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H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia., Chapter 11: army organization.—Artillery.—Its history and organization, with a brief Notice of the different kinds of Ordnance, the Manufacture of Projectiles, &c. (search)
anner as fire-balls. Smoke and suffocating balls are used to drive an enemy from galleries and mines. They are thrown by hand. The personnel of the French artillery was for a long time retained, together with the engineers, under the general direction of the Grand Master of cross-bows. In 1420 the master-general of artillery was made independent of the grand-master of cross-bows; but previous to the reign of Louis XIV., the artillery troops had no organization as a separate corps. In 1668 six companies of canoniers were created, and soon after two companies of bombardiers. In 1693 the first regiment of fusiliers was changed into a royal regiment of artillery, and both the canoniers and bombardiers were eventually incorporated with it. The staff of artillery, towards the close of this reign, was composed of one grand-master, sixty lieutenants, sixty commissaries, and eighty) oficiers-pointeurs. In 1721 the artillery was divided into five battal-ions and stationed at Metz, Stras
represented as at Medford:-- George Felt1633. James Noyes1634. Richard Berry1636. Thomas Mayhew1636. Benjamin Crisp1636. James Garrett1637. John Smith1638. Richard Cooke1640. Josiah Dawstin1641. ----Dix1641. Ri. Dexter1644. William Sargent1648. James Goodnow1650. John Martin1650. Edward Convers1650. Goulden Moore1654. Robert Burden1655. Richard Russell1656. Thos. Shephard1657. Thos. Danforth1658. Thomas Greene1659. James Pemberton1659. Joseph Hills1662. Jonathan Wade1668. Edward Collins1669. John Call1669. Daniel Deane1669. Samuel Hayward1670. Caleb Brooks1672. Daniel Markham1675. John Whitmore1678. John Greenland1678. Daniel Woodward1679. Isaac Fox1679. Stephen Willis1680. Thomas Willis1680. John Hall1680. Gersham Swan1684. Joseph Angier1684. John Bradshaw1685. Stephen Francis1685. Peter Tufts1686. Jonathan Tufts1690. John Tufts1690. Simon Bradstreet1695. The following owned lands in Medford before 1680:-- William Dady.Increase N
the inhabitants of Medford voted £ 10 to buy powder for their defence against the Indians. Every person enlisting in the troop is required to have a good horse, and be well fitted with saddle, &c.; and, having listed his horse, he shall not put him off without the consent of his captain. The powder and balls belonging to the town were not deposited always in the same place; and, March 3, 1746, Voted that Captain Samuel Brooks shall have the keeping of the town's stock of ammunition. 1668: This year the Court took a step which was not popular. They resolved to exercise the power which they thought they possessed; viz., of nominating all the military officers. The taking away of so considerable a part of their so long-enjoyed liberty met with decided opposition; and, when our Medford company was organized, the town did not allow the Court to nominate the officers. Up to this time, we hear little of musters; and we presume that large assemblies of soldiers at one place were
er, 1 mo. 6, 1677-8. 1-2John Hall was of Concord, 1658. He m., 4 mo. 2, 1656, Elizabeth Green, of Camb., dau. of Percival and Ellen Green. John was of Camb., 1667 to 1675. He bought lands at Medford, June 27, 1675, of Caleb Hobart, which he mortgaged to him the same day as security, and redeemed May 2, 1881, for two hundred and sixty pounds. His children were--  2-9Elizabeth, b. 18, 7 mo., 1658; m. John Oldham.  10John, b. 13, 10 mo., 1660.  11Nathaniel, b. 7, 5 mo., 1666.  12Mary, b. 1668; m. John Bradshaw.  13Stephen, b. 1670.  14Percival, b. Feb. 11, 1672.  15Susanna.  16Jonathan, b. 1677.  17Sarah, b. 1679.  18Thomas. 1-4Stephen Hall was of Concord; afterwards (in 1685) of Stow, of which latter place he was representative in 1689. He m., Dec. 3, 1663, Ruth Davis, and had--  4-19Samuel, b. Dec. 8, 1665.  20Ruth, b. Jan. 12, 1670.  21Mary, b. June 1, 1677.  22Elizabeth, b. Apr. 7, 1685. 1-5William Hall, m., 18, 8mo., 1658, Sarah Meriam, of Concord, where h
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Carr, Sir Robert 1664-1667 (search)
Carr, Sir Robert 1664-1667 Commissioner; born in Northumberland, England. In 1664 he was appointed, with Sir Richard Nicolls (q. v.) and others, on a commission to regulate the affairs of New England, and to take possession of New Netherland (q. v.). The commission came on a fleet which had been fitted out to operate against the Dutch settlers on the Hudson. Carr and Nichols gained possession of New Netherland Aug. 27, 1664, and named it New York in honor of the Duke of York. On Sept. 24 of the same year Fort Orange surrendered to the English, and was renamed Albany. In February, 1665, Carr and his associates went to Boston, but the colonists there declined to recognize them, as did also the towns in New Hampshire. In Maine, however, the commissioners were well received, and a new government was established in that colony, which lasted from 1666 to 1668. He died in Bristol, England, June 1, 1667.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colonial settlements. (search)
ents were immediately begun there, in addition to some already made by the Swedes within the domain. Unsuccessful attempts to settle in the region of the Carolinas had been made before the English landed on the shores of the James River. Some settlers went into North Carolina from Jamestown, between the years 1640 and 1650, and in 1663 a settlement in the northern part of North Carolina had an organized government, and the country was named Carolina, in honor of Charles II., of England. In 1668 the foundations of the commonwealth of State of North Carolina (q. v.) were laid at Edenton. In 1670 some people from Barbadoes sailed into the harbor of Charleston and settled on the Ashley and Cooper rivers (see State of South Carolina). The benevolent General Oglethorpe, commiserating the condition of the prisoners for debt, in England, conceived the idea of founding a colony in America with them. The government approved the project, and, in 1732, he landed, with emigrants, on the site o
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dablon, Claude, 1618-1697 (search)
Dablon, Claude, 1618-1697 Jesuit missionary; born in Dieppe, France, in 1618; began a mission to the Onondaga Indians in New York in 1655, and six years afterwards he accompanied Druillettes in an overland journey to the Hudson Bay region. In 1668 he went with Marquette to Lake Superior, and in 1670 was appointed superior of the missions of the Upper Lakes. He prepared the Relations concerning New France for 1671-72, and also a narrative of Marquette's journey, published in John Gilmary Shea's Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi Valley (1853). He died in Quebec, Canada, Sept. 20; 1697.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davenant, Sir William, 1605-1668 (search)
Davenant, Sir William, 1605-1668 Dramatist and poet; born in Oxford, England, in 1605; son of an innkeeper, at whose house Shakespeare often stopped while on his journeys between Stratford and London, and who noticed the boy. Young Davenant left college without a degree. Shoving much literary talent, he was encouraged in writing plays by persons of distinction, and on the death of Ben Jonson in 1637 he was made poet-laureate. He adhered to the royal cause during the civil war in England, and escaped to France, where he became a Roman Catholic. After the death of his King he projected (1651) a colony of French people in Virginia, the only American province that adhered to royalty, and, with a vessel filled with French men, women, and children, he sailed for Virginia. The ship was captured by a parliamentary cruiser, and the passengers were landed in England, where the life of Sir William was spared, it is believed, by the intervention of John Milton, the poet, who was Cromwel
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davenport, John, 1597-1670 (search)
Davenport, John, 1597-1670 Colonist; born in Coventry, England, in 1597. Educated at Oxford, he entered the ministry of the Established Church. He finally became a Non-conformist, was persecuted, and retired to Holland, where he engaged in secular teaching in a private school. He returned to London and came to America in June, 1637, where he was received with great respect. The next year he assisted in founding the New Haven colony, and was one of the chosen seven pillars (see New Haven). He concealed Goffe and Whalley, two of the regicides, in his house, and by his preaching induced the people to protect them from the King's commissioners sent over to arrest them (regicides). In 1668 he was ordained minister of the first church in Boston, and left New Haven. He was the author of several controversial pamphlets, and of A discourse about Civil government in a New plantation. He died in Boston, March 15, 1670.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Day, or Daye, Stephen 1611-1668 (search)
Day, or Daye, Stephen 1611-1668 The first printer in the English-American colonies; born in London in 1611; went to Massachusetts in 1638, and was employed to manage the printing-press sent out by Rev. Mr. Glover. He began printing at Cambridge in March, 1639. He was not a skilful workman, and was succeeded in the management, about 1648, by Samuel Green, who employed Day as a journeyman. He died at Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 22, 1668.
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