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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.affairs in Lynchburg Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 3. In the Catholic Church of this city, yesterday, Bishop McGill administered the sacrament of confirmation to fifty persons, a majority of whom were boys and girls. Previous to the ceremony, which was of the most impressive character, the Bishop delivered a discourse on the subject of signs and ceremonies as practiced by the Catholic Church, which, for strong, close reasoning and logical conclusions, I have seldom heard equalled. Yesterday was the first day or beginning of the Ecclesiastical year, and accordingly the first Sunday in Advent. Next Friday, and each succeeding Friday between that time and Christmas, will be fasting days. The Ecclesiastical year is divided into three parts — the first part from the first Sunday in Adventist Christmas, or the birth of Christ; the second part from Christmas to Whit-Sunday, or the Ascension, and the third and last part from Whit-Sunday to the
Northern Markets [By Telegraph.] Baltimore, Dec. 3 --Flour dull and heavy — Ohio $5; City Mills held at $4 75 Wheat dull — red $1 10@1.15; white $1.20@1.49 Corn steady — old white 60@61 Provisions dull — Mess Pork $17 75 Coffee steady at 14@14 ¼c. Whiskey dull at 18 ½c. New York, Dec. 3, M.--Flour 5 higher. Wheat a shape lower and dull. Corn declining. Provisions dull. Whiskey nominally 18½c. Stocks lower-- N. Y. Centrals 76¼. Va 6' s 80, Missouri 6's 70¾. P. M.-Dec. 3, M.--Flour 5 higher. Wheat a shape lower and dull. Corn declining. Provisions dull. Whiskey nominally 18½c. Stocks lower-- N. Y. Centrals 76¼. Va 6' s 80, Missouri 6's 70¾. P. M.--Cotton dull, with a declining tendency -- Upland middling 10 Flour 5 cents lower — Southern $4.95@5 35. Wheat has a declining tendency, Corn ditto — mixed 63@64. Mess Pork $16 50@16.75, new $18; prime $10.37@10 50, Lard heavy at 10½@10¾ Whiskey drooping at 18½. Sugar steady-- Muscovado 4½@6¼. Molasses unchanged — Orleans 33@37 Turpentine heavy at 3.06. Rosin heavy at 1.20 Rice steady at 3½@4. Stocks dull and
[from our Special correspondent] affairs at Washington. the President and secession — Seward Yielding, but Greeley Valiant — Another rumored &c. Washington, Dec. 3, --The President's plan South Carolina to postpone secession on the 4th of March next will hardly avail.-- As South Carolina member said to me this evening, "We have spiked that gun." Senator Seward is willing to grant the South Almost anything, but the Tribune of this morning says, "Let the winds howl on; the free States will not surrender their principles on account of threatened disunion." Greeley's own article states the case, but takes no decided ground, so there is no day light yet. All that money, beauty, place and power, can do, will be brought to bear in favor of Union. We shall see Southerners, heretofore fiery, backing down. Messrs Cobb, Thompson, Jeff, Davis, and Fitzpatrick of Alabama, have, it is rumored, yielded to the President's pious appeal for staving off secession
[Special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] meeting in Charlottesville — speeches by Messrs. Massie and others — Nomination for the Legislature, &c. Charlottesville, Va. Dec. 3 --A0t a large assemblage of men of all parties, held here today. (Court day,) resolutions were unanimously and enthusiastically adopted, against coercion in any event; in favor of the equality of the States above the Federal Union; against the agitation of slavery; demanding a final settlement now of all difficulties, or a dissolution of the Union; believing a State Convention absolutely necessary; against the reopening of the African slave trade; calling for a full deliberation among the people of all the States, a conference of all the Southern States recommended, and separate action deprived; also, favoring a National Convention. The resolutions were sustained in able speeches by the leaders of all parties, among the most prominent of whom were Messrs. Massie, Southard, Randolph
From Washington Washington. Dec. 3, --Among the various prepositions for quieting the present political troubles, is that so much of the President's Message as treats of them be referred in the House to a select committee of members from all the States, to bring forward some compromise. Many who formerly believed that South Carolina only will secede, are now satisfied from assurances from those representing Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, that these States, too, will make c the Supreme Court Bar held a meeting and passed resolutions of respect to the memory of Judge Daniel. The Message will be sent to Congress tomorrow. Advance copies will not be sent South beyond Richmond. The Treasury Department paid applying members only about 25 per ct, on the amount them for mileage. Washington, Dec. 3 --P. M.--The projected meeting of Union Senators and members for this evening, was indefinitely postponed at the suggestion of Senator Crittenden.
be hereby relieved and absolved from the obligations of such oaths, in all cases in the Courts of this State, where States or citizens of States who refuse our constitutional are parties, or otherwise concerned. Mr. Sprayberry's amendment was lost — ayes 96, noes 89. The Retaliatory bill, however, passed the House. Mobile, Dec. 1, --A large secession meeting was held here last night. John Bragg, Judge Dargan, Geo. O. Ketchum and H. G. Humphreys were unanimously nominated as delegates to the State Convention. Milledgeville, Ga., Dec. 3. --Mr. Holt, of Muskogee, submitted a preamble and resolutions as the special order for Tuesday. The resolutions propose a conference of the Southern States at Atlanta on the 20th of February, to counsel and advise as to the mode and manner of resistance to the existing exigency of affairs. The preamble takes strong grounds in favor of having all sectional questions finally settled, and objects to separate action.
Congressional. Washington, Dec. 3. --Senate--In the Senate, to-day, after assembling, nothing was done save the appointment of a committee to wait on the President, and inform him that the body was in session and ready for business. It adjourned before 1 o'clock. Nearly all the Senators were in their seats, and good feeling prevailed. House.--A joint committee was appointed to wait on the President and apprise him of the organization of the House. About an hour was spent in selecting seats, which was marked by hilarity and good humor. At 1½ o'clock the House adjourned. About 200 members were present, including all the South Carolina delegates except Hon. Porcher Miles. The galleries were crowded to overflowing. The Message will be sent in at noon to-morrow
A "John Brown" meeting broken up in Boston. Boston, Dec. 3 --A John Brown meeting, called by the abolitionists, assembled in the Maconic Temple to-day. The Temple was taken possession of by the Union men, who chose Richard Sullivan Fay, Chairman, and passed resolutions denouncing John Brown, justifying his execution and landing Virginia. Fred Douglas, Redpath, Frank Sanborn, and other notorious abolitionists, vainly endeavored to make themselves heard. Much confusion prevailed, and the police were called, and the hall was cleared and closed by order of the Mayor.
Marine Disasters. Norfolk, Dec. 3. --Schooner Sallie, of Milton, Del. with coal, bound from Baltimore to New York, sprung a leak and ran ashore near Hampton Bar. Vessel and cargo will be saved. Schooner Conocary is ashore near Lambert's Point, with mainmast gone. U. S. surveying schooner Crawford arrived here with loss of both anchors and foremast sprung. She will be taken to the navy-yard for repairs.
Naval. Gosport, Va., Dec. 3. --The U. S. steamer Pensacola, now in the dry-dock, will come out in about ten days, and proceed to Washington, where her machinery will be completed and alterations made.
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