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number is doubtful (Dem. Epist. v.; Cic. de Orat. 1.20, Brut. 32, Orat. 5, de Offic. 1.1, &c.; on the other hand see Niebuhr, Kleine historische Schriften, p. 482; Bake, Biblioth. Crit. Nova, 5.1. 194, &c.). Even women are said to have attached themselves to him as his disciples (Diog. Laert. l.c., comp. Olympiod.). Plato's occupation as an instructor was twice interrupted by journeys undertaken to Sicily ; first when Dion, probably soon after the death of the elder Dionysius (Ol. 103. 1, B. C. 368), determined him to make the attempt to win the younger Dionysius to philosophy (Plat. Epist. vii. p. 327, iii. p. 316c; Plut. Dio 100.11, &100.16, &c., Philosoph. esse cum Princip. 100.4; Corn. Nep. 10.3 ; D. L. 3.21); the second time, a few years later (about B. C. 361), when the wish of his Pythagorean friends, and the invitation of Dionysius to reconcile the disputes which had broken out shortly after Plato's departure between him and his stepuncle Dion, brought him back to Syracuse. H
ous reason for his mentioning the name of Cephisodotus first. Even if we suppose the parts of the group to have been executed at the same time, it is quite possible, as Ross has argued, to bring back the date of Cephisodotus I. high enough to admit of his having been in part contemporary with Strongylion, about the beginning of the fourth century B. C. At all events, it is clear that these passages do not warrant Sillig in placing Strongylion with Cephisodotus I. and Praxiteles at Ol. 103, B. C. 368, but that he flourished about B. C. 415, and probably for some time both before and after that date. Perhaps we might safely assign as his period the last thirty or forty years of the fifth century B. C. Pliny mentions two other bronze statues by Strongylion (H. V. 34.8. s. 19.21); the one of an Amazon. the beauty of whose legs obtained for it the epithet Eucnemos, and excited the admiration of Nero to such a degree that he had it carried about with him in his travels; the other of a bo
Structus a cognomen in the Servilia gens, almost always occurs in connection with those of AHALA or of PRISCUS, under which the Structi are given. The only Structus who is mentioned with this cognomen alone, is Sp. Servilus Structus, who was consular tribune in B. C. 368.
e Eleans did not take Scillus before B. C. 371, the year in which the Lacedaemonians were defeated by the Thebans at the battle of Leuctra. Diogenes says that the Lacedaemonians did not come to the aid of Xenophon when he was attacked by the Eleans, a circumstance that may lead to the probable inference that they were too busily employed in other ways either to prevent his expulsion or to reinstate him; and this is a reason why Letronne supposes that the Eleans probably attacked Scillus in B. C. 368 during the invasion of Laconica by Epaminondas. Xenophon's residence at Scillus in either case was above twenty years. The sentence of banishment from Athens was repealed on the motion of Eubulus, but it is uncertain in what year. In the battle of Mantineia which was fought B. C. 362, the Spartans and the Athenians were opposed to the Thebans, and Xenophon's two sons, Gryllus and Diodorus, fought on the side of the allies. He sent them, says Diogenes, to Athens to fight on behalf of the Sp
commonly called glazers, are made of wooden disks or quadrants, so arranged as to present the end of the grain outwardly. They are fed with emery-cake; and by cutlers the wooden surface is frequently used without any leather covering. Globe. A sphere on which is represented the heavenly bodies; a celestial globe. A round model of the world, representing the land and sea, and usually the political divisions. A terrestrial globe. A celestial globe was taken from Egypt to Greece, 368 B. C. A terrestrial globe is said to have been made in the time of Anaximander of Miletus, about 550 B. C. This is highly improbable. The determination of the latitude and longitude of places was of a later date, and is a necessary incident of a terrestrial globe. The celestial globe of Billarus was taken away from Sinope by Lucullus (Strabo). The same writer mentions the sphere of Crates; Cicero that of Archimedes. Perhaps this was a planetarium. The planisphere of Dendera in Egypt is
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