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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 25 25 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 2 2 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Isocrates, To Philip (ed. George Norlin), section 1 (search)
Do not be surprised, Philip, that I am going to begin, not with the discourse which is to be addressed to you and which is presently to be brought to your attention, but with that which I have written about Amphipolis.Amphipolis, a city in Macedonia near the mouth of the Strymon river, conquered and colonized by Athenians in 437 B.C. It was taken by Philip in 358 B.C., but the war with Athens was delayed until Philip seized Potidaea, 356 B.C. For I desire to say a few words, by way of preface, about this question, in order that I may make it clear to you as well as to the rest of the world that it was not in a moment of folly that I undertook to write my address to you, nor because I am under any misapprehension as to the infirmityIsocrates had now passed his ninetieth birthday. which now besets me, but that I was led advisedly and deliberately to this resolution.
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 6, chapter 4 (search)
exander had himself succeeded to the position of ruler, he proved a cruel Tagus to the Thessalians, a cruel enemy to the Thebans and Athenians, and an unjust robber both by land and by sea. Being such a man, he likewise was slain in his turn, the358 B.C. actual deed being done by his wife's brothers, though the plan was conceived by the woman herself. For she reported to her brothers that Alexander was plotting against them, and concealed them within the house for the entire day. Then after she as no children were being born to him of this woman, Alexander was sending to Thebes and trying to win as his wife the widow of Jason. The reasons, then, for the plot on the part of his wife are thus stated; but as for those who executed this deed, Tisiphonus, who was the eldest of the brothers, held the position of ruler up to the time when this358 B.C. narrative was written. Xenophon probably died in 354 B.C. Hence this portion of his narrative was written between 358 (see above) and 354 B.C.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 9 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 42 (search)
tected by no guarantee, and were sold into slavery, to the number of seven thousand. those who gave themselves out for Hernic citizens were detained apart in custody, and Fabius sent them all to the senate in Rome. there an enquiry was held as to whether they had been conscripted or had fought voluntarily for the Samnites against the Romans; after which they were parcelled out amongst the Latins to be guarded, and a resolution was passed directing the new consuls, Publius Cornelius Arvina and Quintus Marcius Tremulus —for these men had been elected —to refer the matter to the senate for fresh action. this the Hernici resented. The people of Anagnia assembled a council of all the states in the circus which they call the Maritime Circus, and all of the Hernic name, excepting the inhabitants of Aletrium, Ferentinum and Verulae, declared war on the Roman People.The Hernici had been at peace with the Romans ever since their subjugation in 358 B.C. (VII. xv. 9).
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 19 (search)
praetor to whom the province of Apulia had been allotted, has also been assigned an investigation to the Bacchanalia, from which some seeds, as it were, left over from the earlier troubles, had already begun to show themselves in the previous year; but the inquiries had been begun before the praetor Lucius Pupius rather than brought to any conclusion.Cf. XXXIX. xli. 6. The Fathers ordered the new praetor to extirpate the trouble, to prevent it from again secretly spreading furthur. Also the consuls, with the authority of the senate, brought before the people a law on bribery.The last law to control bribery had been passed in 358 B.C. (VII. xv. 12). No special reason for a new law at this time is known, unless it was the vigorous campaign reported in XXXIX. xxxii. It is not certain whether one law or two passed at this time, and the only clause recorded fixes as the penalty disqualification for holding office for a period of ten years (Scholia Bobiensia, p. 361).
nisth/s but was unsuccessful, and on one occasion, when he was performing in the character of Oenomaus, was hissed off the stage. (Dem. De Coron. p. 288.) After this he left the stage and engaged in military services, in which, according to his own account (De fals. Leg. p. 50), he gained great distinction. (Comp. Dem. De fals. Leg. p. 375.) After several less important engagements in other parts of Greece, he distinguished himself in B. C. 362 in the battle of Mantineia; and afterwards in B. C. 358, he also took part in the expedition of the Athenians against Euboea, and fought in the battle of Tamynae, and on this occasion he gained such laurels, that he was praised by the generals on the spot, and, after the victory was gained, was sent to carry the news of it to Athens. Temenides, who was sent with him, bore witness to his courage and bravery, and the Athenians honoured him with a crown. (Aesch. De fals Leg. p. 51.) Two years before this campaign, the last in which he took part,
Ama'docus 2. A Ruler in Thrace, who inherited in conjunction with Berisades and Cersobleptes the dominions of Cotys, on the death of the latter in B. C. 358. Amadocus was probably a son of Cotys and a brother of the other two princes, though this is not stated by Demosthenes. (Dem. in Aristocr. p. 623, &c.) [CERSOBLEPTES.] Amadocus seems to have had a son of the same name. (Isocr. Philipp. p. 83d. compared with Harpocrat. s. v. *)Ama/dokos.)
Ambustus 8. C. FABIUS (C. F. M. N.) AMBUSTUS, consul in B. C. 358, in which year a dictator was appointed through fear of the Gauls. (Liv. 7.12.)
Beri'sades (*Berisa/dhs), a ruler in Thrace, who inherited, in conjunction with Amadocus and Cersobleptes, the dominions of Cotys on the death of the latter in B. C. 358. Berisades was probably a son of Cotys and a brother of the other two princes. His reign was short, as he was already dead in B. C. 352; and on his death Cersobleptes declared war against his children. (Dem. in Aristocr. pp. 623, 624.) The Birisades (*Birisa/dhs) mentioned by Deinarchus (c. Dem. p. 95) is pro-bably the same as Parisades, the king of Bosporus, who must not be confounded with the Berisades mentioned above. The Berisades, king of Pontus, whom Stratonicus, the player on the lyre, visited (Athen. 8.349d.), must also be regarded as the same as Parisades. [PARISADES
Cersobleptes (*Kersoble/pths), was son of Cotys, king of Thrace, on whose death in B. C. 358 he inherited the kingdom in conjunction with Berisades and Amadocus, who were probably his brothers. He was very young at the time, and the whole management of his affairs was assumed by the Euboean adventurer, Charidemus, who was connected by marriage with the royal family, and who bore the prominent part in the ensuing contests and negotiations with Athens for the possession of the Chersonesus, Cersobleptes appearing throughout as a mere cipher. (Dem. c. Aristocr. pp. 623, &c., 674, &c.) The peninsula seems to have been finally ceded to the Athenians in B. C. 357, though they did not occupy it with their settlers till 353 (Diod. 16.34); nor perhaps is the language of Isocrates (de Pac. p. 163d. mh\ ga\r oi)/esqe mh/te *Kersoble/pthn, k. t. l.) so decisive against this early date as it may appear at first sight, and as Clinton (on B. C. 356) seems to think it. (Comp. Thirlwall's Greece, vol.
os, king of Egypt, who was in rebellion against Persia. The king's army of mercenaries was entrusted to Agesilaus, who however deserted his cause for that of Nectanabis, while Chabrias remained faithful to his first engagement. On the course and results of the war there is a strange discrepancy between Xenophon and Plutarch on the one side, and Diodorus on the other. (Theopomp. apud A then. xii. p. 532b.; Nep. Chabr. 3; Xen. Ages.; Plut. Ages. 37; Diod. 15.92, 93; Wesseling, ad loc.) About B. C. 358 Chabrias was sent to succeed Athenodorus as commander in Thrace; but he arrived with only one ship, and the consequence was that Charidemus renounced the treaty he had made with Athenodorus, and drove Chabrias to consent to another most unfavourable to the interests of Athens. [CHARIDEMUS.] On the breaking out of the social war in 357, Chares was appointed to command the Athenian army, and Chabrias was joined with him as admiral of the fleet; though, according to C. Nepos, the latter accom
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