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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
its promoters. After having thus ascertained the temper of different individuals, he called together those who from their necessities, their characters, and their sentiments, were likely to be most eager and most resolute In the undertaking. The meeting, according to Sallust, was attended by eleven senators, by four members of the equestrian order, and by several men of rank and influence from the provincial towns. The most conspicuous were P. Cornelius Lentulus Sura, who had been consul in B. C. 71, but having been passed over by the censors had lost his seat in the senate, which he was now seeking to recover by standing a second time for the praetorship (D. C. 37.30); C. Cornelius Cethegus, distinguished throughout by his impatience, headstrong impetuosity, and sanguinary violence (Sal. Cat. 43; Cic. pro Sull. 19); P. Autronius spoken of above; L. Cassius Longinus, at this time a competitor for the consulship, dull and heavy, but bloodthirsty withal (Cic. in Cat. 3.4-6; Pro Sulla, 13
ecin. 33.) * Pro Q. Roscio Comoedo B. C. 7G. [ROSCIUS.] Pro Adolescentibus Siculis B. C. 75. (See Plut. Cic. 6.) ** Quum Quaestor Lilybaeo decederet B. C. 74. Pro Scamandro B. C. 74. (See pro Cluent. 17.) [CLUENTIUS.] ** Pro L. Vareno B. C. 71, probably. [VARENUS.] * Pro M. Tullio B. C. 71. [M. TULLIUS.] Pro C. Mustio. Before B. C. 70. (See Ver. Act. 2.53. Never published, according to Pseud-Ascon. in 53.) In Q. Caecilium B. C. 70. [VERRES.] In Verrem Actio prima 5th August, BB. C. 71. [M. TULLIUS.] Pro C. Mustio. Before B. C. 70. (See Ver. Act. 2.53. Never published, according to Pseud-Ascon. in 53.) In Q. Caecilium B. C. 70. [VERRES.] In Verrem Actio prima 5th August, B. C. 70. [VERRES.] In Verrem Actio secunda. Not delivered. [VERRES.] * Pro M. Fonteio B. C. 69. [FONTEIUS.] Pro A. Caecina B. C. 69, probably. [CAECINA.] ** Pro P. Oppio B. C. 67. [OPPIUS.] Pro Lege Manilia B. C. 66. [MANILIUS.] ** Pro C. Fundanio B. C. 66. [FUNDANIUS.] Pro A. Cluentio Avito B. C. 66. [CLUENTIUS.] ** Pro C. Manilio B. C. 65. [MANILIUS.] Pro L. Corvino, B. C. 65. (See Q. Cic. de petit cons. 5.) ** Pro C. Cornelio. Two orations B. C. 65. [CORNELIUS.] Pro C. C
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
being burnt. From such pursuits Crassus was called to action by that servile war which sprang from and indicated the deplorable state of domestic life in Italy, and was signalized by the romantic adventures and reverses of the daring but ill-fated Spartacus. Spartacus had for many months successfully resisted the generals who had been sent to oppose him. A revolt so really dangerous had begun to create alarm, and no confidence was placed in the military talents of the consuls for the year B. C. 71, who regularly, according to a still-prevailing custom, would have divided between them the command of the army. But the occasion called for more experienced leaders, and, in the absence of Pompey, who was fighting in Spain, the command of six legions and of the troops already in the field was given to Crassus, who was created praetor. After several engagements fought with various success [SPARTACUS], Crassus at length brought the rebel chief to a decisive battle in Lucania. Spartacus was s
Hera'clius the son of Hiero, was a noble and opulent citizen of Syracuse. Heraclius, before the praetorship of C. Verres, in B. C. 73-71, one of the wealthiest, became, through his exactions and oppression, one of the poorest men in Sicily. (Cic. in Verr. 2.14.) The family, at least the namesakes of Heraclius, suffered equally from Verres. Another Heraclius of Syracuse he stripped of his property (4.61). Heraclius of Segesta he put to death (5.43); and Heraclius of Amestratus (3.39), and another of Centuripini, appeared in evidence against him in B. C. 70 (2.27). [W.B.D]
Here'nnius 8. T. Herennius, a banker at Leptis in Africa, whom C. Verres, while praetor in Sicily, B. C. 73-71, put to death, although his character and innocence were attested by more than a hundred Roman citizens resident at Syracuse. (Cic. in Verr. 1.5, 5.59.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Lentulus or Lentulus Sura (search)
cornfully putting out his leg, "like boys," says Plutarch, "when they make a blunder in playing at ball." (Cic. 17.) Other persons, however, had borne the name before, one perhaps of the Lentulus family. (Liv. 22.31; comp. Suet. Domit. 13; D. C. 68.9, 15.) In B. C. 75 he was praetor; and Hortensius, pleading before such a judge, had no difficulty in procuring the acquittal of Terentius Varro, when accused of extortion. (Ascon. ad Divin. 7 ; Plut. Cic. 17; Acron. ad Horat. Serm. 2.1. 49.) In B. C. 71 he was consul. (Fasti, A. U. 682; Consularis in Vell. 2.34; D. C. 37.30.) But in the next year he was ejected from the senate, with sixty-three others, for infamous life and manners. (Gel. 5.6; Plut. l.c. ; Dio Cass., &c.; see No. 25.) It was this, probably, that led him to join Catiline and his crew. From his distinguished birth and high rank, he calculated on becoming chief of the conspiracy: and a prophecy of the Sibylline books was applied by flattering haruspices to him. Three Cornelii
Lo'llia 1. The wife of A. Gabinius, debauched by Caesar (Suet. Cues. 50), was probably a daughter of M. Lollius Palicanus, tribune of the plebs B. C. 71. She may be the same as the Lollia whom Cicero (Cic. Fam. 9.22.4) speaks of as a woman of bad character.
Lo'llia Gens plebeian, which does not occur in Roman history till the last century of the republic. It would appear to have been either of Samnite or Sabine origin, for a Samnite of this name is mentioned in the war with Pyrrhus [LOLLIUS, No. 1]; and M. Lollius Palicanus, who was tribune of the plebs B. C. 71, is described as a native of Picenum. [PALICANUS.] The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was M. Lollius, B. C. 21. The only cognomen of the Lollii in the time of the republic was PALICANUS ; but under the empire we find a few more, which are given below under LOLLIUS.
Lo'llius 2. Q. Lollius, a Roman eques in Sicily, was nearly ninety years old at the time of Verres' administration of Sicily (B. C. 73-71), and was most shamefully treated by Q. Apronius, one of the most infamous creatures of Verres. His age and infirm health prevented him from coming forward as a witness against Verres when he was accused by Cicero; but his son, M. Lollius, appeared in his stead. He had another son, Q. Lollius, who had accused Calidius, and had set out for Sicily for the purpose of collecting information against Verres, but was murdered on the road, according to general opinion, at the instigation of Verres. (Cic. Ver. 3.25.)
it was set on fire by Callimachus himself previous to evacuating the place; and though Lucullus did his utmost to extinguish the flames, his soldiers were too intent upon plunder to second his exertions, and the greater part of the town was consumed. He, however, endeavoured to repatr the damage as far as possible, by granting freedom to the city, and inviting new settlers by extensive privileges. Heracleia, which was still besieged by Cotta, did not fall apparently till the following year, B. C. 71; and the capture of Sinope by Luculllus himself, shortly afterwards, completed the conquest of the whole kingdom of Pontus. About the same time also Machares, the son of Mithridates, who had been appointed by his father king of Bosporus, sent to make offers of submission to the Roman general, and even assisted him with ships and supplies in effecting the reduction of Sinope. (Plut. Luc. 19, 23, 24; Appian, App. Mith. 82, 83; Memnon. 45, 47-54; Strab. xii. p.546, 547; Sall. Hist. ii. fr. 28,