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rmed by coating the metal with silver, which is then drawn down to a great tenuity, after which the silver coating is removed by nitric acid, leaving an almost invisible interior wire, which has been so attenuated that a mile in length weighed only a grain. L. Chelot, a Belgian manufacturer, makes a pentagonal wire. Threaded wire — cable wire — for boots and shoes, made under patents:— Prosser, 116,218, June 20, 1871. Wickersham, 118,318, August 22, 1871. See also Fig. 3568, page 1648. The modern uses of wire are almost innumerable:— Telegraphy, cables for suspension-bridges, ropes for ships' rigging, hoisting, etc.; fences, strings for musical instruments, hoop-skirts, pins and needles, shoe-sole fastenings (see Fig. 7263), are some of its manifold applications. Twined broom-wire is a considerable item. Culinary and table utensils are extensively made from white-wire. It is used in the manufacture of cards, heddles, reeds for looms, and when woven, is employed i
thening the fortifications, which had suffered from neglect; but the panic soon subsided, and after that year such dangers were removed to an ever receding frontier. The settlers of New England dreaded heresy far more than they dreaded Indians, and in 1646 a synod of delegates from the colonies of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven was assembled at Cambridge, in order to define their creed and agree upon a system of church government. The work of the synod was finished in 1648. The Westminster Assembly's creed was adopted, as also a platform of church discipline, known as the Cambridge Platform, upon which all the Congregational churches of New England were able to stand for the next four generations. While the synod was in session the first permanent schoolhouse was built, on the west side of Holyoke Street, where it stood until 1769; for nearly another century its site was occupied by the printing-press long since famous as the University Press. The parsonag
d in 1638, and its first class of nine young men was graduated in 1642. In the work of fitting boys for Harvard, Cambridge would naturally have had an early and prominent share. It chimes in with this theory of an earlier school that Mr. Corlett, when we first hear of him in 1643, was already in the possession of an established reputation as a teacher; he had very well approved himself for his abilities, dexterity and painfulnesse. His schoolhouse— the first one especially built for him in 1648, not by the town, but by President Dunster and Edward Goffe—was on the westerly side of Holyoke Street, between Harvard and Mount Auburn streets. At one time there were in his lattin schoole five Indian youths fitting for college. In 1642 the General Court made it the duty of Cambridge as of other towns to insist that parents and masters should properly educate their children, and to fine them if they neglected to do so. In 1647 the Court ordered the towns to appoint teachers for the child
fierce dissension, and the colony was in dire peril. There was so much confusion in Boston that the General Court met here, and an election was held on the Common. Then an ecclesiastical synod, the first held in America, was called, and met here, in the little meeting-house on Dunster Street, and its sessions lasted for three weeks. Eighty-two of Mrs. Hutchinson's opinions were condemned with great unanimity. We can easily imagine what the people here were talking about in those days. In 1648 the Cambridge Platform was framed. In 1649 Thomas Shepard died, and in 1650 Jonathan Mitchel—the matchless Mitchel—became his successor in the church and parsonage, and married the widow, Margaret Shepard. In the Quinquennial Catalogue of the college, at the head of the list for 1647, stands Jonathan Mitchel, A. M.: Fellow. In that year, 1650, the second meeting-house was built on Watchhouse Hill. A very sad event in this pastorate was the declaration of Henry Dunster, president of the c
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, chapter 13 (search)
pling's Plain tales from the Hills. 1887. Matthew Arnold died. 1888. Bryce's The American Commonwealth. 1889. Browning died. 1892. Tennyson died. 1899. South African War. 1901. Queen Victoria died. American 1607. Landing at Jamestown. 1608. John Smith's True relation. 1620. Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 1620. William Bradford's Hitory of Plymouth plantation. 1626. George Sandys's Translation of the first fifteen books of Ovid's Metamorphoses. 1630-1648. John Winthrop's History of New England. 1640. The Bay Psalm book by Richard Mather, John Eliot, etc. 1640. (The first book printed in America.) 1647. Nathaniel Ward's The simple Cobbler of Agawam. 1650. Anne Bradstreet's The Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America. 1662. Michael Wigglesworth's The day of doom. 1664. New Amsterdam became New York. 1673-1729. Samuel Sewall's Diary. 1675. King Philip's War. 1682. Philadelphia founded by Penn. 1689. Cotton Mather's M
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), Some thynges of ye olden tyme. (search)
shroud were found, and a quantity of tansy which had been used as a disinfectant. Thus the work of goodman Orton again saw the light. One of the delicate matters in those days was the arranging of people and their names in the proper order. Not until 1773 were the names in the Harvard Catalogue placed in alphabetical order. The rank of the family to which the student belonged determined his place in the list. The first class starts in this way:-- Benjamin Woodbridge, A. M. Oxford 1648; S. T. D. Oxford. George Downing, Knight 1660, Baronet 1663; Ambass. to Netherlands from Cromwell to Charles II; M. P. Here we have the honors acquired by the sons added to those which they had inherited. In the meeting house, when the town was established in an orderly way, a proper regard was had to the position of the families and individuals. Often the house was finished by degrees. At first benches would be put in. Then some one who wished a place of his own would procure
illings per load. Provided, that there is liberty granted, until the 20th day of this present month, for the fetching home of what is already cut out; and after that whatever is found to be forfeit. Field-drivers were first elected in 1647: Gilbert Crackbone for the West field, Thomas Hall for the Pine-swamp field, Thomas Beale for the Town within the pales, and——Russell for the Neck of land. Commissioners to end small causes, Sealer of Leather, and Clerk of the Market, first elected in 1648. June 12, 1648. Upon the complaint of Edward Goffe against Richard Cutter for wrongful detaining of calves impounded by him of the said Edward Goffe's, wherein Samuell Eldred witnesseth:—Edward Goffe desired his calves of Richard Cutter, promising to pay all damages and cost as two men should apprehend to be right; but the said Richard Cutter denied to let him have them except he would take a course with his boy and promise they should never come there again; and a second time, being desi<
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
37, when through the prophesyings of Mrs. Hutchinson and others, the religious community was violently agitated, and the two parties, styling each other Antinomians and Legalists, were on the brink of civil war, a Synod, composed of all the teaching elders in the country and delegates from the several churches, assembled at Cambridge, and condemned eighty-two opinions adjudged erroneous. 2. In 1646, a second General Synod assembled at Cambridge, and after sundry adjournments was dissolved in 1648, having adopted a system of church discipline called The Cambridge Platform. It was built, however, of perishable materials, and although it had stood less than twenty years, it had fallen into decay; it would seem also that it was not sufficiently large. At first, it was proposed to repair the house with a four-square roof and covered with shingle, and Edward Goffe, Thomas Marrett, John Stedman, Robert Holmes, and Thomas Danforth, were appointed, Feb. 18, 1649-50, to superintend the repai
ommencement; conserning theire growth in the knowledge of the lattin toungue; and for their time they gave good satisfaction to myselfe and also to the honored and Reverent Overseers. Plym. Col. Rec., x. 217. Notwithstanding Mr. Corlett's well-earned fame, and his ability to teach both English and Indians, his school seems never to have been large, nor were the stated fees for tuition adequate for his support. The town had frequent occasion to supply the deficiency by special grant. In 1648, It was agreed at a meeting of the whole town, that there should be land sold of the common, for the gratifying of Mr. Corlett for his pains in keeping a school in the town, the sum of ten pounds, if it can be attained; provided it shall not prejudice the cow-common. Forty acres of land on the south side of the river were sold, for this purpose, to Mr. Edward Jackson. Again, Jan. 29, 1654-5, The town consented that twenty pounds should be levied upon the inhabitants, and given to Mr. Corlet
ans used, and of the encouraging results, is given by Eliot in a tract entitled, The Day-breaking if not the Sun-rising of the Gospel with the Indians in New England. printed at London, 1647, and reprinted in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, XXIV. 1-23. In this missionary work, Mr. Eliot was assisted by Rev. Thomas Shepard of Cambridge and others. In a tract entitled The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England, printed at London, 1648, Mr. Shepard says, As soone as ever the fiercenesse of the winter was past, March 3, 1647, I went out to Noonanetum to the Indian Lecture, where Mr. Wilson, Mr. Allen of Dedham, Mr. Dunster, beside many other Christians were present. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., XXIV. 41. At a later day, Mr. Eliot was assisted by his son John (H. C. 1656), by Daniel Gookin, son of General Gookin (H. C. 1669), and by others. For several years, the mission was successful beyond all reasonable expectation. The I
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