a circumstance which furnished him with an excuse and an opportunity for reducing the whole of Thessaly to a more thorough dependence on himself (Diod. 16.69; Dem. in Plal. Ep. p. 153; Pseudo-Dem. de Hal. p. 84). It appears to have been in B. C. 343 that he made an ineffectual attempt to gain an ascendancy in Megara, through the traitors Ptoeodorus and Perilaus (Dem. de Cor. pp. 242, 324, dc Fals. Leg. p. 435 ; Plut. Phoc. 15); and in the same year he marched into Epeirus, and compelled three refractory towns in the Cassopian district,--Pandosia, Bucheta, and Elateia,--to submit themselves to his brother-in-law Alexander (Pseudo-Dem. de Hal. p. 84). From this quarter he meditated an attack on Ambracia and Acarnania, the success of wh
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