Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for February, 11 AD or search for February, 11 AD in all documents.

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shington, Oct. 29. --The body of Col. Baker, who was killed in the battle near Leesburg, has been embalmed, and will be exhibited in state in Philadelphia previous to its removal to California. The engagement near Savannah. Savannah, Nov. 2 --The engagement near Savannah was caused by an attempt of the Federal fleet to burn a schooner which was aground at Warsaw beach. The attempt failed, and the Federal frigate disappeared yesterday. Death of Gen. Cam. Houston. Fort Smith, Ark., Nov. 2. --Mr. Dowle has just arrived, who reports the death of Gen. Sam Houston, of Texas. Northern Financial affairs. Baltimore, Tuesday.--Railway shares are improving. In Bank stocks nothing is doing. Boston, Tuesday.--The specie reserve in the Banks, after paying the Government 10 per cent. on the national loan, shows an increase of $250,000. Philadelphia, Tuesday.--The banks are responding to their quota of the National loan. Boston, Tuesday--The