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irst place, Ctesias is already mentioned, during that war, as accompanying the king. (Xen. Anab. 1.8.27.) Moreover, if as Diodorus and Tzetzes state, Ctesias remained seventeen years at the court of Persia, and returned to his native country in B. C. 398 (Diod. 14.46; comp. Plut. Art. 21), it follows, that he must have gone to Persia long before the battle of Cunaxa, that is. about B. C. 415. The statement, that Ctesias entered Persia as a prisoner of war, has been doubted; and if we consider t suggra/yas ta\ *)Assuriaka\ kai\ ta\ *Persika/. The next seven books contained the history of Persia down to the end of the reign of Xerxes, and the remaining ten carried the history down to the time when Ctesias left Persia, i. e. to the year B. C. 398. (Diod. 14.46.) The form and style of this work were of considerable merit, and its loss may be regarded as one of the most serious for the history of the East. (Dionys. De Comp. Verb. 10; Demetr. Phal. De Elocut. §§ 212, 215.) All that is now
Dracon (*Dra/kwn), an Achaean of Pellene, to whom Dercyllidas (B. C. 398) entrusted the government of Atarneus, which had been occupied by a body of Chian exiles, and which he had reduced after a siege of eight months. Here Dracon gathered a force of 3000 targeteers, and acted successfully against the enemy by the ravage of Mysia. (Xen. Hell. 3.2.11; Isocr. Paneg. p. 70d.) [E.
Lactuci'nus a surname of M. Valerius Maximus, consular tribune, B. C. 398 and 395. [MAXIMUS.]
rom a second conquest of Athens. Under pretence of raising an army to co-operate with Lysander, Pausanias marched into Attica; but soon after his arrival at the Peiraeces the Spartan king made terms with Thrasybutlus and his party, and thus prevented Lysander from again establishing the oligarchical government. (Plut. Lys. 21; Xen. Hell. 2.4.28, &c.; Lys. c. Eratosth. p. 106.) From this time Lysander continued in obscurity for some years. He is again mentioned on the death of Agis II. in B. C. 398, when he exerted himself to secure the succession for Agesilaus, the brother of Agis, in opposition to Leotychides, the reputed son of the latter. [LEOTYCHIDES, No. 3.] In these efforts he was successful, but he did not receive from Agesilaus the gratitude he had expected. He was one of the members of the council, thirty in number, which was appointed to accompany the new king in his expedition into Asia in B. C. 396. Lysander had fondly hoped to renew his intrigues among the Asiatic Greek
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ma'ximus, Vale'rius 3. M. Valerius Lactucinus Maximus, M. F. M. N., was one of the military tribunes, with consular power, in B. C. 398 and 395. (Liv. 5.14, 24.)
Medulli'nus 10. L. Furius Sp. N. Medullinus, L. F., was seven times military tribune with consular authority: I. B. C. 407 (Liv. 4.57); 2.405, in the year the siege of Veil began (id. ib. 61); III. B. C. 398 (Liv. 5.12); 4.397 (Liv. 5.14); V. ;95 (id. ib. 24); 6.394 (id. ib. 26); VII. B. C. 391 (id. ib. 32; Fasti).
Telestas 2. Of Selinus, a distinguished poet of the later Athenian dithyramb, is mentioned by Diodorns Siculus (14.46) as flourishing at Ol. 95. 3, B. C. 398, with Philoxenus, Timotheus, and Polyeidus and this date is confirmed by the Parian Marble (Ep. 66). according to which Telestes gained a dithyrambic victory in B. C. 401. (Comp. Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. s. aa. 401, 398). He is also mentioned by Plutarch (Alex. 8), who states that Alexander had the dithyrambs of Telestes and Philoxenus sent to him in Asia. He is also referred to by the comic poet Theopompus, in his Althaca (Ath. xi. p. 501f.; Meineke, Frag. Com. Graec. vol. ii. p. 793, where Meineke promises some future remarks upon the poet). Aristoxenus wrote a life of him, which is quoted by Apollonius Dyscolus (Hist. Mirab. 40, in Westermann's Paradoxographi, p. 113); and Aristratus, the tyrant of Sicyon, erected a monument to his memory, adorned with paintings by Nicomachus. (Plin. Nat. 35.10. s. 36.22, where the common read
ribe in Dithyramb. pp. 96, 97.) The date of Timotheus is marked by the ancients with tolerable precision. According to the Parian marble, he died in B. C. 357, in the ninetieth year of his age, which would place his birth in B. C. 446; but Suidas (s. v.) says that he lived ninety-seven years. The period at which he flourished is described by Suidas as about the times of Euripides, and of Philip of Macedon ; and he is placed by Diodorus with Philoxenus, Telestes, and Polyeidus, at Ol. 95, B. C. 398. (Diod. 14.46). The absence of any mention of Timotheus by Aristophanes (unless we suppose him to have been one of the many Timothei who, as the Scholiast on the Plutus, 5.180, tells us, were attacked by the poet) is a proof that he could not have attained to much eminence before the date mentioned by Diodorus; but yet it must have been before that year that his innovations in music began to attract public attention; for we have the testimony not only of Suidas, but also of Plutarch (see b
discharging into the river Liris (Garigliano). 30,000 men were employed; time occupied, 11 years. A large number of shafts were sunk to allow a greater number of men to work and to facilitate the removal of detritus. It is from 20 to 30 feet high and 28 to 30 feet wide. That which drained the waters of Lake Albano was cut through lava, about 6 feet high 3 1/2 feet broad, and 6,000 feet long. 50 shafts were sunk, and the work was prosecuted at many points, being completed in one year, 398 B. C. A water tower was erected at each end, and these, together with the arched conduit, are in good condition yet. The stone mountain of Gibraltar is tunneled into galleries, from whose embrasures peep the grim cannon which defend the bay and the neutral ground. Quite a change since Gibraltar, Gebel el Tarik, Tarik's Mountain, was the scene of the landing of this lieutenant of the Emir Musa, April, A. D. 711. Musa the Saracen conquered Spain. The galleries in the rock are nearly 3 mites
8th Mass. Inf., 537 Mullen, P. A., 398 Muller, Sylvanus, 398 Mullett, E. B., 398 Mullett, W. A., 470 Mulley, Patrick, 537 Mulligan, B., 537 Mulligan, Charles, 493 Mullikin, C. F., 398 Mullin, John, 398 Mullin, Timothy, 398 Mullitt, C. D., 398 Mullitt, Charles, 537 Mullooney, James, 398 Mulloy, Patrick, 398 Muistead, Richard, 398 Mulvaney, Patrick, 537 Mulvy, Daniel, 537 Mumford, D. C., 122, 898 Mundell, John, 471 Munger, Lewis, 129, 398 Munn, John, 97, 471 Munroe, B. C., 398 Munroe, Charles, 398 Munroe, Edward, 398 Munroe, J. W., 538 Munroe, L. E., 398 Munroe, Timothy, 13, 14, 25, 210, 211 Munsell, O. D., 471 Munyan, A. E., 120, 471 Murdock, A. B., 538 Murdock, A. M., 128, 398 Murdock, Buchan, 398 Murduff, W. F., 538 Murkland, John, 103, 398 Murley, Daniel, 538 Murphy, Arthur, 398 Murphy, C., 538 Murphy, Charles, 398 Murphy, Cornelius, 398 Murphy, Daniel, 119 Murphy, David, 398 Murphy, Dennis, 398 Murphy, Edward, 471 Murphy, Eugene, 398 Mur
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