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The Daily Dispatch: may 2, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Unsuccessful incubation of the python. (search)
m the Nassau Guardian, April 19th.] We are informed that the iron steamship British Queen, commander Harrison, hitherto employed as a passenger vessel between Liverpool and Havre, is advertised to leave England this day (April 19th) for New York, en route for Nassau, to supply the place of the Karnak.She is said to be a vessel of the same class, but of greater speed, averaging eleven knots per hour. The tonnage of the unfortunate Karnak was about 593½, She was built at Dunbarton in 1831, by W. Danny Brothers, and her engines were furnished by Tulles & Denny. She was engaged in the transport service during the Crimean war. She still lies midway between the point of Hog Island and Toney beacon, nearly upright Since the disaster the crew have been engaged in dismantling her. We notices about five and a half feet of water in her hold this morning. We learn from an officer of H. M. S. Bulldog, (the return of which from Rum Cay we announced on Wednesday last,) that when this
features in their full and hideous proportions. If there is anything like it in the history of the whole world. we are not aware of it. Augustus positioned out the fairest portions of Lombardy among his legions, and the peaceful inhabitants were compelled to leave their country; but he provided other settlements for them, in which they could set up their household gods anew, and become in time reconciled to the loss they had sustained. When the Emperor Nicholas subdued the Polish revolt of 1831, he tore vast numbers of the Poise from their homes; but he gave them a place in Siberia — a place dreary enough, it is true, and rendered more dreary by contrast with the pleasant places of Poland. Still, it was a home — a spot which the exile could, at least, call by that endearing title — a bit of dry land in the wilderness of bitter waters, on which he could rest the soles of his wearied feet. But for the Southern people no such spot is reserved. If Yankee prowess can effect it, they a<
hn Taylor Lomax' whose lamented death we have lately chronicled, never graced Virginia in her best days. He was born on the 19th of January, 1781; studied the profession of law, and obtained the first rank in the courts in which he practiced. In 1812 he joined the army and hold the rank of Colonel till the close of the war. At the solicitation of Ex-President Jefferson; he was appointed Professor of Law at the Virginia University, a post which he filled with signal honor and usefulness. In 1831, he was appointee, Judge of the Fredericksburg Circuit, and a few years thereafter was made Doctor of Laws by St. John's College at Annapolis, His legal works, published about this time, received the highest recommendations from the jurists of the old Union. He was thrice elected to the office of Judge, and for more than twenty-five years wore the judicial ermine with a dignity, ability, and reputation rarely equalled. An honor almost unexampled was paid to him by the Virginia State Convent
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1862., [Electronic resource], Battle between Floyd and the enemy in Kentucky. (search)
was, therefore, the only way the Allies had left to get rid of the question. But, that the inhabitants did not like Holland, and did like France is evident from the fact that as soon as France revolted in 1830, the Catholic Provinces followed their example, and petitioned to be united to France. This Louis Philippe would not consent to; but when a war ensued and the Dutch had the best of it, he sent Marshal Gerard with a French army, who took Antwerp and drove away the Dutch. It was then (1831) that the Austrian Netherlands were constituted the Kingdom of Belgium, and Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg (widower of the Princess Charlotte) made King under the joint protection of England and France. Leopold subsequently married a daughter of Louis Philippe. Yet, though this circumstance is not calculated to endear him to the present ruler of France, the French tendencies of the population must be supposed to have a certain influence. Besides, in addition to his being a widower of Englan
siasm unmoved especially when he reflects what would be the condition of these young fellows in the ranks of the Russian army, where their bright hopes would at once be converted into despair.--Considering that Jezioranski's detachment was only brought together ten days since, a wonderful amount of order already reign. The organization of the various departments is very complete. Two experienced surgeons follow the detachment into the field, one of whom, Troczewski, made the campaign in 1831, and since then served for 16 years in Algiers, after which he was attached to the French army through the Crimean and Italian wars. Two military chaplains perform mass before battle, and, raising the cross, lead the troops when they go into action. Five mounted gendarmes keep up discipline in the camp, and altogether you are perfectly astonished to find such order where you expected chaos. It was a very striking sight to witness the troops at mass. A rude altar of pine branches had b
at could hardly have produced a catastrophe more unfavorable to us. The enemy is vastly more numerous than we. He knows that in every battle we fight we lose large numbers of men, although we may be victorious, and that we find it difficult to replace them. He knows, too, that although he may lose two to one, he can more easily replace those two than we can replace that one. Thus he hopes finally to wear us out by the mere force of numbers, as the Russians did the Poles in the revolution of 1831. The Poles defeated them in every battle; but in every battle the Poles lost men, which their scanty numbers did not enable them to replace, and thus in the end they were exhausted by their own success. There is but one way to prevent the recurrence of such a misfortune here, and that is to push our victories when we gain them and to gather some fruit from them. In general, we have been contented with merely gaining the victory. We never think of pushing it to its legitimate conclusion.
The Irish, Poles, Germans, &c. When come English diplomatist — we do not recollect who it was — after the suppression of the Polish rebellion in 1831, endeavored to intercede with the Emperor Nicholas in favor of that unhappy people, whom he was dragging from their homes by thousands, to people his frightful deserts in Siberia, he was cut short by the despot, and told to turn his attention to the Irish if he wished to ameliorate the condition of an oppressed nation. "The Poles," added the autocrat, " aremyIrish. " He spoke the truth. Since the world began there never was, so far as we can recollect, such long. continued oppression as that under which the Poles have labored. The Turks established their dominion over the Byzantine empire only about four hundred years ago — the descendants of Tamerlane had occupied the throne of India only about two hundred and fifty years, when the Empire of the Great Mogul was broken to pieces by the agent of an English trading company--the Moo<
st Point soon after his arrival. He proved to be, by far, the ablest mathematician that had ever taught in that school. He introduced the French system of mathematics, and was the first to introduce the study of Descriptive Geometry, upon which he wrote a book. It was, we believe, "invented" (if that be the proper term) by the celebrated Monge. We know not how long Col. C. continued at West Point, but in 1823 he was made State Engineer for the State of Virginia, and held that office until 1831, when he removed to Louisiana, where he had been appointed to one corresponding to that he had held here. He afterwards was the head of a College in that State, but returned to Virginia about 1838, and having been appointed to his old office, held it until it was abolished. Hitherto his duty had been to give general ideas with regard to all the works of the State--At last he was entrusted with the execution of a particular work of great difficulty, and well calculated to spread his fame ove
Death of an Irish Pass. --Francis William Canfield, 2d Earl of Charlemont, died recently at Clontarf, in Ireland, aged 83 years. His father gained great celebrity in the last century as the leader in the Irish volunteer movement in 1779 and 1782, and as one of the most active promoters of Irish legislative independence, and figures largely in the lives of Burke, Fox, Pitt, and Gratten. The late peer was an amiable gentleman, holding rather extreme liberal opinions but always the steady supporter of the Whig . Of late years he has been an object of interest as the "father" of the House of Lords, of which he has been a member since 1806, and the survivor of the old irish Parliament. He was a member of the Irish House of Commons from 1795 1799, when he succeeded to the peerage and in the House of Lords in Dubith till the Union of 1861. He received the ribbon of the order of St. Patrick in 1831.
goes by that name in every army of Europe? "It is, " says Colonel Sehaller, "the only weapon which can take advantage of a beaten enemy, pursue and rout him. Hence it has been fostered and trained in every well-regulated military system. Frederic the Great owes his most signal victories to the impetuous attacks of his Hussars. Napoleon hurled his masses of heavy cavalry against the decisive point, and felt assured of victory. The Polish cavalry dashed into many a Russian square in 1830 and 1831. The cavalry charges of Inkerman and Balaclava are immortal. On the plains of Italy, both French and Austrian horsemen, in the late war, performed prodigies. And all these bright deeds of arms were performed by men who had to be taught to ride after they were twenty years of age, and upon horses that had been broken by riding-masters who themselves would not have dared to mount a wild young horse, as our cavalrists do." The fact is, our cavalry have degenerated into what Marmont calls
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