Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for May, 12 AD or search for May, 12 AD in all documents.

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In addition to this complete outfit, there have been provided India rubber mattresses, pillows, and blankets lined with rubber cloth, India rubber bottles (pints and quarts) for medicines. These are intended for the comfort of the sick, if any there be. Their camp buckets and other utensils are also of rubber goods. The company are daily expecting one hundred improved stand of arms, with cartridge boxes, cap pouches, etc. Disunion in the United States. [From the London Times of December 5th.] The feelings which now divide the United States into antagonists far more bitter than those of diverse languages and races, are themselves facts which cannot be reasoned away, and they have an irresistible bearing on the practice of slavery — they must tend to tighten the grasp of the slave-owner on the one hand, and, on the other, to provoke the fanaticism and the ingenuity of the abolitionist. The Southern States see in this election a pledge of further and still more unscrupulou
The California Pony Express. Fort Krarney, Dec. 18. --The Pony Express bound East passed at two o'clock this morning, leaving the following summary of Pacific news: San Francisco, Dec. 5--3 P. M. --The Pony Express, with St. Louis advices to the 21st and Fort Kearney 23d, arrived at San Francisco last evening. The Secretary of State on the 3d inst. opened and counted the official returns of the late election, declaring the following result:--Lincoln 38,721; Douglas 37,964; Breckinridge 33,971; Bell 9,113; scattering 170: total 119,807. The people voted against calling a Constitutional Convention by a majority of only 173. The vote for paying the State debt was largely in the ascendant. This debt amounts to between two and three millions of dollars, which should have been legalized in 1857, when the entire State debt was legalized by a vote of the people; but by a mistake of the State Comptroller, a large enough amount was not then submitted to th