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Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 23 23 Browse Search
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 23 23 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Politics, Book 3, section 1277a (search)
implying that there is a special education for a ruler. And if the goodness of a good ruler is the same as the goodness of a good man, yet the person ruled is also a citizen, so that the goodness of a citizen in general will not be the same as that of a man, although that of a particular citizen will; for goodness as a ruler is not the same as goodness as a citizen, and no doubt this is the reason why JasonTyrant of Pherae in Thessaly, assassinated 370 B.C. said that when he was not tyrant he went hungry, meaning that he did not know the art of being a private person. Another point is that we praise the ability to rule and to be ruled, and it is doubtless held that the goodness of a citizen consists in ability both to rule and to be ruled well. If then we lay it down that the goodness of the good man is displayed in ruling, whereas that of the citizen is shown in both capacities, the two capacities cannot
Isocrates, Archidamus (ed. George Norlin), section 46 (search)
Similar to this was the career of Amyntas, king of the Macedonians. Worsted in battle by the neighboring barbarians, and robbed of all Macedonia, he at first proposed to quit the country and save his life, but hearing someone praise the remark made to Dionysius, and, like Dionysius, repenting of his decision, Amyntas seized a small fortified post, sent out thence for reinforcements, recovered the whole of Macedonia within three months, spent the remainder of his days on the throne, and finally died of old age.Amyntas, defeated by the Illyrians, won such a victory in 393 B.C. See Dio. Sic. 14.92.3. Amyntas was father of Philip, and reigned from 394 to 370 B.C.
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Attica, chapter 37 (search)
ace Phytalus welcomed Demeter in his home, for which act the goddess gave him the fig tree. This story is borne out by the inscription on the grave of Phytalus:—Hero and king, Phytalus here welcome gave to Demeter,August goddess, when first she created fruit of the harvest;Sacred fig is the name which mortal men have assigned it.Whence Phytalus and his race have gotten honours immortal. Before you cross the Cephisus you come to the tomb of Theodorus, the best tragic actor of his day.fl. c. 370 B.C. By the river is a statue of Mnesimache, and a votive statue of her son cutting his hair as a gift for Cephisus. That this habit has existed from ancient times among all the Greeks may be inferred from the poetry of Homer,Hom. Il. 23.141 f. who makes Peleus vow that on the safe return of Achilles from Troy he will cut off the young man's hair as a gift for the Spercheus. Across the Cephisus is an ancient altar of Zeus Meilichius (Gracious). At this altar Theseus obtained purification at th<
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 6, chapter 4 (search)
ng such. And he was the greatest of the men of his time in that he was not lightly to be despised by anyone soever. Now when the Pythian festival was approaching,370 B.C. Jason sent orders to his cities to make ready cattle, sheep, goats, and swine for the sacrifice. And it was said that although he laid upon each city a very mode of the Pythian festival; for he was intending, it was said, to be himself the director both of the festal assembly in honour of the god and of the games. What he370 B.C. intended, however, in regard to the sacred treasures, is even to this day uncertain; but it is said that when the Delphians asked the god what they should do if en Polyphron, in his turn, held sway for a year, and made the office of Tagus like the rule of a tyrant. For in Pharsalus he put to death Polydamas and eight more370 B.C. of the best among the citizens, and from Larisa he drove many into exile. While thus engaged he, also,369 B.C. was slain by Alexander, who posed as avenger of Po
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 6, chapter 5 (search)
the Tegeans, on the other hand, the followers370 B.C. of Callibius and Proxenus were making effortsamped in the valley which lies behind the town370 B.C. of Mantinea; it is surrounded by mountains whilaus, even though he was exceedingly desirous370 B.C. of leading back his army — for it was mid-win the Thebans. When they had joined forces, the370 B.C. Thebans thought that matters stood well with ickly and that they would fight nowhere better370 B.C. than in their own country. Therefore, taking the descent with far greater boldness. Coming370 B.C. to Sellasia, they at once burned and pillaged greatest possible quantity of the trees which370 B.C. they cut down, and in this way guarded themse the Athenians heard of all these things, they370 B.C. were in a state of concern as to what they sh their previous labours for succour. So to you370 B.C. has now been offered by some god an opportuni, after the Lacedaemonians saved you then by a370 B.C. vote, void of danger, you shall aid them now [8 more...]
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 7, chapter 2 (search)
when all the Greeks, one might say, were in the field against them, the Phliasians remained steadfastly faithful, and, though they had as enemies the most powerful of the peoples in Peloponnesus — the Arcadians and Argives — nevertheless went to370 B.C. their assistance. Furthermore, when it fell to their lot to cross over to Prasiae last of those who joined in the expedition (and these were the Corinthians, Epidaurians, Troezenians, Hermionians, Halians,370 B.C. Sicyonians, and Pelleneans — fo370 B.C. Sicyonians, and Pelleneans — for at that time the last mentioned had not yet revolted from the Lacedaemonians), even when the Lacedaemonian leader went off with those who had crossed first and left the Phliasians, even so they did not turn back, but hired a guide from Prasiae, and, although the enemy were in the neighbourhood of Amyclae, slipped through as best they could and reached Sparta. And the Lacedaemonians, besides honouring them in other ways, sent them an ox as a gift of hospitality. Again, when the enemy had retir
Xenophon, Agesilaus (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.), chapter 2 (search)
Thebes, and, after crossing the stockade and trenches at Scolus, laid waste the rest of Boeotia. Up to this time he and his city enjoyed unbroken success; and though the following years brought a series of troubles, it cannot be said that they were incurred under the leadership of Agesilaus. On the other hand, after the disaster at Leuctra, when his adversaries in league with the Mantineans were murdering his friends and acquaintances in Tegea, and a coalition of all Boeotia, Arcadia and Elis370 B.C. had been formed, he took the field with the Lacedaemonian forces only, thus disappointing the general expectation that the Lacedaemonians would not even go outside their own borders for a long time to come. It was not until he had laid waste the country of those who had murdered his friends that he returned home once more. After this Sparta was attacked by all the Arcadians, Argives, Eleians and Boeotians, who had the support of the Phocians, both the Locrian peoples, the Thessalians, Ae
Polybius, Histories, book 4, Continued Success of Philip (search)
Athene, of extraordinary size and beauty. The origin and purpose of this statue, and at whose expense it was set up, are doubtful questions even among the natives; for it has never been clearly discovered why or by whom it was dedicated: yet it is universally allowed that its skilful workmanship classes it among the most splendid and artistic productions of HecatodorusPausanias (8, 26, 7) calls him Hypatodorus; and mentions another work of his at Delphi (10, 10, 3). He flourished about B. C. 370. He was a native of Thebes. Sostratos was a Chian, and father of another statuary named Pantias. Paus. 6, 9, 3. and Sostratus. The next morning being fine and bright, the king made hisCapture of Alipheira. dispositions at daybreak. He placed parties of men with scaling ladders at several points, and supported each of them with bodies of mercenaries, and detachments of Macedonian hoplites, on the rear of these several parties. His orders being fulfilled with enthusiasm and a formidable displa
Alexander (*)Ale/candros), tyrant of PHERAE. The accounts of his usurpation vary somewhat in minor points; Diodorus (15.61 ) tells us that, on the assassination of Jason, B. C. 370, Polydorus his brother ruled for a year, and was then poisoned by Alexander, another brother. According to Xenophon (Xenoph. Hell. 6.4.34), Polydorus was murdered by his brother Polyphron, and Polyphron, in his turn, B. C. 369, * This date is at variance with Pausanias (6.5); but, see Wesseling on Diod. (15.75.) by Alexander--his nephew, according to Plutarch, who relates also that Alexander worshipped as a god the spear with which he slew his uncle. (Plut. Pelop. p. 293, &c.; Wess. ad Diod. l.c.) Alexander governed tyrannically, and according to Diodorus (l.c.), differently from the former rulers, but Polyphron, at least, seems to have set him the example. (Xen. l.c.) The Thessalian states, however, which had acknowledged the authority of Jason the Tagus (Xen. Hell. 6.1.4, 5, &c.; Diod. 15.60), were not s
ebes. Of his friendship towards the Athenians he gave proof, 1st, by advocating their claim to the possession of Amphipolis (Aesch. *Peri\ *Parapr. p. 32); and, 2ndly, by adopting Iphicrates as his son. (Id. p. 32.) It appears to have been in the reign of Amyntas, as is perhaps implied by Strabo (Exc. vii. p. 330), that the seat of the Macedonian government was removed from Aegae or Edessa to Pella, though the former still continued to be the burying-place of the kings. Justin (7.4) relates, that a plot was laid for his assassination by his wife Eurydice, who wished to place her son-in-law and paramour, Ptolemy of Alorus, on the throne, but that the design was discovered to Amyntas by her daughter. Diodorus (15.71) calls Ptolemy of Alorus the son of Amyntas ; but see Wesseling's note ad loc., and Thirlwall, Gr. Hist. vol. v. p. 162. Amyntas died in an advanced age, B. C. 370, leaving three legitimate sons, Alexander, Perdiccas, and the famous Philip. (Just. l.c. ; Diod. 15.60.)
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