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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 25 25 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 23 23 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 18 18 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 17 17 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 16 16 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 11 11 Browse Search
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative 11 11 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 10 10 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 9 9 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 9 9 Browse Search
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Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK I., CHAPTER II. (search)
very recent. So that Memphis either did no then exist, or at all events had not then obtained its after celebrity. Aristotle likewise seems to say that anciently Egypt consisted only of the territory of the Thebaid, kai\ to\ a)o|xai=on h( Ai)/uptos, Qh=bai kalou/menai. which is separated from our seaThe Mediterranean. by a little less than 5000Gosselin says, Read 4000, as in lib. xvii. This correction is indicated by the following measure given by Herodotus: From the sea to Heliopolis1500 stadia From Heliopolis to Thebes4860 —— 6360 The stadium made use of in Egypt at the time of Herodotus consisted of 1111 1/9 to a degree on the grand circle, as may be seen by comparing the measure of the coasts of the Delta furnished by that historian with our actual information. The length of this stadium may likewise be ascertained by reference to Aristotle. In the time of Eratosthenes and Strabo, the stadium of 700 to a degree was employed in Egypt. Now 6360 stadia of 1111 1/9 to
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER V. (search)
raits on either side of it. That next Italy being 7 stadia [in breadth], and that next Carthage 1500 stadia. The line drawn from the Pillars to the lesser strait of 7 stadia, forms part of the linic from the rest of Libya. According to others, its circumference is only 4000 stadia, its depth 1500 stadia, and the breadth at its mouth the same. The Sea of Sicily washes Italy, from the Strait o, Carambis.Kerempi-Burun. They are distant from each other about 2500 stadia.We should here read 1500 stadia. See French Translation, vol. i. p 344, n. 3. The length of the western portion of this sfour stadia in breadth. The length of the Propontis from the Troad to Byzantium is stated to be 1500 stadia. Its breadth is about the same. It is in this sea that the Island of the CyziceniThe Islad 3400 stadia from the parallel of Rhodes; it is south of Byzantium, Nicaæ,Isnik. and Marseilles 1500 stadia. The parallel of LysimachiaEksemil is a little to the north, and according to Eratosthene
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK III., CHAPTER I. (search)
. We will now commence our detailed account, beginning from the Sacred Promontory. This is the most western point not only of Europe, but of the whole habitable earth. For the habitable earth is bounded to the west by two continents, namely, the extremities of Europe and Libya,Africa. which are inhabited respectively by the Iberians and the Maurusians.The Mauritanians. But the Iberian extremity, at the promontoryCape St. Vincent. we have mentioned, juts out beyond the other as much as 1500 stadia.Cape St. Vincent is about 1600 stadia west of Cape Spartel in Africa. Strabo imagined that beyond this cape the African coast inclined to the south-east. In reality it advances eleven degrees and a half farther west to Cape Verd, which is 8° 29′ west of Cape St. Vincent. The region adjacent to this cape they call in the Latin tongue Cu- neum,Herodotus is the first who speaks of a people of Iberia, to whom he gives the name of Kunh/sioi or Ku/uhtes: he describes them as inhab
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK III., CHAPTER V. (search)
he purpose of exploring, when they had arrived at the strait by Calpe, imagined that the capes which form the strait were the boundaries of the habitable earth, as well as of the expedition of Hercules, and consequently they were what the oracle termed the Pillars. They landed on the inside of the straits, at a place where the city of the Exitani now stands. Here they offered sacrifices, which however not being favourable, they returned. After a time others were sent, who advanced about 1500Gosselin shows that we ought to read 500 stadia in this place. stadia beyond the strait, to an island consecrated to Hercules, and lying opposite to Onoba, a city of Iberia: considering that here were the Pillars, they sacrificed to the god, but the sacrifices being again unfavourable, they returned home. In the third voyage they reached Gades, and founded the temple in the eastern part of the island, and the city in the west. On this account some consider that the capes in the strait a
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER II. (search)
line run from Pachynus to Lilybæum (which is much to the west of Pelorias) is considerably diverged from the south towards the west, having at the same time an aspect looking towards the east and towards the south.Gossellin observes, that from Pachynus to Lilybæum the coast runs from the south to the north-west, and looks towards the south-west. On one side it is washed by the sea of Sicily, and on the other by the Libyan Sea, extending from Carthage to the Syrtes. The shortest run is 1500 stadia from Lilybæum to the coast of Africa about Carthage; and, according to report, a certain very sharp-sighted person,This person, according to Varro, was named Strabo. See Varr. ap. Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. vii. § 21, page 386. placed on a watch-tower, announced to the Carthaginians besieged in Lilybæum the number of the ships which were leaving Carthage. And from Lilybæum to Pelorias the side must necessarily incline towards the east, and look in a direction towards the west and nort<
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VII., CHAPTER VI. (search)
o, book vii. chap. iii. § 10; and the Getæ were Gothic. We have the Liber Aureus in the Moeso Gothic language still. signifying in the Thracian tongue, city. Thus the city of Selys is called Selybria, and Ænus once had the name of Poltyobria. Then follows Anchiale,Ahiolou. a small town of the Apolloniat$aa, and Apollonia itself. On this coast is the promontory Tirizis, a place naturally strong, which Lysimachus formerly used as a treasury. Again, from Apollonia to the Cyanetæ are about 1500 stadia. In this interval are Thynias, a tract belonging to the Apolloniatæ, Phinopolis, and Andriace,Places no longer known. G. which are contiguous to Salmydessus. This coast is without inhabitants and rocky, without harbours, stretching far towards the north, and extending as far as the Cyaneæ, about 700 stadia. Those who are wrecked on this coast are plundered by the Asti, a Thracian tribe who live above it. The CyaneæIn the English charts Kyanees. They do not correspond to the de-
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XI., CHAPTER I. (search)
ed a sort of peninsula, united to the continent by an isthmus which separated the Euxine from the Caspian and on which was situated Colchis, Iberia, and Albania. The 3000 stadia assigned to the breadth of this isthmus appears to be measured by stadia of 1111 1/2 to a de- gree. Gossellin. Those writers do not deserve attention who contract the isthmus as much as Cleitarchus, according to whom it is subject to inundations of the sea from either side. According to Posidonius the isthmus is 1500 stadia in extent, that is, as large as the isthmus from Pelusium to the Red Sea. And I think, says he, that the isthmus between the Palus Mæotis and the Ocean is not very different from this in extent. I know not how any one can rely upon his authority respecting what is uncertain, when he has nothing probable to advance on the subject; for he reasons so falsely respecting things which are evident, and this too when he enjoyed the friendship of Pompey, who had carried on war against
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XI., CHAPTER VIII. (search)
ccurately with known ruins. It has been supposed that Damgham corresponds best with this place; but Damgham is too near the Pylee Caspiæ: on the whole it is probable that any remains of Hecatompylos ought to be sought in the neighbourhood of a place now called Jah Jirm. Smith, art. Hecatompylos.1960 To AlexandreiaNow Herat, the capital of Khorassan. See Smith, art. Aria Civitas. in the country of the Arii (Ariana)4530 Thence to ProphthasiaZarang. in DrangaSigistan. (or according to others 1500)1600 Thence to the city ArachotiUlan Robât, but see Smith, art. Arachotus.4120 Thence to Ortospana on the three roads from BactraBalkh. See Smith.2000 Thence to the confines of India1000 ——— Which together amount to15,300The sum total is 15,210 stadia, and not 15,300 stadia. This latter sum total is to be found again in b. xv. c. ii. § 8, but the passage there referred to has served to correct a still greater error in the reading of this chapter, viz. 15,500. Corrections of the text ha
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XI., CHAPTER X. (search)
of the tribute. The greater part of this country is situated at the foot of the southern side of the mountains; some tracts however approach the northern side opposite Aria. Arachosia, which belongs to the territory of Aria, is not far distant; it lies at the foot of the southern side of the mountains, and extends to the river Indus. The length of Aria is about 2000 stadia, and the breadth of the plain 300 stadia. Its cities are Artacaëna, Alexandreia, and Achaia, which are called after the names of their founders. The soil produces excellent wines, which may be kept for three generations in unpitched vessels. Margiana is like this country, but the plain is surrounded by deserts. Antiochus Soter admired its fertility; he enclosed a circle of 1500 stadia with a wall, and founded a city, Antiocheia. The soil is well adapted to vines. They say that a vine stem has been frequently seen there which would require two men to girth it, and bunches of grapes two cubits in size.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK XI., CHAPTER XIII. (search)
Such then is the nature of the country with respect to magnitude; its length and breadth are nearly equal. The greatest breadth (length?)Groskurd proposes length. however seems to be that reckoned from the pass across the Zagrus, which is called the Median Gate, to the Caspian Gates, through the country of Sigriana, 4100 stadia. The account of the tribute paid agrees with the extent and wealth of the country. Cappadocia paid to the Persians yearly, in addition to a tribute in silver, 1500 horses, 2000 mules, and 50,000 sheep, and the Medes contributed nearly double this amount. Many of their customs are the same as those of the Armenians, from the similarity of the countries which they inhabit. The Medes however were the first to communicate them to the Armenians, and still before that time to the Persians, who were their masters, and successors in the empire of Asia. The Persian stole, as it is now called, the pursuit of archery and horsemanship, the court paid
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