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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter37: last days in Tennessee. (search)
six months before, had better prepared me for the ordeal, and I drew some comfort from the reflection that others had their trials. General Lee took the next train for his army on the Rapidan, and I that by the direct route to my command by the Southside Railway. When ordered from Virginia in September my wife remained in Petersburg with her good friend Mrs. Dunn. On the 20th of October following a son was born, and christened Robert Lee. After continuous field service since the 1st of July, 1861, I thought to avail myself of the privilege as department commander to take a two days leave of absence to see the precious woman and her infant boy. While there it occurred to me to write to the President, and try to soften the asperities of the Richmond council; also to find a way to overcome the objections to General Beauregard. I suggested, too, that General Lee be sent to join us, and have command in Kentucky. In reply the President sent a rebuke of my delay. On my return to
, at Dr. S's. General Johnston's army encamped at The Lick. Some Southern regiments encamped near Winchester. The army at Manassas said to be strongly reinforced. Measles prevailing there, and near Winchester, among the troops. There has been a slight skirmish in Hampshire, on New Creek, and another at Vienna, in Fairfax County. We repulsed the enemy at both places. Captain Kemper, of Alexandria, led our men in the latter fight, and is much extolled for his dexterity and bravery. July 1, 1861. A rumour of a skirmish, in which the Messrs. Ashby were engaged, and that Richard Ashby was severely wounded. I trust it may not be true. July 3, 1861. A real fight has occurred near Williamsport, but on the Virginia side of the Potomac. General Cadwallader crossed the river with, it is said, 14,000 men, to attack our force of 4,000 stationed there under Colonel Jackson. Colonel J. thought it folly to meet such an army with so small a force, and therefore ordered a retreat
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Operations of 1861 about Fort Monroe. (search)
the regiments engaged. Both were seated in a carriage driving leisurely home. Butler noticed the odd style of retreat, and also that there was crockery in the bottom of the carriage. The effects of this battle have been variously stated. Save as an encouragement to the Confederates, it had no important result. After the battle of Big Bethel and up to the arrival of General McClellan the events of the war in and around Fort Monroe were, with few exceptions, of minor importance. On July 1st, 1861, Brigadier-General Peirce, under orders from General Butler, occupied Hampton, and at once proceeded to intrench. In this work the volunteers were assisted by former slaves. When General Magruder sent some cavalry to Hampton with orders to burn the village, a stampede of the Union soldiers occurred. Our forces on the east side of I the bridge were greatly surprised when the disorganized troops and the contrabands came dashing over. The Confederate cavalrymen sent to burn the beautifu
Jackson surprises front Royal Banks driven through Winchester to the Potomac Jackson retreats Fremont strikes Ewell at Cross-Keys Jackson crosses the South Fork at Port Republic, and beats Tyler Heth routed by Crook at Lewisburg. the rooted inaction of the Army of the Potomac, See Vol. I., p. 627-9. with the Baltimlore and Ohio Railroad obstructed and broken up on its right, and the navigation of the Potomac precluded Capt. Fox, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, as early as July 1st, 1861, notified the War Department that the Potomac would soon be closed by the batteries of the Rebels; and Secretary Welles reiterated the warning on the 20th of August. In October, 1861, the Navy Department again urged the matter upon the consideration of the War Department * * * representing that the question was simply: Would the Army cooperate with the Navy in securing the unobstructed navigation of the Potomac, or, by withholding that cooperation at that time, permit so important a c
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 13: aggregate of deaths in the Union Armies by States--total enlistment by States--percentages of military population furnished, and percentages of loss — strength of the Army at various dates casualties in the Navy. (search)
report of the Provost-Marshal-General shows the combined strength of the Union Armies, at different periods before and during the war, to have been: Date. Present. Absent. Aggregate. Jan. 1, 1861 14,663 1,704 Regular Army.16,367 July 1, 1861 183,588 3,163 186,751 Jan. 1, 1862 527,204 48,713 575,917 Mch. 31, 1862 533,984 103,142 637,126 Jan. 1, 1863 698,802 219,389 918,191 Jan. 1, 1864 611,250 249,487 860,737 Mch. 31, 1865 657,747 322,339 980,086 May 1, 1865 797he period of active hostilities did the Regular Army number, present and absent, over 26,000 officers and men. Its actual strength at various dates was as follows: Date. Present. Absent. Aggregate. January 1, 1861 14,663 1,704 16,367 July 1, 1861 14,108 2,314 16,422 January 1, 1862 19,871 2,554 22,425 March 31, 1862 19,585 3,723 23,308 January 1, 1863 19,169 6,294 25,463 January 1, 1864 17,237 7,399 24,636 January 1, 1865 14,661 7,358 22,019 March 31, 1865 13,880 7,78
s by taking the oath or affirmation thereinafter set forth, shall constitute the Legislature of the State, to discharge the duties and exercise the powers pertaining to the General Assembly, and it being by the same ordinance further ordained that the General Assembly shall assemble in the city of Wheeling, on the 1st day of July, in the year 1861, and proceed to organize themselves, as prescribed by existing laws, in their respective branches:-- Now I, Francis H. Pierpont, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, do, by this my proclamation, summon the Senators and members of the louse of Delegates, thus composing the Legislature of the State, to assemble at the United States District Court room, in the city of Wheeling, at noon, on the 1st day of July, 1861. Given under my hand and seal, at the city of Wheeling, this 22d day of June, in the year of our Lord 1861, and the 85th of the Commonwealth. F. H. Pierpont. By the Governor, L. A. Hagans, Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Doc. 67.-report of the Secretary of war. war Department, Washington, July 1, 1861. Sir — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this department: The accompanying statements of the Adjutant-General will show the number, description, and distribution of the troops which are now in service. It forms no part of the duty of this department to enter upon a discussion of the preliminary circumstances which have contributed to the present condition of public affairs. The secession ordinance of South Carolina was passed on the 20th of December last, and from that period until the majesty of the Government was made manifest, immediately after you had assumed the chief magistracy, the conspirators against its Constitution and laws have left nothing undone to perpetuate the memory of their infamy. Revenue steamers have been deliberately betrayed by their commanders, or, where treason could not be brought to consummate the defection, have been overpo
chmond! We'll brook no more delay; Why give the traitors time and means To fortify the way With stolen guns, in ambuscades? Oh, answer us, we pray.” chorus of chieftains. You must wait for the wagons, The real army wagons, The fat contract wagons, Bought in the red-tape way. II. Now, if for army wagons, Not for compromise, you wait, Just ask them of the farmers Of any Union State. And if you need ten thousand, Sound, strong, though second-hand, You'll find upon the instant A supply for your demand. chorus — No! wait for the wagons, The new army wagons, The fat contract wagons, Till the 15th of July. III. No swindling, fat contractors, Shall block the people's way, Nor rebel compromisers: 'Tis Treason's reckoning day. Then shout again our war-cry, “To Richmond onward move! We now can crush tile traitors, And that we mean to prove!” chorus — No! wait for the wagons, The fat contract wagons, If red-tape so wills it, Wait till the Judgment Day. New York, July 1, 1861
f New-York, moved to amend by a proviso that within six months after the rebellion should be put down, the army should be reduced to its organization on the first of July, 1861. Mr. Latham, of California, was opposed to an increase of the regular army and to the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Mr. King accepted a suggestioncerning the pay and subsistence of the army. It provided: That the army rations should thereafter be the same as provided by law and regulations on the first day of July, 1861, excepting the ration of pepper. That during the continuance of the war there should be added to the pay of all non-commissioned officers, musicians, and of May, 1864, the pay of soldiers should be sixteen dollars per month. That the army rations should be the same as provided by law and regulation on the first day of July, 1861. That so much of the act to authorize the employment of volunteers as provided that each company officer should furnish his own horse, and should receive
Captain John Newton, and Lieutenant Babcock, and Majors Price and Biddle, who were employed conveying orders, also Surgeon Tripler, in attention to the wounded. The loss of the enemy was over sixty in killed. The number of the wounded cannot be ascertained, as a large number were carried off the field. I am, Sir, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. Patterson, Major-General, commanding. Circular. headquarters Department of Pennsylvania, Williamsport, Md., July 1, 1861. The commands will move to-morrow as follows, crossing the Potomac at this place at three A. M.: Colonel Abercrombie's brigade, with one section of artillery and a squadron of cavalry. Colonel Thomas's brigade, with one company of cavalry and two pieces of artillery. General Negley's brigade, Colonel Longnecker's brigade, and one company cavalry, General Cadwallader, commanding. The commanders will move in the above order. Baggage trains will cross after the commands, and
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