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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 2 Browse Search
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al charter to land between Piscataqua and Sagadahoc and Kennebec rivers, extending 120 miles north and south, which was incorporated and named The province and county of Maine ......April 3, 1639 Thomas Purchase, first settler at Pejepscot, on the Androscoggin, assigns to Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts, all the tract of Pejepscot, on both sides of the river, 4 miles square towards the sea ......Aug. 22, 1639 Thomas Gorges appointed deputy-governor of the province of Maine......March 10, 1640 First general court under the charter opened at Saco......June 25, 1640 Gorges founds in Agamenticus a city of 21 square miles, which he calls Gorgeana......March 1, 1642 Alexander Rigby purchases the abandoned Plough patent, or Lybonia, and commissions George Cleaves deputy president, who opens a court at Saco styled The General Assembly of the province of Lygonia, which extended from Cape Porpoise to Casco......April, 1643 Richard Vines elected deputy-governor of the prov
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
00 guilders ($10,000)......1637 De Vries reiterates the charges of Van Dincklagen against Governor Van Twiller; Van Twiller recalled......1637 William Kieft director and commissioner......Sept. 2, 1637 Arrives at New Amsterdam......March 28, 1638 Purchases of the Indians part of Long Island for the company......1639 Thomas Belcher takes up a tract (in Brooklyn)......1639 Lion Gardiner purchases Gardiner's Island (the first permanent English settlement in the State)......March 10, 1640 Southampton, Long Island, settled by the English......1640 Rensselaerwyck rapidly increases in wealth and population......1640 Indians near Manhattan alienated by the conduct of the Dutch......1640 Expedition against the Raritan Indians......July 16, 1640 Contributions levied on the Tappan Indians by Governor Kieft, but refused......October, 1640 Reformed Dutch Church established. 1640 Raritan Indians destroy De Vries's colony on Staten Island......June, 1641 Kieft