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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 278 278 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 40 40 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 39 39 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 35 35 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 34 34 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 24 24 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 24 24 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 23 23 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 19 19 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 17 17 Browse Search
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working extremity of the tube when all the perforators were in operation than when the machinery was entirely at rest. A series of experiments was instituted in 1837, by order of the Italian government, to determine the resistance of tubes to the flow of air through them. These experiments were made previously to the commencemas to accommodate itself to the shape of the river-bed. It is stated to have been a success. Pont-y-cysyllte aqueduct. The Croton Aqueduct was commenced in 1837 and completed in 1842, costing $8,575,000. Its length is 40 1/2 miles, 33 miles of which distance it is built of stone, brick, and cement, arched above and beloed with the revolving mass. The methods of regulating the supply of air will be noticed presently. With this stove, Dr. Arnott, during the severe winter of 1836-37, was able to maintain in his library a uniform temperature of from 60° to 63°. The quantity of coal used (Welsh stonecoal) was, for several of the colder months, 6
to render the genuine note readily distinguishable by the public for its high art, and to the bank officials by secret peculiarities in its execution. Until about 1837, copperplate printing was the only process in use for banknotes. In that year, however, Perkins effected his valuable improvements in practical engraving. In 185et in hight, and weighing 193 tons. It remained suspended only until 1737, when it fell in consequence of a fire, and remained partially buried in the earth until 1837, when it was raised, and now forms the dome of a chapel formed by excavating the earth underneath it. It has been denied that this bell ever was suspended. Sa also vaporburner; petroleum stove. Bur′nett-izing. A process for preventing decay of wood and fibrous materials or fabrics, patented in England by Burnett, 1837. The wood or fiber is immersed in a solution of chloride of zinc, 1 pound; water, 4 gallons for wood, 5 gallons for fabrics, 2 gallons for felt, contained in a
ddition. When it is understood that the skillful Dr. Lardner occupied twenty-five pages in the Edinburgh Review in partially describing the complex action of the machine, and gave up other features as hopeless without a mass of illustrative diagrams, we shall be pardoned for not occupying space by attempting farther description. Harper's Magazine, Vol. XXX. pp. 34-39, gives some account of it, accompanied by a cut. G. and E. Scheutz, Swedish engineers, constructed a working machine, 1837-43, after studying the Babbage machine; it was brought to England in 1854. It is stated to have been bought for £ 1000 for the Dadley Observatory, Albany, N. Y. The Messrs. Scheutz have since completed one for the British government, which was subsequently employed in calculating a large volume of life-tables, which the authorities at Somerset House declare never would have been undertaken had not this machine been in existence. Cal′cu-lating and Meas′ur-ing In′struments. See under
marking the paper. The paper passes thence to the first pair of pressing-rollers. A dandy. Dan′iell's Bat′ter-y. The double-fluid battery invented by John Frederick Daniell, F. R. S., who received the Copley medal from the Royal Society in 1837 for this invention; he died in 1845. A jar of glass or earthenware, in which fits a plate of copper bent into cylindrical form. Within the copper is a porous cup containing the zinc. The liquids used are a saturated solution of sulphate of cod as exciting liquids. They are kept apart by a porous cup, as in the Daniell's battery, or by gravity, as in Callaud's (see infra). Daniell was the inventor of this form of battery, and received therefore the Copley medal of the Royal Society in 1837. He used sulphuric acid in a porous cup placed in a glass cup containing sulphate of copper. Bunsen's, Grove's, and Callaud's are also doublefluid batteries. The name is used in contradistinction to the single-fluid batteries, such as the ori
n the earth, or a system of gas or water pipes utilized for the purpose, connected with the terminal or return wire at a station, so as to avail the earth itself as a part of the circuit, instead of using two wires, as was the practice previous to 1837. Earth′quake-a-larm′. An alarm founded on the discovery or supposition that a few seconds previous to an earthquake the magnet temporarily loses its power. To an armature is attached a weight, so that upon the magnet becoming paralyzed the that he obtained his first patent, and nearly four years elapsed before means could be procured, which were finally granted by the government of the United States, to test its practical working over a line of any length; though he had as early as 1837 endeavored to induce Congress to appropriate a sum of money sufficient to construct a line between Washington and Baltimore. Professor Morse deserves high honor for the ingenious manner in which he availed himself of scientific discoveries prev
t pleasure-boat, to be rowed by a pair of sculls. Fuor. (Carpentry.) A piece nailed upon a rafter to strengthen it when decayed. Fur′bish-er. A burnisher. Fur-cut′ter. 1. A machine for cutting the fur from the skin. Johnson, 1837, has a knife hinged at the end, and descending to make a shear cut against a stationary blade. The skin passes over a small roller, which displays the fur and enables the knife to reach the hairs near the roots, without to any great extent cuttinset of the machine. Williams, 1832, has a frame with a series of parallel knife-edges presented upwardly. Over them is a block carrying an oblique knife which makes a shear cut upon the fixed knives in succession. Flint's fur-cutting knife, 1837, has an edge on one jaw and a cushion on the other. See also Harlow's patent for cutting bristles, 1868. 2. A mechanical contrivance for shaving the backs of peltry skins, to loosen the long, deeply rooted hairs, leaving the fine fur undis<
e principle was soon adopted by electricians in the construction of the indicator telegraph. Ampere, Arago, Schilling, Gauss, Weber, and Alexander all used the principle, but it received its perfected form by Cooke and Wheatstone, English patent, 1837. See indicator-telegraph. Galvanometers. The tendency of the magnetic needle in the vicinity of an electrically excited needle held parallel to it is to assume a position at right angles to the wire conveying the current. By making the na diameter of 5 Austrian yards will spin 3,500 yards per minute. It is used for many descriptions of fabric and for many purposes, cushions, carpets, table linen, shawls, neckties, etc. Bonnet's European patents for cloth of glass are dated in 1837. The warp is of silk, the weft of glass spun by steam-engine power, about sixty threads to the inch. Glass-stain′ing. Stained-glass is colored in the process of manufacture. Pointed-glass is a colored or white glass on which a metallic p
bove the bat. See hat-pressing machine. Hat-nap′ping ma-chine′. A felted body is dipped into boiling water and its nap drawn out or carded up by a small hand-card. The process of scalding in napping is described in English patent 7397 for 1837. Known also as ruffing. Hat-mold. Hat-per′fo-rating ma-chine′. A machine for cutting a multiplicity of fine holes in the hat-body to provide for ventilation. Hat-plank′ing. A finishing felting operation. See felting. The hat-bScotland, and patented in 1828. In 1845, Budd patented in England the utilization of the heated gases from the blastfurnace for heating the blast. By means of the hot-blast, anthracite coals were used successfully in smelting iron in Wales, in 1837, and at Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, in 1838, 1839. Hot-blast Fur′nace. The temperature of the air, previous to its being thrown upon the charge in the furnace, is raised to about 600° in an outer chamber or in a series of pipes. These
ooved rolls, by which the puddled bar was drawn. Neilson, of Glasgow, introduced the hot blast in 1828. Aubulot, in France, in 1811, and Budd, in England, in 1845, heated the blast by the escaping hot gases of the blast-furnace. The Calder works, in 1831, demonstrated the needlessness of coking when hot blast is employed. Experiments in smelting with anthracite coal were tried at Mauch Chunk in 1820, in France in 1827, and in Wales successfully by the aid of Neilson's hot-blast ovens in 1837. The experiment at Mauch Chunk was repeated, with the addition of the hot blast, in 1838, 1839, and succeeded in producing about two tons per day. The Pioneer furnace at Pottsville was blown July, 1839. The first iron-works in America were established near Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. In 1622, however, the works were destroyed, and the workmen, with their families, massacred by the Indians. The next attempt was at Lynn, Massachusetts, on the banks of the Saugus, in 1648. The ore used
ly dry and seasoned, and fit for use. Large timbers will require a proportionate time, according to their thickness. Some processes of similar import may be shortly stated. In Bethel's process, creosote is employed and forced under heavy pressure into the pores of the wood. (1838.) Robbins expels moisture by heat and then saturates with coal-tar, resin, or bituminous oils, at 325° Fah. (1865). Blythe treats with steam combined with hydrocarbon vapor. Burnett employs chloride of zinc in solution, under pressure. (1838.) Boucherie used pyrolignite of iron. (1840.) Payne, sulphate of iron. (1842.) Margary, acetate or sulphate of copper. (1837.) Van der Weyde, solution of silicate of potash. Heinemann: boil wood in alkaline solution, and treat, under pressure and heat, with resin, carbolic acid, and tar. Nicholson, tar and petroleum. Behr, solution of borax. Earl, protosulphate of iron. Payen, superficial carbonization. See wood, preservation of.