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9 Sept. 1804; Martha, bapt. 21 Sept. 1805, d. 28 Apr. 1806, a. 8 mos.; Horatio, bap. 11 Oct. 1807; Martha, bap. 21 June, 1812, d. 3 Nov. 1812, a. 6 mos.; Addison, bap. 10 July, 1814. Martha, wf. of Peter, Jr., d. 9 Sept. 1815, a. 36. He m. (second) Anna (Cutter) Benjamin—see Cutter (par. 24)— Book of the Lockes, 163. Eliza, a sister of Peter, Jr., was adm. Pct. ch. 10 Oct. 1813, and dism. to 2d ch. in Medford in >Mar. 1827. Lucretia, another sister, adm. Pct. ch. 8 Sept. 1816, d. 1 July, 1819, a. 22. Sally of Chas., another sister, m. Amos Locke, of W. Camb., 21 Oct. 1813. See Wyman's Chas., 965, 966, also 972, for this family. Peter Tufts, Jr., Esq., was an eminent surveyor. 4. Stephen, m. Lucy Frost 9 Dec. 1798. Stephen, prob. he, d. 10 Apr. 1826. His son Otis, d. 4 Sept. 1803, a. 18 mos. Stephen's child, d. 19 Feb. 1813, a. 2; another, d. 1819, a. 10; another, d. 1822, a. 4. Stephen Tufts was sexton of the First W. Camb. Parish for several years. 5. John, m. R<
sent here, and exerted himself ably in resisting the compromises offered. The result all know. He has been a leader in the cause of the South, and deserves a place in the picture. As a man of clear head, good judgment, systematic and laborious in his habits, with undoubted nerve, spirit, energy, and will, we cannot help thinking he is an excellent selection for the Department of War at the present juncture. Secretary of the Navy. Hon. John Perkins, Jr., was born in Louisiana, July 1, 1819. In 1840 he graduated at Yale College, and subsequently at the Law School of Harvard College. He began the practice of his profession in New Orleans. In 1851 he was chosen a Judge of the Circuit Court of Louisiana, which position he held until elected to Congress in 1858, where he advocated State-Rights Democratic measures. Since 1855 he has devoted himself to planting in his native State. The post of Secretary of the Navy to the Confederate States is a post requiring prompt energy an