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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 279 279 Browse Search
George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 90 90 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 48 48 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 37 37 Browse Search
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 34 34 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 26 26 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 24 24 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 23 23 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 22 22 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 22 22 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for 1840 AD or search for 1840 AD in all documents.

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yrus Cutter, in 1831, with a mill-site thereon, where the mills formerly known by the name of the Tufts mills stood, previous to the fire which destroyed said mills. Cyrus Cutter granted the above as a lease-hold estate for mill purposes, to William Welch and Charles Griffiths, both of Boston, sawmakers, and Charles Reeves, of West Cambridge, filecutter, in 1832, with buildings thereon standing, raceway through Blackington's land, &c. The lane by the saw-factory was laid out as a town way in 1840. Abner Stearns's first business was that of wool-carding, to which he added a gristmill, afterward used for grinding yellow ochre for paint. In 1810 or 1811, he erected a large building on the site since Schouler's, in which he had a fulling-mill and a spinning machine of 72 spindles, in 1812. The yarn spun was taken elsewhere and made into broadcloth. The peace of 1815 broke up the business, owing to the excessive importation of British cloths. Stearns left West Cambridge in 1816, and
uel Whittemore, of New York, brother of William; and eventually to Ammi Cutter; then to Abel G. Peck, who divided it, and removed it, one half at a time, to the spot where it now rests. The frame of the old church was of oak, hence very strong and heavy. William Whittemore gave about $440 for the body of the house, which he moved entire—T. J. Whittemore. It is now the dwelling-house of Mr. Charles O. Gage, on Pleasant Street, near Belmont line. The second church edifice was torn down in 1840. The succeeding structure, built on the same site, was burnt Jan. 1, 1866, and the present house is its successor. In this year thirty dollars were drawn for the purpose of encouraging singing. The following memorandum was made on the Precinct Records: July 1804, the Meeting House belonging to the Rev. Thaddeus Fiske's Society was raised and no man hurt thereby. The record book of the Northwest Parish of Cambridge Singing Society contains the Constitution of the Society, with this
8-1827; Henry Whittemore, 1831-1834; Isaac Shattuck, Jr., 1835-1839; John Fowle, 1840-1846; Edwin R. Prescott, 1847-1862; Abel R. Proctor, 1862-1868; Frederick E. FowCapt. Broke was welcomed home with great distinction, and knighted. (He died in 1840.) The Chesapeake was a clumsy, unlucky old frigate, built at Baltimore or Norfol 1854, 1857; George C. Russell, 1838; Timothy Eaton, 1839; Isaiah Jenkins, 1839, 1840; George Prentiss, 1839; Chester Sanderson, 1840; Joseph Hill, 1840, 1842, 1849, 1840; Joseph Hill, 1840, 1842, 1849, 1854; Abbot Allen, 1840; Josiah H. Russell, 1841, 1818, 1854, 185; Adonijah Barnes, 1841; Ebenezer Hovey, 1842; Stephen Symmes, 1842, 1843; David Clark, 1843, 1844, 11840, 1842, 1849, 1854; Abbot Allen, 1840; Josiah H. Russell, 1841, 1818, 1854, 185; Adonijah Barnes, 1841; Ebenezer Hovey, 1842; Stephen Symmes, 1842, 1843; David Clark, 1843, 1844, 1856; Joel F. Hanson, 1843, 1816, 1850; William L. Clark, 1843, 1860, 1852; Thaddeus Frost, 1844, 1845; Abner P. Wyman, 1844; Joseph Wyman, 1844; Daniel Clark, 1845, 11840; Josiah H. Russell, 1841, 1818, 1854, 185; Adonijah Barnes, 1841; Ebenezer Hovey, 1842; Stephen Symmes, 1842, 1843; David Clark, 1843, 1844, 1856; Joel F. Hanson, 1843, 1816, 1850; William L. Clark, 1843, 1860, 1852; Thaddeus Frost, 1844, 1845; Abner P. Wyman, 1844; Joseph Wyman, 1844; Daniel Clark, 1845, 1846; Abel Peirce, 1845, 1846, 1849; Samuel C. Bucknam, 1845, 1849; James S. Russell, 1847; Henry Frost, 1847, 1853, 1855; Matthew Griswold, 1847; Gershom Cutter, 1848
ames Russell, Esq., 1838, 1839 (resigned), 1841, 1842. William Locke, 2d, 1838-40. Jesse P. Pattee, 1840. George Stearns, 1843. Josiah H. Russell, 1844. Jo1840. George Stearns, 1843. Josiah H. Russell, 1844. Joseph O. Wellington, 1845 (1846—none sent). William Dickson, 1847 (1848—none sent). Reuben Hopkins, 1849. David W. Horton, 1850. Mansur W. Marsh, 1851. Nehees in this office). James Russell, Esq., 1837-44. Philip B. Fessenden, 1837-40. Leonard Green, 1837-40. Mansur W. Marsh, 1841-48, 1851-53, 1855-57. Walter 40. Mansur W. Marsh, 1841-48, 1851-53, 1855-57. Walter Fletcher, 1841-43. John Schouler, 1844-46, 1853. Josiah H. Russell, 1846, 1846. William Dickson, 1847-60, 1854-57. Albert Winn, 1847-50, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1hy C. Tingley, 1839-41. William Locke, 2d, 1839 (excused). John Fowle, 1839, 1840. Abner Peirce, 1839. Mansur W. Marsh, 1839-41, 1848, 1850. Nathan Robbins, 1840. Rev. J. C. Waldo, 1842 (excused), 1846, 1847. Luke Wyman, 1842, 1843. Joseph Hill, 1842-44. Josiah H. Russell, 1842, 1844. Moses Proctor, 1842,
VII. present religious Societies. First Congregational Parish.—Continued from pages 116-120. Some items from the second volume of parish records are here presented. 1840. Former meeting-house taken down, and a new meeting-house built on the same site. The parish committee were empowered to let the vestry for holding meetings, to the citizens of the town. It was voted that the vestry be called and known by the name of Parish Hall. 1843, Dec. 7. Rev. William Ware invited to settle t, Jefferson Cutter, Joseph Locke, William L. Clark, Francis Russell, William Whittemore, Ammi C. Teel, Kimball Farmer, John Fowle, John Jarvis, Jesse P. Pattee, Josiah H. Russell, and Moses Bacon, clerk. The meeting-house was accordingly built in 1840, and dedicated on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1841. On Feb. 21, 1848, the Society voted to petition the General Court for an act of incorporation. The first regular minister was the Rev. J. C. Waldo, whose term of service commenced on the first Sabbat
rial Conference in Berry Street, Boston, May 27, 1840. By David Damon. Boston, 1840. Pp. 24. (14) Centennial Sermon, West Cambridge, by Rev. D. Damon, voted to be published at expense of parish, 1840. (15) A Sermon at the Annual Election, Jan. 6, 1841. By David Damon, Pastor of the Congregational Church in West Cambridge.tor, 1830-36; Governor of New Hampshire, 1836-39; U. S. Sub-Treasurer at Boston, 1840 41. His biography, speeches and miscellaneous writings were published in Concor at W. Camb. 9 Dec. 1863, grad. H. U. 1811, adm. to the bar 1814, State Senator 1840; an honored citizen, a faithful lawyer, and upright man. Harriet, his wid., d. and d. Cincinnati, 22 Oct. 1845. Pub. Reminiscences of Last 65 Years,. 2 vols. 1840. See Drake's Biog. Diet. Joshua the f. was a Baptist here, 1787. He was brotheilkins Warren, born here 1814, was an eminent merchant in St. Thomas, W. I., 1830-40, and retired. He is now a well-known public spirited gentleman, residing in Bost