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urne from whence no traveler returns. Beautiful, exceedingly, yesterday, were these ordinarily sad places. Tokens of affectionate remembrance about the tenements that line those narrow, innumerable walks, some adorning mausoleums beautiful and grand, others lending a charm to the humble graves where lie those who have not won the world's riches nor the world's honor, but far better the great wealth of true friendship or the inextinguishable affection of kinship.-- Stately tombs and lowly resting places showed alike evidences that though they had forever quitted this world of joys and sorrows, there were those that remembered all that was good of them, and visited their graves with every feeling for the dead that did honor to the living. The orphans were not forgotten. The Portuguese, the Spanish, the New Lusitanos, and other benevolent societies, were at several of the cemeteries taking up collections for the little ones left to the charity of the world.--N. O. Crescent, Nov. 2.