Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for 1691 AD or search for 1691 AD in all documents.

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er Goodwin16 acres. 1684, Dec. 13.Bought of Isaac Johnson1 cow-common. 1685, June 20.Bought of Wm. Dady3 cow-commons. 1687, April 21.Bought of Wm. Dady3 acres. 1691, Oct. 5.Bought of Wm. Dady4 cow-commons. 1693, Aug. 20.Bought of J. Frost10 1/2 acres. 1694, May 17.Bought of J. Lynde8 3/4 acres. 1694, May 18.Bought of T. Croohn Blaney7 acres.    Including the cow-commons, about835 acres. During this time, they sold as follows:-- 1680, Jan. 30.To S. Grove, in Malden20 acres. 1691, Feb. 22.To Jonathan Tufts, brick-yards39 acres. 1697, Jan. 10.To Jonathan Wade, in Medford12 1/2 acres. Mr. Peter Tufts, born in England, 1617, was the fathdlesex, ss.--At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, holden at Charlestown, Jan. 23, 1694. Whereas, there was an order of the General Court, in the year 1691, referring to the settlement of Mistick Bridge to the County Court of Middlesex, the said Court ordering the repairing of said bridge to be by the respective towns
casion. As the history of this gentleman's ministerial connection with the town of Medford will let us into some clear knowledge, not only of the taste and temper of our ancestors, but of their faith and wisdom, we shall here give a few details. Mr. Woodbridge was the son of Rev. John Woodbridge, of Andover. He was ordained, March 18, 1670, over the Presbyterian party in Windsor, Conn. He left Windsor, and preached at Bristol, R. I. He left Bristol, and preached at Kittery, Maine. In 1691, he resided in Portsmouth, N. H. In 1698, lie began to officiate in Medford. The subject of the church and the ministry being the paramount topic in our early times, we may not wonder if we find in it traditional enthusiasm and Protestant Popery. Our fathers found some ministers to be mere church-clocks, for ticking the seconds and striking the hours; but whether they found Mr. Woodbridge such a one, or a whip of fire, the following history will disclose. He seemed to preach so accepta
first settlers of Medford for the burial of the dead are not positively known. Whether from unwillingness to follow England's example, in providing expensive and well-secured graveyards, or from their inability to do so, we cannot say; but the fact is clear, that such provisions for the dead were not made. The oldest gravestones in the present graveyard, near Gravelly Bridge, were brought from England, and are remarkable for their width, thickness, and weight. The oldest bears the date of 1691. It may be that some of our gardens are cemeteries, and that from human soil we gather our daily bread, while the spade and ploughshare lacerate the relics of our ancestors. March 20, 1705: Put to vote, whether the selectmen shall discourse Mr. Dudley Wade, referring to the proposals made this meeting by Stephen Willis, jun., in said Wade's behalf, respecting the burying-place in Medford, and make return thereof to the town at the next town's meeting. Voted in the affirmative. It doe
es, at Maresfield, in the county of Sussex, some seventy miles from London. It is believed that the only persons now living of that name can be traced back to this common stock. In England, the most distinguished bearer of this name was Richard Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells. He was born in 1633, at East Grinstead, the birthplace of the American emigrant, whose kinsman he was. He was Rector of St. Martin's, London; Prebend of Norwich, 1681; Dean of Peterborough, 1689; and Bishop of Bath, 1691. He was killed, during the great gale of Nov. 27, 1703, by the fall of a chimney on the bishop's palace at Wells, which crushed him and his wife while at prayers. His daughter, Ann, died unmarried; and her only sister, Susanna, married Sir Richard Everard, one of the early governors of South Carolina, and has numerous descendants alive in that State. The pedigree of the American branch, in the direct line, is: Richard Kidder (1) was living at Maresfield, 1492; his son, Richard (2), d. 15