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tion, that the creditors of the partnership will not realize more than 15 cents in the dollar. Deed of assignment will be recorded in Harford county, and the estate settled in the court of that county. P. Gover & Co. Also stopped on Thursday, and have made an assignment. Their affairs are in better condition, and will pay about 75 cents on the dollar. the following is a comparative statement of the imports of foreign dry goods at the port of New York, for last week, and since January 1st: For the week. 1858.1859.1860. entered at the port$912,933$1,510,982$1,169,249 thrown on market855,1461,352,7181,013,754 since January first. Entered at port$52,575,70999,681,73291,589,072 Thrown on market.60,282,37899,391,05291,582,944 A noticeable feature of the New York market, the Post says, is the scarcity of stocks for delivery from day to day. Erie, Hudson, Parma, and occasionally New York Central, are in scanty supply, and upon examination of the trans
ate of 6 per cent. per annum, payable semiannually at the Treasury of the State and redeemable thereat; that is to say, two hundred thousand dollars on the first day of January, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and two hundred thousand dollars on the first day of January, which willfirst day of January, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy six. Sec. 2. That the faith of the State is hereby pledged for the punctual payment of the interest on said Bonds or Stocks, and for the redemption of the principal of the same when it shall become due. Sec. 3. That all money arising from the sale of said Bonnst secession, but nine-tenths of the country districts are for disunion. The Minute Men are organizing, and will have 30,000 members enrolled before the 1st of January. A meeting of the leading politicians of the State, of all parties, has just-been held, and resolved to insist upon an immediate Convention. The citizens
ced. Both were referred to a committee. Senator Toombs' resignation is to take place after the 4th of March, unless Georgia sooner secedes. It is reliably reported here that Senator Hammond, of S. C., has resigned his seat in the Senate. [Second Dispatch.] Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 12.--A resolution was offered in the House instructing the Georgia Senators and Representatives in Congress to resist the counting of the Electoral vote of the States which have nullified the fugitive slave law. It was made the special order of the day for the 20th inst. A resolution was offered contemplating the calling of a Southern Convention in February, at Atlanta. One of the provisions of the Retaliatory bill exempts foreign goods and merchandize, imported into Georgia and other Southern ports, from State, county and corporation tax, after the 1st of January. A bill was introduced in both Houses, calling a Convention, to which all Federal affairs shall be referred.
eart. I took care not to raise the patient's head, but left it low, and the blood soon flowed back to it. Consciousness returned at the same time. "Where am I! On the bed?" said my grandfather. "Certainly; you turned faint, and I thought it best to lay you there." "He brought me here! Heaven be praised for it! As I become weaker, he grows stronger, " he said. I knelt by the bedside for a while At last he consented to drink a little wine, and felt the better for it. January 1.--We have been keeping New Years cay as well as we could; my grandfather exerted himself to cheer up my spirits.--He tried to amuse me with conundrums and riddles. We feasted at supper on potatoes cooked in the ashes, toasted cheese, and toasted bread sopped in wine. The goat was not forgotten; I picked out the sweetest hay for her provender; she had a clean bed, a double ration of salt, and a triple allowance of caresses. Grandfather wishes to add a few words in his own handwriting:
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource], Sale of free Negroes in South Carolina. (search)
Sale of free Negroes in South Carolina. --The Charleston Mercury publishes a bill which is to be brought before the Legislature of South Carolina, proclaiming all free negroes to be slaves on and after the 1st of January, to be sold at public auction, and the proceeds to be applied to the tax funds of the various counties. The Mercury, however, accompanies its publication with the following remarks: We regard it as a measure harsh in its policy and wholly unrequired by the public exigencies, while it is mischievous in its effects, and remarkably ill-timed in its promulgation.-- The Legislature has something else to do besides the discussion of such topics as this, and we sincerely trust that, upon reflection, it will by tacit consent be consigned to the tomb of the Capulets. The measure must fall stillborn upon that body.
Calls accepted. --Rev. Joseph Sharp, of Baltimore, has accepted the call of the Baptist congregation of Berrysville, Va., to become their pastor, and will enter on his pastoral duties the first of January. Rev. G. F. Adams, of the same city, has accepted an invitation to become pastor of the Baptist Church, Hampton, Va., and intends entering upon his duties immediately.
[Special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] No "Concessions" to be Made by the Republicans — The Special Committee a Farce — A Treasury Draft Dishonored, &c. Washington, Dec. 6.--The best authority reports that the Republican Senators held a us last night, and resolved to make no concession. Southern members pronounces the House Special committee a farce. There is not a representative man on it. The National Intelligencer of to-morrow comes out for a Convention of all the Southern States. A draft of the Clerk of the House on the Treasury for the Clerk of the House on the Treasury for $10,000, to pay its subordinates, has been dishonored. Sixty thousand dollars due the 1st of next January for pensions have been ordered not to be paid, unless the Treasury notes will be issued promptly. None of the clerks in the Departments will receive a dollar for their present month's services.
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
ec.--Foreign Bills of Exchange payable out of the State915,007.94 1st Jan.--Foreign Bills of Exchange payable out of the State851,395.00 Bad43,973.57 1st Nov.--Specie413,023.25 1st Dec.--Specie403,012.16 1st Jan.--Specie376,355.54 1st Nov.--Circulation989,639.83 1st Dec.--Circulation981,639.83 1st Jan.--Circulation1,058,228.83 Notes of other Banks: In the State365,574.05 Out of the State 9,217.00 Value of Real Dealings in Exchange — amount of Exchange sold quarter ending 1st of January1,904,200.20 Premiums thereon 2,970.65 Contingent Fund and Pro2 1st Nov.--Deposits1,332,566.61 1st Dec.--Deposits1,443,151.72 1st Jan.--Deposits1,545,968.64 1st Nov.--Loans to Directors 94,630.60 1stk 2,560,551.23 1st Dec.-- Aggregate Debt due by B'k 2,586,747.85 1st Jan.--Aggregate Debt due by B'k 2,792,493.98 1st Nov.--Aggregate of Out Dec.--Aggregate of Outstanding Debt due to the Bank4,619,062.22 1st Jan.--Aggregate of Outstanding Debt due to the Bank4,749,002.46 Denomi
nks in this State7,295.00365.00 Notes of other Banks out of this State215.00210.00 Cash Items23.03460.37 $475,359.18$449,282.06 Capital Stock$300,000.00$300,000.00 Circulation Bank of Kanawha, 5s, 10s, 20s3,215.004,370.00 Bank of this Bank, 5s125,847.50110,785.00 Deposits30,972.5215,257.64 interest, Discounts and Exchange4,454.407,927.99 State Tax58.5000.00 Surplus Fund223.4600.00 due to Banks and Bankers10,584.7410,941.43 $475,359.13$449,282.00 Nov. 1.Dec. 1.Jan. 1. Aggregate Debt due to the Bank$362,030.60$362,428.15$360,201.53 Aggregate Debt due by Bank175,010.62165,756.60170,678.28 Inland Bills of Exchange5,778.757,263.526,688.52 Foreign Bills of Exchange167,935.49159,720.16155,728.66 Circulation147,387.50186,392.50129,062.50 Deposits25,816.9224,806.9330,972.54 Loans to Directors2,650.003,650.004,450.00 Exchange bought for the quarter600.0012,440.19½ to 5 per ct. Exchange sold for the quarter13,228.98at 1 to 5 per ct. The undersigned,
Brooke avenue. --Any one who has been upon this much-used thoroughfare since the 1st of January, will agree with us that its residents have good reason to complain of municipal neglect. It is a complete bed of mud, which never "dries up" during the winter months, and when summer comes the dust is intolerable. The Council, at very small expense, could have the avenue gravelled, which is all the improvement asked for by the citizens of that neighborhood. Gravel can be obtained in abundance near the Branch, and the city carts in a few weeks might spread it the entire length of the avenue. It seems to us that the proposition ought to commend itself to the Council, and we hope some public-spirited member will introduce it at the next meeting. Its adoption would conduce to the comfort, convenience, health and safety of a portion of our citizens, who have a right to expect some legislation for their benefit.
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