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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 131 131 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 37 37 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 29 29 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 21 21 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 18 18 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 7 7 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 7 7 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 6 6 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 5 5 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 4 4 Browse Search
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y by its general air of comfort, cleanliness, and thrift. Opposite the upper portion of the city the river flows between lofty hills over a rocky bed, which breaks it into innumerable cascades, murmuring in the stillness of the night a perpetual lullaby to the inhabitants. In the immediate centre of the town is a pretty little park, with several fine statues, some trumpery fountains, and a grove of umbrageous lindens, surrounding the Capitol, a large building of brick and stucco, erected in 1785, which looks noble in the distant view, but is mean and paltry upon near approach. The streets are long and straight, intersecting each other, with few exceptions, at right angles, and shaded throughout the larger part of the city's limits by native trees, the maple and tulip-poplar predominating. Pleasant dwellings, with porticoes and trellised verandahs, embowered in gardens, crowned the hills-dwellings that still remain to render more painful by contrast the ruin caused by the great con
ol, picturesque from the river, but grimly dirty on close inspection. It is a plain, quadrangular construction, with Grecian pediment and columns on its south front and broad flights of steps leading to its side porticoes. Below were the halls of the legislature, now turned over to the Confederate States Congress; and in the small rotunda connecting them stood Houdon's celebrated statue of Washington-a simple but majestic figure in marble, ordered by Dr. Franklin from the French sculptor in 1785 of which Virginians are justly proud. In the cool, vaulted basement were the State officials; and above the halls the offices of the governor and the State library. That collection, while lacking many modern works, held some rare and valuable editions. It was presided over by the gentlest and most courteous litterateur of the South. Many a bedeviled and ambitious public man may still recall his quiet, modest aid, in strong contrast to the brusquerie and insolence of office, too much the g
action of like character, wherein Virginia and North Carolina were honorably conspicuous. Most of the States, accordingly, prohibited the Slave-Trade during or soon after the Revolution. Throughout the war for independence, the Rights of Man were proclaimed as the great objects of our struggle. General Gates, the hero of Saratoga, emancipated his slaves in 1780. The first recorded Abolition Society--that of Pennsylvania--was formed in 1774. The New York Manumission Society was founded in 1785: John Jay was its first President; Alexander Hamilton its second. Rhode Island followed in 1786; Maryland in 1789; Connecticut in 1790; Virginia in 1791; New Jersey in 1792. The discovery that such societies were at war with the Federal Constitution, or with the reciprocal duties of citizens of the several States, was not made till nearly forty years afterward. These Abolition Societies were largely composed of the most eminent as well as the worthiest citizens. Among them were, in Marylan
Ebenezer Brooks1724. John Bradshaw1725. Ebenezer Brooks1726. Stephen Hall1730. Thomas Hall1732. John Hall1733. Stephen Hall1734. John Willis1736. John Hall1737. Benjamin Willis1738. John Hall1739. Benjamin Willis1740. Simon Tufts1742. John Hall1743. Benjamin Willis1744. Samuel Brooks1745. Benjamin Willis1746. Jonathan Watson1749. Samuel Brooks1750. Isaac Royal1755. Zachariah Poole1762. Isaac Royal1763. Stephen Hall1764. Isaac Royal1765. Benjamin Hall1773. Willis Hall1785. Thomas Brooks1788. Willis Hall1789. Ebenezer Hall1790. Richard Hall1794. John Brooks1796. Ebenezer Hall1798. John Brooks1803. Caleb Brooks1804. Jonathan Porter1808. Nathan Waite1810. Nathaniel Hall1812. Luther Stearns1813. Jeduthan Richardson1821. Nathan Adams1822. Turell Tufts1823. Joseph Swan1826. Dudley Hall1827. Turell Tufts1828. John Howe1829. John B. Fitch1830. John King1831. John Symmes, jun1832. Thomas R. Peck1834. Galen James1836. James O. Curtis1837. Galen
rooks1704. Thomas Willis1705. Stephen Willis1708. Thomas Tufts1714. Peter Tufts1715. Thomas Tufts1718. John Bradshaw1722. Samuel Brooks1723. John Allfordchosen1726. Benjamin Willis1730. William Willis1735. John Hall1741. William Willis1742. Andrew Hall1744. Stephen Hall1751. Samuel Brooks1762. Stephen Hall1763. Benjamin Hall1770. Simon Tufts1772. Benjamin Hall1775. Thomas Brooks1776. T. Brooks, (under the Constitution)1780. Thomas Brooks1781. Aaron Hall1782. John Brooks1785. James Wyman1787. Thomas Brooks1788. Ebenezer Hall1789. Nathaniel Hall1800. Timothy Bigelow1808. Dudley Hall1813. Abner Bartlett1815. Turell Tufts1824. Thatcher Magoun1825. John B. Fitch1826. John Sparrell1831. Thomas R. Peck1833. Frederick A. Kendall1834. Timothy Cotting1834. John King1835. James O. Curtis1836. George W. Porter1837. Lewis Richardson1838. Leonard Bucknam1838. Alexander Gregg1840. Thatcher R. Raymond1843. Gorham Brooks1846. Joseph P. Hall1847. Thatcher
front of a brigade, and there go through with their examinations and reviews: when they came to the Medford Light Infantry, they would all stop, and go through the same examinations and reviews which belonged to a brigade. This was any thing but agreeable to the reviewing officers and to the soldiers of the regular brigades. Few only of these companies remain in commission. The Boston and Salem Cadets are yet flourishing. In 1840, the question of the companies, organized under the law of 1785, taking the right of brigades, came up again, and was decided against the divisionary corps; and they are now subject to the rules and regulations that are already provided for the general government of the militia. Major-General Brooks certified to the Governor, in 1786, that he thought it expedient that a divisionary corps should be raised in his division; and, as the Medford Light Infantry had united in petitioning for organization, the petition was granted, and the organization took pl
At a later date, say 1750, bricks were made on land directly north of Dr. Tufts's house. The steep bank now in front of Mr. George W. Porter's house marks the place. This land, called Brick-yard Pasture, was owned by Rev. Matthew Byles, of Boston, and sold by him to Dr. Simon Tufts, March 26, 1761. Nov. 14, 1774, the town passed the following vote: That this town does disapprove of any bricks being carried to Boston till the committees of the neighboring towns shall consent to it. In 1785, Stephen Hall willed the brick-yards now in the occupation of Thomas Bradshaw, and Samuel Tufts, jun. About this time, Captain Caleb Blanchard and his brother Simon made bricks in a yard near Mr. Cradock's house, in the eastern part of the town; and afterwards in a yard on land opposite the Malden Alms-house, just on the borders of East Medford. The bricks used for the construction of the six tombs first built in the old burying-ground were made in a yard owned by Thomas Brooks, Esq. That
ocure the engine and receive the subscriptions. This resulted in the purchase of an engine called the Grasshopper, which was placed near the market. This engine was removed to the West End, April 1, 1799 (when another had been obtained), and was kept in the barn attached to the Angier house. It is yet in existence, and is sometimes employed in pumping water into vessels. March 11, 1765: For the first time, nine fire-wards and twelve engine-men were appointed by vote of the town. In 1785, some gentlemen associated themselves under the name of the Medford Amicable fire Society, with the motto, Amicis nobisque. Twenty-four members only were allowed; and they solemnly engage to govern themselves by the nine regulations which they adopted. These regulations embrace all the common provisions for choice of officers and transaction of business which such an association would require. The third provides that each member shall keep constantly in good order, hanging up in some
, and kept as a tavern, by Eben. Hills, stood in the market-place. This year, it was purchased by Mr. Jonathan Porter, and kept by him as a tavern and a store, and was a favorite resort for British and Hessian officers during the Revolution. In 1785, Mr. Porter took down the house, discontinued the tavern, and built his private residence and store on the spot where they continue to this day. 1775.--Before the battle of Bunker Hill, General Stark fixed his Headquarters at Medford, in the ho with tar, were the imflammable materials used to express the jubilation. The first register of deeds in Middlesex County chosen, Dec. 20, 1784. There was but one candidate,--William Winthrop, Esq.,--who received seventeen votes in Medford. 1785.--Aunt Jenny Watts, of Medford, carried baked puddings and beans, on horseback, in market-baskets, to Cambridge College twice each week, and would retail her load only to undergraduates! She sold the best of articles, at the lowest prices, and wa
of a weaver's shop. Here he worked, and grew comparatively rich. His grandson told us, that, in 1785, the stream that fed the mill failed; and that he then removed the mill and shop, and filled up tuth, b. 1780; d. Nov. 27, 1806.  90Hannah b. 1781.  91Rebecca, b. May 14, 1784.  92Abigail, b. 1785; d. Aug. 26, 1808.  93John, b. 1788; d. 1827.  94Jacob, b. Feb. 17, 1790.  95Susan, b. Nov. 14s a clergyman. 51-115 g.Josiah Hall, of Sutton, was a captain in the revolutionary army. He m., 1785, Mary Marble, and had--  115 g.-216 h. Oliver, b. Dec. 1, 1785;for many years town-clerk of Soved this latter to Boston the next year. He published the Salem Gazette again, in 1781; and, in 1785, the Massachusetts Gazette. In 1789, he opened a book-store in Boston, which he sold to Lincoln 0Asa Alford, m. Miss Gilman. 66-110Joseph Tufts m. Abigail Tufts, and had--  110-171Abigail, b. 1785.  172Joseph, b. 1783; m. Helen Whittemore.  173Lydia, b. 1786; d. 1808.  174Bernard, b. 17
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