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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Goodyear, Charles 1800-1860 (search)
Goodyear, Charles 1800-1860 Inventor; born in North Haven, Conn., Dec. 29, 1800; was an early manufacturer of India rubber, and made vast improvements in its practical use in the arts. His first important discovery was made in 1836—a method of treating the surface of the gum. This process was superseded by his discovery early in 1849 of a superior method of vulcanization. He procured patent after patent for improvements in this method, until he had more than sixty in number, in America and Europe. He obtained the highest marks of distinction at the international exhibitions at London and Paris. He saw, before his death, his material applied to almost 500 uses, and to give employment in England, France, Germany, and the United States to about 60,000 persons. He died in New York City, July 1, 1860
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Merritt, Wesley 1836- (search)
Merritt, Wesley 1836- Military officer; born in New York, June 16, 1836; graduated at the United States Military Academy, and brevetted second lieutenant in the 2d United States Dragoons on July 1, 1860; was promoted successively to second and first lieutenant in the 2d Cavalry in 1861; captain, 1862; lieutenant-colonel of the 9th Cavalry in 1866; colonel of the famous 5th Cavalry in 1876; brigadiergeneral, April 16, 1887; and major-general, April 5, 1895; and was retired June 16, 1900. In the volunteer service he was commissioned a brigadier-general, June 29, 1863; brevetted major-general, Oct. 19, 1864; and promoted to major-general, April 1, 1865. During the greater part of the Civil War he served in the Army of the Potomac, taking part in all of its battles, and distinguishing himself at Gettysburg, Yellow Tavern, Hawe's Shop, Five Forks, etc. From June, 1864, to the close of the war, he accompanied General Sheridan on his cavalry raids, commanded the cavalry division in the
Sept., 1864, and had charge of its destruction. Commanded a brigade during Sherman's March to the Sea. Present at the battles of Averysboroa and Bentonville. Brevet Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Dec. 15, 864. Mustered out, July 11, 1865. Comstock, Cyrus Ballou. Born at West Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 3, 1831. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1851, to July 1, 1855. Brevet Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, July 1, 1855. Second Lieutenant, Sept. 1, 1855. First Lieutenant, July 1, 1860. Treasurer, U. S. Military Academy, June 18, 1861, to July 27, 1861. Assistant Engineer in the construction of the defences of Washington, D. C., Aug. 9, 1861, to Mar., 1862. Assistant to Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, March to June 2, 1862. Senior Engineer on the staff of General Sumner, June 2 to July 3, 1862. With the engineer battalion, July to Sept., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular campaign, being engaged in the siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5 to May 4, 1862, and constructi
m Massachusetts. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1860, to June 13, 1864. First Lieutenant, Corps of Enn Massachusetts. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1860. First Lieutenant, U. S. Engineers, June 13, 186 Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1855, to July 1, 1860. Brevet Second Lieutenant, Ordnance Department, July 1, 1860. Second Lieutenant, Ordnance, Apr. 22, 1861. First Lieutenant, Ordnance, July 1, 1861. Brevet Cap Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1855, to July 1, 1860. Brevet Second Lieutenant, 9th U. S. Infantry, JJuly 1, 1860. Second Lieutenant, 2d U. S. Infantry, Jan. 19, 1861. First Lieutenant, May 14, 1861. Captain, Non Massachusetts. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1860, to June 13, 1864. First Lieutenant, Corps of En Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1855, to July 1, 1860. Brevet Second Lieutenant, 2d U. S. Artillery, JJuly 1, 1860. Second Lieutenant, 3d U. S. Artillery, Sept. 27, 1860. Transferred to Ordnance Corps, May 5, 186
the Fiscal Year Ending the 30th Sept., 1860. balance in the Treasury the 1st October, 18$67,137 72 received from the Commonwealth, viz: to pay semi-annual interest due 1st January, 1860$984,051 60 to pay semi-annual interest due 1st July, 1860907,72 671,01,924 07 on account of the amount required to be set apart annually for the redemption of Debt previous to 1832201,150 00 on account of the amount required to be set apart for investment for the benefit of Debt created since 1852 99 Total$2,299,547 71 Disbursed during the year: to pay interest on Debt Redeemed$123 53 to pay semi-annual interest due 1st July, 18597,573 92 to pay semi-annual interest due 1st Jan'y. 1860.901,613 30 to pay semi-annual interest due 1st July, 1860802,641 541,801,952 29 to pay interest on guaranteed bonds of James River and Kanawha Company 75 00 to Holders of certificates of 5 and 6 per cent, Debt Redeemed, viz: of that advertised 1st August, 18$5,000 00 of that advert
had passed releasing Sheriffs' securities from damages awarded against them, would be regarded as an invitation to default, with the expectation of relief here. To avoid that state of things, we required the Auditor of Public Accounts to advertise semi-annual lists of defaulting officers. At the expiration of the first six months such published list embraced some forty or fifty defaulting Sheriffs. The Enquirer of this morning gives the Auditor's list of 35 delinquent Sheriffs since 1st July, 1860, 125 delinquent clerks, and almost as many delinquent notaries public. It seemed that since we had been dispensing public charity to defaulting public officers, their defaults are rapidly growing upon us. What was prophecy last session was history this.--Let us beware, lest the errors of to-day become the controlling precedents of to-morrow. At the last session we released sureties, at this we are asked to release the principal and damages; at the next we may be asked to release the de
, and $1,380,000 from loan, per act June 14, 1858, and from other sources as follows. Customs, $53,187,511 87; public lands, $1,778,553 71, and miscellaneous, $1,010,764 31. Present Fiscal Year. The receipts of the past quarter of the fiscal year 1861 from July 1 to Sept. 30, 1860, have amounted to $16,719,790 04, (there is an increase of $172,460 60 from customs, as compared with same quarter last year,) which, with the balance of $3,629,206 71 in the treasury on-- 1st July, 1860, makes$20,348,996 75 the estimated receipts during the three remaining quarters of the current fiscal year, 1861, are-- from customs$40,000,000 00 from public lands2,250,000 00 from miscel's sources750,000 00 from loan, authorized June 24, 1860 21,000,000 00 $64,000,000 00 making the total of ascertained and estimated means for the service of the current fiscal year,186184,348,996 75 the expenditure of the first quarter of the current fiscal year — that endi
Tobacco inspections. --We annex a comparative statement of inspections of tobacco at the different warehouses in the city of Richmond from 1st October, 1859, to 1st July, 1860, and from 1st October, 1860, to July, 1861: 1860.1861. Shockoe10,3426,453 Public7,6335,3 Seabrook's5,6823,693 Dibrell's3,6061,472 Mayo's (opened 14 June)5253,514 27,78720,436 20,436 7,351 decrease. Stock of Tobacco on hand inspected7,135 Uninspected511 7,646 hhd.
ne. I have no hesitation in recommencing that individuals shall be prohibited from issuing them, under severe penalties. Under the authority vested in me by an ordinance of the Convention, I issued a proclamation, dated May 11th, 1861. prohibiting the exportation of breadstuffs, &c., from this State to any one of the States under the dominion of Lincoln. Robert A. Mayo, Esq., had a contract with the United States Government for supplying tobacco for the navy for three years, from July 1st, 1860. He desired to fill his contract, but the proclamation prevented him from doing so, and as he insists that he has been damaged, he desires to bring the question before the General Assembly. The papers will be hereafter transmitted. You assemble to enter upon your legislative duties at a period of unusual importance and interest to the State, and not less important and interesting to the Confederacy. I congratulate you upon the agreeable fact that the antipathies and prejudices eng
railroad supplies watch shall be approved by the companies, they will contract to purchase of them annually, during the present war and for a term of three years from the close of the war, such supplies as they shall manufacture, to the extent of the requirements of the several companies, for repairs, consumption, and equipment, for the period named, at a price not greater during the continuance of the war than fifty per cent. upon the rates current for articles of like quality on the 1st of July, 1860, and after the close of the war an advance of not more than thirty per cent. upon the actual cost of transportation of similar articles at the time of purchase, exclusive of import duties. In addition, the companies agree to make loans at six per cent. interest to individuals who establish such manufactories as may be approved of, to an extent not less than fifty nor more than seventy-five per cent. per mile of each of said roads, for a term not to exceed three years. The amount loane