Browsing named entities in Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4.. You can also browse the collection for 1652 AD or search for 1652 AD in all documents.

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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of the Petersburg crater. (search)
you are wounded, General, aren't you? was the inquiry. My leg is shattered all to pieces, said he. Then you can't sit up, they urged; you'll have to lie down. Oh, no! exclaimed the general, it's only my cork leg that's shattered!--W. H. P. and 1652 men of the Ninth Corps were captured, the remainder retiring to our own lines, to which the enemy did not attempt to advance. In the engagements of the 17th and 18th of June, in order to obtain the position held by the Ninth Corps at the time oofficers to draw some of their men off at intervals for two or three days at a time. In the engagement of July 30th the four divisions of the Ninth Corps had 52 officers and 376 men killed; 105 officers and 1556 men wounded; and 87 officers and 1652 men captured,--total, 3828. Relics in the crater Museum. 1. Musket-barrel with bullet-hole at the muzzle. 2. Musket burst by two bullets meeting in the barrel, a bullet having entered the muzzle as the gun was discharged. 3. Musket struck b