Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for 1652 AD or search for 1652 AD in all documents.

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on it, to come as high as the great pine stump, and range with Mr. Pelham's fence next the high street into town. Besides the foregoing transactions of a general character, the Records show that, during this period, a new meeting-house was erected, and provisions made for the support of the Grammar school; both which subjects will be mentioned in another place. Measures were also adopted to convert the Shawshine territory to profitable use. No general division of the land was made before 1652; yet the Records indicate some grants to individuals, and the appropriation of one thousand acres for the good of the church. I quote again from the Town Records:—-- April 9, 1648. It was agreed at a general meeting, when the whole town had special warning to meet for the disposing of Shawshine, that there should be a farm laid out, of a thousand acres, to be for a public stock, and improved for the good of the church and that part of the church that here shall continue; and every person
s captain in 1643, and when a similar company was incorporated in Middlesex County, May 14, 1645, he was its first captain. Having performed faithfully many military and civil services here, He was a member and Speaker of the House of Deputies, and served on many of its important committees. he returned to England near the end of 1645, was a colonel in Cromwell's army, and sacrificed his life in the service of the Commonwealth, being reported to be slain in the wars in Ireland in the year 1652. Middlesex Court Files. Lieutenant Spencer was one of the corporate members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1638-9, in which year he removed to Connecticut, where, as well as here, he was an active and useful civil officer. Both here and in Connecticut he was a Deputy in the General Court. Ensign Shepard returned to England with Captain Cooke, being excused by the General Court in October, 1645, from further attendance as a member, being to go for England. He was a Majo
Roger Harlakenden, 1636-1638. Herbert Pelham, 1645-1649. Daniel Gookin, 1652-1675, 1677-1686. Thomas Danforth, 1659-1678. Councillors under the second 1641, 1643, 1645. John Bridge, 1635, 1637-1639, 1641– 1644, 1646, 1647, 1649, 1652. Clement Chaplin, 1635. Nicholas Danforth, 1635-1637. Thomas Hosmer, 161645. John Russell, 1642, 1643,.1648. Edward Oakes, 1642-1646, 1648, 1649, 1652, 1655, 1657-1664, 166-1668, 1670-1678. Herbert Pelham, 1645. Thomas Beale,th, 1645. Thomas Danforth, 1645-1669, 1671. John Cooper, 1646, 1648, 1650, 1652, 1654, 1656-1681, 1683, 1685-1690. Robert Holmes,* 1649, 1657, 1662. Roger55-1666. John Jackson,* 1650. Richard Robbins,* 1651, 1655. Thomas Fox, 1652, 1658, 1660-1662, 1664-1672, 1674, 1675. William Manning, 1652, 1666-1670, 161652, 1666-1670, 1672, 1675-1681, 1683. John Hastings,* 1653. Thomas Oakes,* 1653. Samuel Hyde,* 1653. Thomas Prentice,* 1654. Gilbert Crackbone,* 1656, 1663. Philip C
marriage contract is dated 11 Aug. 1640. He d. 1652, leaving an only son Samuel, b. about 1621. Hi 2. Daniel, s. of Thomas (1), of Camb., freeman 1652, of Chelmsford 1654, where his son Nathaniel wact. 1646; Margaret, b. 4 Jan. 1650-51; John, b. 1652, d. 1 Dec. 1673. John the f. d. 30 Aug. 1676, forth inherited the homestead, which he sold in 1652, and removed to the northerly side of Kirkland Roxbury, Selectman, Town Clerk, Representative 1652, 1655, and d. 26 Ap. 1668, a about 50, leaving zabeth Daniel 17 May 1655. He was of Camb. in 1652, when he purchased of John Betts land in Billerts. Richard, servant of John Betts, d. about 1652. Michael had a grant of land, 1683. Knowleshorne), was a butcher and the town drummer. In 1652 he purchased the homestead previously owned by estate was presented by Edward Mitchelson 6 Ap. 1652. Sill, John (otherwise written Scill, Syll,omas, was a Selectman of Dorchester 1642, 1644, 1652; rem. to Cambridge Village (now Newton) about 1[18 more...]
riner, but served as Constable (then a very important office) in 1635 and 1640, and Selectman in 1635. His w. Mary d. 19 Jan. 1639-40, and he m. wid. Reana James of Watertown about Aug. 1640; their marriage contract is dated 11 Aug. 1640. He d. 1652, leaving an only son Samuel, b. about 1621. His w. Reana m. Robert Daniel 2 May 1654, who d. 6 July 1655, and she then m. a fourth husband, Elder Edmund Frost, whom also she survived. The date of her death does not appear. 2. Samuel, s. of Wi 3 July 1656; he m. Anna Batt of Newbury 12 June 1657, who d. 3 Oct. 1688, a. 57. His children were John, b. 21 Aug. 1645, d. 2 Jan. 1647-8; Ruth, b. 28 Sept. 1647, m. Rev. Samuel Cheever of Marblehead; John, b. 22 Ap. 1649, d. young; Ephraim, b. 1652, d. unm. 16 Jan. 1678-9, a merchant; Samuel, b. 17 Mar. 1654 or 1655; John, b. 2 June 1656, d. 25 Jan. 1657-8; Edmund, b. 20 Sept. 1659, d. young; Anna, b. 9 Dec. 1660, d. unm. 23 Jan. 1690-1; Mary, bap. 10 May 1663, d. young; John, bap. 15 May
ompson, 15 Feb. 1643-4, and d. 10 Feb. 1660-61. 2. Daniel, s. of Thomas (1), of Camb., freeman 1652, of Chelmsford 1654, where his son Nathaniel was b. 22 Oct. 1664, and d. 27 Oct. 1666; his w. Martertown, 4 Feb. 1636-7, but removed to Cambridge Farms (Lexington) about 1650, and d. 26 Jan. 1681-2. His chil. were Francis, b. 1630; Mary, bur. 1 Jan. 1637-8; Joanna, bur. 20 Nov. 1638; Dorcas, b, and Boutaile), by w. Margaret, had Mary, b. 26 Oct. 1646; Margaret, b. 4 Jan. 1650-51; John, b. 1652, d. 1 Dec. 1673. John the f. d. 30 Aug. 1676, a. about 60 his w. Margaret was living in 1689. Ma63. Bradshaw, Humphrey (elsewhere written Bradsheere, Bredsha, and Bredshew), was in Camb. in 1652, and received his dividend of the Shawshine lands. By his w. Patience, dau. of Geo. Bowers, he hd there. He was early elected Deacon of the Church; was Selectman twelve years, between 1635 and 1652; Representative four years, from 1637 to 1641; and frequently employed in the settlement of estat
irst train-band in Camb.; became a member of the Artillery Co. in 1638, and its Captain in 1643; and when a similar company was incorporated in Middlesex, 14 May 1645, he was placed at the head of it. He was one of the Commissioners and Commander-in-chief of the expedition sent to Rhode Island, in 1643, to apprehend Samuel Gorton and his company. He returned to England about the end of 1645, became a Colonel in Cromwell's army, and was reported to be slain in the wars in Ireland, in the year 1652. (Mid. Court Files.) By his w. Alice he had, in Camb., Elizabeth, b. 27 Mar. 1640, d. July 1640; Thomas, b. 19 June 1642, d. 16 July 1642; Elizabeth, b. 21 Aug. 1644, m., in England, Rev. John Quick of London; Mary, b. 15 Aug. 1646, m., in England, Samuel Annesley, Esq., of Westminster; both the last named daughters were living in 1697, when they were prosecuting a suit for the possession of property formerly belonging to their father. The dau. Mary was not born until after her father retur
Elizabeth, b. 17 Feb 1664-5, m. Francis Foxcroft, 3 Oct. 1682, and d. 4 July 1721; Bethia, b. 21 June 1667, d. 21 Sept. 1668. Thomas the f. d. 5 Nov. 1699, a. 77; his w. Mary d. 26 Mr. 1697. Mr. Danforth inherited the homestead, which he sold in 1652, and removed to the northerly side of Kirkland Street near Oxford Street, where a number of elm trees recently marked the location of his house. Connected with his house he had about 120 acres of land, including nearly the whole lying between thew England about 1630, and settled at Roxbury. He was a merchant, Representative, 1635, and d. 25 Jan. 1653-4. By his w. Margaret, who d. 3 Feb. 1645-61, he had in England, Daniel; Edward, resided in Roxbury, Selectman, Town Clerk, Representative 1652, 1655, and d. 26 Ap. 1668, a about 50, leaving five daughters who married, and an only son, William, who grad. at H. C. 1681, was many years Town Clerk, Representative more than twenty years, and d., leaving a widow but no children, 22 Mar. 1718,
F. Fanning, Thomas, m. Elizabeth Daniel 17 May 1655. He was of Camb. in 1652, when he purchased of John Betts land in Billerica. He d. in Wat. 30 Aug. 1685, leaving wid. Elizabeth, and children, Mary, w. of Benoni Larned, Elizabeth, and Sarah. His w. Elizabeth d. 27 Jan. 1722, a. 92. Farrabas, Daniel, m. Rebecca Perriman 27 Mar. 1660; she d. 1 May 1677 in Camb., and he m. Deborah Rideat 22 May 1679. He had in Camb. Daniel, b. 20 Nov. 1664; Thomas, b. 7 Mar. 1666-7; Elizabeth, b. 26 Mar. 1669; in Concord, Rebecca, b. 15 Feb. 1672; Samuel, b.——and in Marlborough, John b. 1681; Isaac, b. 30 Oct. 1682; Jonathan, b. 12 Mar. 1684. Daniel the f. d in Oct. 1687. This name subsequently underwent various transformations, becoming Farrowbush in 1688, and Forbush in 1693, at Marlborough, and afterwards Forbes at Westborough. Fassett, Joseph, owned land at the Farms, 1699. He was prob. the same who m. Mary, dau. of William Munroe, and had Joseph, b. 6 Dec. 1701. 2. Joseph, s
d was buried 2 Aug. 1647; and in Camb., Daniel, b. 8 Ap. 1649, d. 3 Sept. 1649; Daniel, b. 12 July 1650; Samuel, b. 22 Ap. 1652; Solomon, b. 20 June and d. 16 July 1654; Nathaniel, b. 22 Oct. 1656. His w. Mary d. after 4 Oct. 1681, and he m. Hannah,Selectman, from 1660 to 1672; Representative 1649, 1651, in which last year he was Speaker of the House; an Assistant from 1652 to 1686 excepting 1676, in which the prejudice against the Praying Indians, whom he befriended, prevented his election. He was elected Captain of the Cambridge band, or military company, before 1652, and was described by Johnson as a Kentish soldier, a very forward man to advance martial discipline, and. withal the truths of Christ. He became Major of the Middlesex Red, Mr. Green found some leisure for civil and military duties. He was Town Clerk, 1694-1697, and Clerk of the Writs, from 1652 until a late period if not to the end of life. He had a passion for military exercises. Promotion was not as rapid then