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State Convention. Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1861. The Convention was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Hend, of the United Presbyterian Church. Mr. Nelson, of Clark, moved to pass by the order of the day and go into secret session, for the purpose of considering Executive nominations. Lost. Vacancies in the Legislature. Mr. Masters moved a reconsideration of the vote of last evening, by which the report of the Committee on Elections was stricken out. The motion opened the way for debate, in which Messrs. Haymond and Borlin participated, when Mr. Hall, of Lancaster moved the previous question, which was sustained. The vote was then taken on the motion to reconsider, and resulted — eyes 41, noes 47. So the motion was lost. Mr. Brooke moved to reconsider the vote by which the substitute of Mr. Dorman was rejected last night. Agreed to. The question recurring on Mr. Dorman's substitute, the vote was taken, and resulted in its adoption — ayes 71, noes 26
State Convention.evening session. Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1861. The ordinance concerning said being the special order, was considered, and debated at length, and finally laid upon the table — ayes 44, noes 36. A resolution to provide for submitting to the voters of the State the question of electing the Governor by the General Assembly, was laid upon the table — ayes 43, noes 38. Mr. Stuart presented the amended Constitution, as revised by the committee, which was made the order of the day for Thursday at 10 o'clock. The Convention then went into secret session, to consider the nomination of Army officer
[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]quiet Times — a singular difficulty. Fincastle, Dec. 4, 1861. Everything has moved on so quietly in our town for the past few months, that I have been unable to light upon any news that would prove of interest to your readers. And even now, I have nothing of special importance to write, but will mention a difficulty that occurred between two of our citizens; and as it is by no means a private matter, but entirely public, there can be no impropriety in your publishing what has already appeared in print. Captain Jo. P. Gaunt has published, and extensively circulated, a card denouncing Dr. W. Gibbon Carter, for administering to him a large dose of injurious medicine, which he states might have deprived him of life. He can account for such an act in no other way than by supposing that Dr. Carter entertained towards him the most bitter personal feelings, which he concealed under the guise of friendship. Dr. Carter has rema
From our army in Kentucky. [Special Correspondence of the Dispatch.] Columbus, Ky., Dec. 4, 1861. Contrary, no doubt, to what you might expect from your point of observation, our Army will, I presume, go into winter quarters. The rigors of the season furnish a severe argument against any forward movements just at present. I am afraid that our policy is too severely defensive, both here and upon the line of the Potomac. The President's plan to merely repel invasion I have regarded as the correct one, if not carried to that extreme that would seem to grant the enemy a too conscious immunity and security from all intrusion on our part. But occasion has arrived, I think, for change in this policy. Heretofore we had to cope with the Federals at such disadvantages that it would have been the height of impolicy to have provoked them by invasion; but now that our resources are sufficient to make us respectable contestants, the attempt of the enemy to divert our forces should be
ices as attorney for Common wealth. By Mr. Dickenson, of G., of reporting bill of last session relative to the Wytheville and Grayson Turnpike Company. Disloyal Senators. The report of the Committeee of Privileges and Elections, presented yesterday, was taken up as the order of the day, read, and concurred in. Mr.Neeson submitted the following resolution: Resolved, That the Senate in virtue of the authority of the ordinance adopted by the Convention of Virginia December 4th, 1861, will at — o'clock P. M., on--, proceed of elect Senators to fill the vacancies in the 32d, 46th, and 50th Senatorial districts of the State. Some discussion in regard to the validity of the said ordinance ensued. Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, suggested that the ordinance was practically a change in the organic law of the State, and until ratified by the people, was nothing more than a recommendation of the members of the Convention. Mr. Neeson, in reply, argued to show that t
Resignation of a member of Congress. Judge Nisbet, of Georgia, has been induced to resign his seat in Congress, owing to the uncertain condition of his health. The following is his letter of resignation: Macon, Ga., Dec. 4, 1861. To the President of the Confederate Congress: Dear Sir: I have been unable, in consequence of indisposition, to attend the present session of Congress. I have indulged the hope that at an early day I would be at liberty to do so, but now am advised by my physician that the exposure of a trip to Richmond would seriously endanger my health. As it is somewhat uncertain when I could take my seat, and as the public service may require a full delegation from Georgia, I beg to resign my place as a member of the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States of America. Respectfully, your obedient servant, E. A. Nisbet.
First Georgia regiment. Camp Rocky Run, Va., Dec. 4, 1861. Editors Dispatch: As little or nothing is heard or said in regard to the 1st Regiment Georgia Regulars, I address you this, that the " cariers for" this regiment may know that we are still in defence of the sunny clime of the pomegranate and fig. The unusual calm of camp life was disturbed on yesterday by the presentment of a battle flag to this regiment by the fair hands of Miss — Harrison, of your city. It could not have been given to beaver or more noble men. We heretofore have felt neglected by the fair damsels of our native land, by reason of which you may not be surprised that every heart of the neglected Georgia Regulars beat high with lively and patriotic emotions when, with deafening cheers, they received that flag emblem of Southern independence. And we now take occasion publicly to return to her, the fair donor, our sincere and heartfelt thanks for the precious gift. We will never be unmindful
From the Peninsula. quiet times and comfortable quarters — particulars of the late skirmish- Popularity of Gen. McGruder. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Camp near Yorktown, Dec. 4th, 1861. Thinking you might wish to hear how we are getting along on the Peninsula, I have concluded to write you a few desultory thoughts, hoping they may prove of some interest to your numerous readers. We are all very quiet and enjoying hugely the last grand order granting furloughs. Every man is hoping that his time will be next. We can never tell the designs of our much beloved command, who is deservedly so very popular with all his men, but be assured that wherever he may lead, with joy and gladness will the enthusiastic army on the Peninsula follow. We are all as comfortable as possible under the circumstances, having generally finished our winter quarters; and no person not having enjoyed the luxury of a log hut with its large, genial fire-place, of a cold Dece
An interesting letter. the first Virginia regiment--their Experience in the camp — brave and popular officers — Lists of Promotions, killed and wounded — a tribute to a brave soldier — facts and Incident, &c. [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Camp near Centreville. Dec. 4, 1861 While watchful thousands, distant from the of operations, are awaiting, with anxious hearts and bated breath, the commencement of the great conflict which, in the nature of things, it would seem must inevitably within a few days or weeks; and while the two main bodies of the mighty opposing hosts seem to be "in dread silence repeated. It may perhaps be gratifying to the numerous friends of the 1st Virginia regiment to learn something of events transpiring within and directly concerning that particular corps. Pound, as almost all of its members by the strongest of human to many of the citizens of Richmond, I that its destiny is of vital concern portion of your readers, an
pressed the opinion that the present Congress would take such action as would abolish slavery in the Southern States, and it cannot then live in the Border States any length of time. To verify the predictions of distinguished officials, we will, before another week, have some starling and glorious news. Your readers will not have to look long in vain. Instructions to M'Clellan respecting Fugitive slaves. The following has just been made public Department of State,Washington, Dec. 4, 1861. To Major-General George B. McClellan, Washington City: General: --I am directed by the President to call your attention to the following subject: Persons claiming to be held to service or labor under the laws of the State of Virginia, and actually employed in hostile service against the Government of the United States, frequently escape from the lines of the enemy's forces, and are received within the lines of the Army of the Potomac. This Department understands that such per
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