Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904. You can also browse the collection for 1691 AD or search for 1691 AD in all documents.

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in those days of re-naming children for the elders of the family makes it difficult to trace a direct line, but it also goes to prove in this instance a kinship, since all of the Mallet emigrants to this country bear the same Christian names. There were several Mallets who fled to America about the same time and settled in different localities. We are told that David Mallet, who, with his five sons, held a position of prominence in the army of Louis XIV., fled to England, and died there in 1691. One son was broken on the wheel, another established himself as a physician in Yorkshire, Eng. A third went to Germany, and we hear of a David Mallet, of Rouen, and later hat manufacturer in Berlin in 1685, who was probably one of these five sons. The fourth son, John, came to America, bringing with him a brother and a nephew named Peter. This John was a ship carpenter, so tradition says, and probably escaped from Lyons, France. He was a man of considerable wealth, and succeeded in bringi
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904, Charlestown School in the 17th century. (search)
on to be given to sd schoolmaster.’ March 8. ‘Agreed that Mr. Samuel Phipps & Lt. Eleazer Phillips go to Cambridge or elsewhere & inform themselves by the best advice they can get of a suitable person for a schoolmaster, & if they see meet to agree with one, this to be done with all expedition.’ This unseemly haste is explained, perhaps, by a reference in Hutchinson Collection, page 553. Frothingham says, page 214, ‘So watchful were the public authorities of the common schools that in 1691 Charlestown was presented to the county court for its neglect, while it was in search of a competent teacher, and only saved itself from a penalty by a quick bargain.’ May 22, 1700. ‘According to vote in March the selectmen and committee agreed with Mr. Thomas Swan to keep the school in this Towne, to teach children belonging to this towne Lattin, writeing, scifering, & to perfect them in Reading English, & forthwith to enter upon said work & continue for the space of one whole yeare
Historic leaves, volume 2, April, 1903 - January, 1904, Charlestown Schools in the 18th century. (search)
the term. A list of those accredited to Charlestown, who graduated from Harvard College previous to 1701, may prove interesting. (From Bartlett's Address, 1813.) Comfort Starr, 1647,Nathaniel Cutler, 1663, Samuel Nowell, 1653,Alexander Nowell, 1664, Joshua Long, 1653 (?),Daniel Russell, 1669, Thomas Greaves, 1656,Isaac Foster, 1671, Zechariah Symmes, 1657,Samuel Phipps, 1671, Zechariah Brigden, 1657,Nicholas Morton, 1686, Benjamin Bunker, 1658,Nicholas Lynde, 1690, Joseph Lord, 1691. A personal examination of the town records shows that from the opening of this century, almost without exception thereafter, the inhabitants of Charlestown, in town meeting assembled, discussed the welfare of the school and voted the annual appropriation for the same. Thus they were building, better, perhaps, than they knew, for upon foundations, similarly well laid, has risen, slowly but surely, the magnificent structure of our present school system. March 1, 1702-3. ‘Voted that the