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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 26 26 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 1 1 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, CHAPTER XIII (search)
other from the Celtiberians, and drove out of Spain the former prætors, who, in order to favor Sulla, refused to surrender the government to him. He had also fought nobly against Metellus, who had been sent against him by Sulla. Having acquired a reputation for bravery he enrolled a council of 300 members from the friends who were with him, and called it the Roman Senate in derision Y.R. 677 of the real one. After Sulla died, and Lepidus later, he B.C. 77 obtained another army of Italians which Perpenna, the lieutenant of Lepidus, brought to him and it was supposed that he intended to march against Italy itself, and would have done so had not the Senate become alarmed and sent another army and general into Spain in addition to the former ones. This general was Pompey, who was still a young man, but renowned for his exploits in the time of Sulla, in Africa and in Italy itself. Pompey courageously c
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 526 (search)
artner in his fury, Lentulus, ' And mad Cethegus This family is also alluded to by Horace ('Ars Poetica,' 50) as having worn a garment of ancient fashion leaving their arms bare. (See also Book VI., 944.) with his naked arm? ' Is such thy madness, Caesar? when the Fates ' With great Camillus' and Metellus' names ' Might place thine own, dost thou prefer to rank ' With Marius and Cinna? Swift shall be ' Thy fall: as Lepidus before the sword ' Of Catulus; or who my axes felt, ' Carbo,In B.C. 77, after the death of Sulla. Carbo had been defeated by Pompeius in 81 B.C., on which occasion Pompeius had, at the early age of twenty-five, demanded and obtained his first triumph. The war with Sertorius lasted till 71 B.C., when Pompeius and Metellus triumphed in respect of his overthrow. now buried in Sicanian tomb; ' Or who, in exile, roused Iberia's hordes, ' Sertorius-yet, witness Heaven, with these ' I hate to rank thee; hate the task that Rome ' Has laid upon me, to oppose thy rage. '
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition., section 10 (search)
alterius corresponds to altera, 1.6, below. firmamenti, outward support roboris, internal strength. Cn. Pompei: Pompey and Metellus Pius conducted the war against Sertorius from B.C. 77 till B.C. 72 without being able to subdue him. In 72 Sertorius was assassinated by his lieutenant Perperna, whom Pompey had no difficulty in defeating. Cicero, it will be observed, suppresses these details, preferring to give Pompey credit, in general terms, for putting an end to "the danger from Sertorius." in altera parte, i.e. in the East. felicitati: observe the chiastic order of the ideas, — felicitati virtuti; culpae, fortunae. haec extrema (an intentional euphemism), these late disasters, tribuenda, attributable. In fact the ill success of Lucullus was in great part due to the machinations of politicians at Rome; he was not properly supported by the home government
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition., section 30 (search)
testis est, etc. the enumeration corresponds to that in sect. 28, ll. 12-14, above (Civile, Africanum, etc.). Italia, Sicilia., i.e. in the Civil War. Italia: Pompey raised an army to help Sulla against Cinna and Carbo., the Marian leaders (B.C. 83). Sicilia, Africa: after Sulla's final victory in Italy, he entrusted to young Pompey the subjugation of Sicily and Africa, where Carbo, with the remnants of his power, had taken refuge. Fig. 23 shows a coin of Pompey, on which is an allegorical head of Africa. Gallia: this refers to certain hostilities in Gaul when Pompey was on his way to Spain to the war against Sertorius (B.C. 77); these are referred to as bellum Transalpinum in sect. 28. Hispania: in the war with Sertorius (see, however, note on p. 71, l. 5). iterum: Pompey, on his way back from Spain (B.C. 71), fell in with the remnants of the troops of Spartacus and cut them to pieces in Cisalpine Gaul; but the whole passage is a rhetorical exaggeration.
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero, Allen and Greenough's Edition., section 62 (search)
duo consules: Mamercus Lepidus and Decimus Brutus, B.C. 77. Instead of either of these being sent to Spain as proconsul the next year, against Sertorius Pompey, though a simple eques, was designated for that service. pro consule: when it was desired to retain the services of a magistrate after his term of office had expired, his imperium was extended (prorogatum) by the Senate, and was held by him pro consule or pro praetore, that is, as having the power of a consul or praetor while no longer actually a magistrate. It was not strictly legal to appoint a private citizen in such a capacity; but sometimes,— as in Pompey's case, —this was done. quidem, by the way. non nemo, a man or two. Philippus, a prominent member of the aristocracy (consul, B.C. 91), distinguished for his wit; a man of liberal temper, but a vehement partisan. pro consulibus, in place of both consuls. mittere: for mitto of the dir. disc. Philippus seems to have put his bon mot into the regular form of a
Afra'nius 2. L. Afranius, appears to have been of obscure origin, as he is called by Cicero in contempt "the son of Aulus," as a person of whom nobody had heard. (Cic. Att. 1.16, 20.) He was first brought into notice by Pompey, and was always his warm friend and partizan. In B. C. 77 he was one of Pompey's legates in the war against Sertorius in Spain, and also served Pompey in the same capacity in the Mithridatic war. (Plut. Sert. 19, Pomp. 34, 36, 39; D. C. 37.5.) On Pompey's return to Rome, he was anxious to obtain the consulship for Afranius, that he might the more easily carry his own plans into effect; and, notwithstanding the opposition of a powerful party, lie obtained the election of Afranius by influence and bribery. During his consulship, however, (B. C. 60), Afranius did not do much for Pompey (D. C. 37.49), but probably more from want of experience in political affairs than from any want of inclination. In B. C. 59 Afranius had the province of Cisalpine Gaul (comp. Cic. A
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Amae'sia Se'ntia is mentioned by Valerius Maximus (8.3.1) as an instance of a female who pleaded her own cause before the praetor. (About B. C. 77.) She was called Androgyne, from having a man's spirit with a female form. Compare AFRANIA and HORTENSIA.
uaest. Rom. 34, Ti. Gracch. 21; V. Max. 6.4, extern. 1.) With the booty obtained in Spain, Brutus erected temples and other public buildings, for which the poet L. Accius wrote inscriptions in verse. (Cic. pro Arch. 11; Plin. Nat. 36.4. s. 5.7; V. Max. 8.14.2.) The last time we hear of Brutus is in B. C. 129, when he served under C. Sempronius Tuditanus against the Japydes, and by his military skill gained a victory for the consul, and thereby repaired the losses which the latter had sustained at the commencement of the campaign. (Liv. Epit. 59.) Brutus was a patron of the poet L. Accius, and for the times was well versed in Greek and Roman literature; he was also not deficient in oratorical talent. (Cic. Brut. 28.) We learn from Cicero (de Am. 2), that he was augur. The Clodia mentioned by Cicero in a letter to Atticus (12.22), whom Orelli supposes to be the mother of this Brutus, was in all probability his wife, and the mother of the consul of B. C. 77. [No. 16.] (Drumann, l.c.
Brutus 16. D. Junius Brutus, D. F. M. N., son of the preceding, distinguished himself by his opposition to Saturninus in B. C. 100. (Cic. pro Rabir. perd. 7.) He belonged to the aristocratical party, and is alluded to as one of the aristocrats in the oration which Sallust puts into the mouth of Lepidus against Sulla. (Sall. Hist. i. p. 937, ed. Cortius.) He was consul in B. C. 77, with Mamercus Lepidus (Cic. Brut. 47), and in 74 became security for P. Junius before Verres, the praetor urbanus. (Cic. Ver. 1.55, 57.) He was well acquainted with Greek and Roman literature. (Cic. Brut. l.c.) His wife Sempronia was a well-educated, but licentious woman, who carried on an intrigue with Catiline; she received the ambassadors of the Allobroges in her husband's house in 63, when he was absent from Rome. (Sal. Cat. 40.) We have no doubt that the preceding D. Brutus is the person meant in this passage of Sallust, and not D. Brutus Albinus, one of Caesar's assassins [No. 17], as some modern write
d praefulgebant Cassius atque Brutus, eo ipso, quod effigies eorum non visebantur." The knowledge of these family connexions gives additional interest to the history of the times. Though the reputed dishonour of his wife did not prevent the father from actively espousing the political party to which Caesar belonged, yet it is possible, but not very probable, that the rumour of Caesar's amours with a mother and a sister may afterwards have deepened the hostility of the son. When Lepidus, B. C. 77, endeavoured to succeed to the leadership which had become vacant by the death of Sulla, Brutus was placed in command of the forces in Cisalpine Gaul; and, at Mutina, he for some time withstood the attack of Pompey's hitherto victorious army; but, at length, either finding himself in danger of being betrayed, or voluntarily determining to change sides, he put himself and his troops in the power of Pompey, on the understanding that their lives should be spared, and, sending a few horsemen be
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