Browsing named entities in Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739.. You can also browse the collection for 1675 AD or search for 1675 AD in all documents.

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others, until in 1716, threescore and ten years after the commencement of his labors, there was no church, and but few Indians were resident there. From 1637 to 1675, the Indians gave little or no trouble to the Massachusetts settlers; but on the 24th of June of the latter year they opened the terrible King Philip's war by attalatter town, Captain Richard Beers, Captain Richard Beers was an original proprietor, admitted Freeman March 16, 1636-7: Selectman most of the time from 1644 to 1675; Representative thirteen years, 1663-75. He was a grantee of seven lots, including twenty-five acres in 1st Great Dividend. His homestall was near Fresh Pond. H75. He was a grantee of seven lots, including twenty-five acres in 1st Great Dividend. His homestall was near Fresh Pond. He also purchased another on the south side of Mount Auburn Street, west of the old burying ground. He was for many years a licensed innholder.—Bond. of Watertown, was making ready to come to its relief. He and Captain Lothrop had been sent to Brookfield with their companies, from Boston, August 7th. On the 4th of September, as