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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), New York, (search)
of arms of New Amsterdam received from Holland......Dec. 8, 1654 Governor Stuyvesant sails to West Indies to establish trade......Dec. 24, 1654 Indian invasion......Sept. 15, 1655 Hoboken, Pavonia, and Staten Island laid waste, 100 killed, 150 made prisoners, $76,000 of property destroyed......Sept. 15-20, 1655 Governor returns; prompt measures for defence......Oct. 12, 1655 Prisoners ransomed from the Indians......Oct. 26, 1655 Settlement of Jamaica, Long Island......March, 1656 New church at Beaverwyck (Albany)......June, 1656 Proclamation against the Quakers......1657 [Any person entertaining a Quaker for a single night to be fined £ 50, one-half to the informer, and vessels bringing any Quaker into the province to be confiscated.] Village laid out at Esopus (Kingston)......May 31, 1658 French are obliged to abandon their colonizing efforts among the Iroquois after......1658 Massachusetts grants land to English colonists on the Hudson......165
rah d. 15 June 1644; by 2d w. Elizabeth, he had Elizabeth, b. 21 Sept. 1646; Sarah, b. 8 Aug. 1648, m. David Stone 31 Dec. 1674. Richard the f. removed to Chelmsford, where he d. about 1693, leaving w. Elizabeth, and children James, Ephraim, and others. Hill, Abraham, was an early inhabitant of that part of Charlestown which is now Maiden. By w. Sarah, he had Ruth, b. 2 June, 1640; Isaac, b. 29 Oct. 1641; Abraham, b. 1 Oct. 1643; Sarah,b. and d. Oct. 1649; Mary, b. May 1652; Jacob, b. Mar. 1656-7; and probably others. Abraham the f. d. at Malden 13 Feb. 1669-70. 2. Isaac, s. of Abraham (1), m. Hannah Hayward 1666; and was prob. the same who had, in Camb., Sarah, b. 5 Feb. 1677-8; His w. Hannah d. 25 Ap. 1679, and he m. Sarah Bicknall 12 Jan. 1679-80, by whom he had Moses, b. 27 Sept. 1680. Isaac the f. prob. returned to Malden, where Isaac and Sarah Hill had Abraham, b. 22 Mar. 1687-8. 3. Abraham, s. of Abraham (1), m. Hannah Stowe, Oct. 1666, and had, in Malden, Abraha
rah d. 15 June 1644; by 2d w. Elizabeth, he had Elizabeth, b. 21 Sept. 1646; Sarah, b. 8 Aug. 1648, m. David Stone 31 Dec. 1674. Richard the f. removed to Chelmsford, where he d. about 1693, leaving w. Elizabeth, and children James, Ephraim, and others. Hill, Abraham, was an early inhabitant of that part of Charlestown which is now Maiden. By w. Sarah, he had Ruth, b. 2 June, 1640; Isaac, b. 29 Oct. 1641; Abraham, b. 1 Oct. 1643; Sarah,b. and d. Oct. 1649; Mary, b. May 1652; Jacob, b. Mar. 1656-7; and probably others. Abraham the f. d. at Malden 13 Feb. 1669-70. 2. Isaac, s. of Abraham (1), m. Hannah Hayward 1666; and was prob. the same who had, in Camb., Sarah, b. 5 Feb. 1677-8; His w. Hannah d. 25 Ap. 1679, and he m. Sarah Bicknall 12 Jan. 1679-80, by whom he had Moses, b. 27 Sept. 1680. Isaac the f. prob. returned to Malden, where Isaac and Sarah Hill had Abraham, b. 22 Mar. 1687-8. 3. Abraham, s. of Abraham (1), m. Hannah Stowe, Oct. 1666, and had, in Malden, Abraha
lt by the City, 1873 Meridian st., completed and opened for travel, Dec. 1856 Rebuilt by the City, 1867 Mill, over the creek at Middle street, repaired, Apr. 3, 1652 Made for vessels to pass through, Dec., 1653 New railing built, Mar., 1656 Over the creek again repaired, Nov., 1698 Over the creek indicted as a nuisance, Aug. 28, 1792 Over the creek rebuilt with stone arches, 1818 Discontinued, creek filled; Blackstone st. built, 1833 Mt. Washington, built and opened, 1637 Dorothy Talbe, an insane woman, Dec. 10, 1638 James Britton and Mary Latham, for murder, Mar. 21, 1643 William Franklin, for murder, Apr. 8, 1644 Margaret Jones, for witchcraft, June 15, 1648 Anna Hibbins, for witchcraft, March, 1656 Robinson and Stephenson, Antimonians, Oct. 20, 1659 William Ledro, for being a Quaker, Mar. 16, 1659 Hanged Mary Dyer, for being a Quakeress, June 1, 1660 John Littlejohn, for murder, Sep. 22, 1675 About 30 Indian prisoners