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rvening forests and came upon the rivers that flow into Albemarle Sound. The company was led by Roger Green, and his services were rewarded by the 1653. July. grant of a thousand acres, while ten thousand acres were offered to any hundred persons who would plant on the banks of the Roanoke, or on the south side of the Chowan and its tributary streams. Hening, i. 380, 381. These conditional grants seem not to have taken effect; yet the enterprise of Virginia did not flag; and Thomas Dew, 1656. Dec. once the speaker of the assembly, formed a plan for exploring the navigable rivers still further to the south, between Cape Hatteras and Cape Fear. Ibid. 422. How far this spirit of discovery led to immediate emigration, it is not possible to determine. The county of Nansemund had long abounded in non-conformists; Winthrop, II. 334. Johnson's Wonderw. Prov. B. III. c. XI. and it is certain the first settlements on Albemarle Sound were a result of spontaneous overflowings from
rchase, the Dec. proprietary of Delaware, from the Brandywine to Bombay Hook; and afterwards, under cessions from the natives, extended its jurisdiction to Cape Henlopen. But 1658, 1659. did a city ever govern a province with forbearance? The 1656, 1657 noble and right honorable lords, the burgomasters of Amsterdam, instituted a paralyzing commercial monopoly, and required of the colonists an oath of absolute obedience to all their past or future commands. But Maryland was free; Virginia gtion, which was to sweep Chap. XV.} Protestantism from the earth, did not spare their seclusion; mothers with infants were rolled down the rocks, and the bones of martyrs scattered on the Alpine mountains. Was there no asylum for the pious Wal- 1656 Dec 19. denses? The city of Amsterdam offered the fugitives a free passage to America, and a welcome reception was prepared in New Netherland Albany Records, IV. 223. Lambrechtsten, p. 65, without quoting his authority, says six hundred came
laware, opened widest regions to their canoes, and invited them to make their war-paths along the channels where New York and Pennsylvania are now perfecting the avenues of commerce. Becoming possessed of fire-arms by intercourse with the Dutch, they renewed their merciless, hereditary warfare with the Hurons; 1649. and, in the following years, the Eries, on the south 1653 to 1655 shore of the lake of which the name commemorates their existence, were defeated and extirpated. The Allegha- 1656 to 1672. ny was next descended, and the tribes near Pittsburg, probably of the Huron race, leaving no monument but a name to the Guyandot River of Western Virginia, were subjugated and destroyed. In the east and in the west, from the Kennebec to the Mississippi, the Abenakis as well as the Miamis and the remoter Illinois, could raise no barrier against the invasions of the Iroquois but by alliances with the French But the Five Nations had defied a prouder enemy. Chap XVII.} 1676 At the