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Milton, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
tion between those who have fallen, but because he was a member of the company to which I belong, and well known by me. All who were acquainted with this gallant youth remember his jovial nature, his merry, lighthearted disposition. No member of our company was more popular than he, for all liked "little Milton" for his jolly humor and uniform amiability. When the battle of the 18th of July was about to commence, as we stood in death like silence, awaiting the onset of the foe. I looked at Milton to see if I could detect in his countenance anything indicative of the emotions which certainly stirred my own bosom, and cast a pallor over almost every face. I never saw a countenance freer from a shade of anxiety or care. With gun in hand and finger upon the trigger, his face wore simply the animated expression of a hunter's, who momentarily expects his game to spring from the covering of an adjacent thicket. When the battle was raging I frequently heard his usual merry laugh and cheer
Anandale (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): article 1
day of August we took up our march for Fairfax Court- House, arriving there at dark, as tired a set, of men as I ever saw. We reached the Court-House on Saturday night, and on Sunday morning pitched our tents on the left of the road, and just below the village, where we remained until the night of the 16th of October, when the whole army of the Potomac retreated. Our life, while encamped at Fairfax, was by far the most arduous that we have experienced, going alternately to Falls Church and Anandale on picket duty, and turning out at the beat of the long-roll to march to meet an enemy that would not show himself. On the occasion of one of these false alarms, the regiment marched is miles without halting. This sort of thing did us no harm, however, but rather served to inure us to hardship and danger, and to make us better soldiers. A short time after our arrival at Fairfax, Capt. S. P. Mitchell, our Adjutant, was appointed Brigade Quartermaster, with the rank of Major, and Lieut
Fall's Church (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
On the 11th day of August we took up our march for Fairfax Court- House, arriving there at dark, as tired a set, of men as I ever saw. We reached the Court-House on Saturday night, and on Sunday morning pitched our tents on the left of the road, and just below the village, where we remained until the night of the 16th of October, when the whole army of the Potomac retreated. Our life, while encamped at Fairfax, was by far the most arduous that we have experienced, going alternately to Falls Church and Anandale on picket duty, and turning out at the beat of the long-roll to march to meet an enemy that would not show himself. On the occasion of one of these false alarms, the regiment marched is miles without halting. This sort of thing did us no harm, however, but rather served to inure us to hardship and danger, and to make us better soldiers. A short time after our arrival at Fairfax, Capt. S. P. Mitchell, our Adjutant, was appointed Brigade Quartermaster, with the rank of M
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
e first time, he had command of the regiment, and right bly Wherever the death-dealing of the enemy fell thickest, there was he steed encouraging the men to He was the perfect picture of an leader, and the recollection of that day will create a halo about his noble old head that shall shine upon his virtues alone, building the moralist to the frailties of his generous nature, making his memory in years a sacred thing. On the morning of July 21st, the regiment was ordered to cross Bull Run, and take position in an adjacent field. Gently rising hill, topped with a scant growth of pines, served to hide us from the view of the enemy; but they seemed to know our position, for a terrible fire of shot and shell rained from one of their batteries in our front, bursting in fearful proximity all around us, or crashing through the woods in our rear where a South Carolina regiment was entrenched. Having ordered a halt Major Skinner thus addressed us "Boys, we have got to take that ba
James E. Marron (search for this): article 1
Wm. J. Lumpkin, wounded in hand: recovered. Joseph Allen, killed. Fred. Lutz wounded in head; recovered. Nat. Kesler, wounded in breast; recovered. All on the 18th. Company G.--Lieut. H. H. Miles, mortally wounded. Southey Wilkerson, killed. J. Scott Mallory, killed. Henry Ashby, wounded in foot; recovered. George Knauff, wounded in hand; recovered. James A. Royester wounded in arm; recovered. Wm. S. ware, wounded in foot. All on 18th. Company E.--S. Morris, killed. James E. Marron, killed.--Collins, wounded. All on 18th. Company K.--Wolfgang Discout, killed. Wm. E. Cree, wounded; recovered. Fred. Gutider, wounded; recovered. Henry Duebel. wounded. recovered. All on 18th. Phil. C. Degechart, wounded, on the 21st. Company H--Milton H. Barnes, killed;* and Jona Morgan, wounded on the 18th. *I wish here to say a word of young Milton Rarnes — not to make an invidious distinction between those who have fallen, but because he was a member of the comp
E. Payson Reeve (search for this): article 1
ames H. Cobb; Jr. 2d Lieutenant. T. Herbert Davis. Company C.--Captain. Wm. English; 1st Lieutenant, David King; 2d Lieutenant, James Mitchell. Company D--Captain, Jos. D. Griswold: 2d Lieutenant, George F. Norton; Jr. 2d Lieutenant. E. Payson Reeve. Company E.--Captain, Chas. K. Sherman; 1st Lieutenant, Wm. N. Barker; 21 Lieutenant. George W. O Jr. 2d Lieutenant, Wm. B. Maxwell. Company G.--Captain, Wm. F. Gordon; 1st Lieutenant, Frank A. Langley; 2d Lieutenant, Eldridge Morriomoted, vice J. W. Archer, promoted to a captaincy and assigned to Brig. Gen. Anderson's staff. Company C.--Wm. English, promoted, vice Capt. cotey, made Major. Lieut. Mitchell, promoted, vice Lieut. M. Segars, resigned. Company D--Lieut. Reeve, promoted, vice Lieut. Henry Harney. Wm. H. Palmer, Adjutant, vice S. P. Mitchell, promoted to Captain in the Q. M. Department, and assigned to duty with Gen. Langstreet. Company G--Lieut. Langley, promoted, vice S. H. Tucker, resigned Li
Florence Miller (search for this): article 1
. George W. O Jr. 2d Lieutenant, Wm. B. Maxwell. Company G.--Captain, Wm. F. Gordon; 1st Lieutenant, Frank A. Langley; 2d Lieutenant, Eldridge Morris; Jr. 2d Lieutenant, John McDonald. Company H--Captain, John H. Greaner; 1st Lieutenant, James. T. Vaughan; 2d Lieutenant, Wm. E. Tysinger. Jr 2d Lieutenant, Oscar R. Hough. Company I.--Captain, J. W. Tabb; 1st Lieutenant, Benj. F. Howard; 2d Lieutenant, John A. Tyree; Jr. 2d. Lieutenant, Wm. W. McKaig. Company K.--Captain, Florence Miller; 1st Lieutenant, F. W. E. Loman; 2d Lieutenant, Fred. W. Hagemeyer; Jr. 2d Lieutenant, Herman Paul. The following is a statement of the changes that have taken place among the commissioned officers: Company B--Randolph Harrison, elected Captain, vice James K Lee, died August 2d, from a wound received July 18th. Wm. W. Harrison, promoted, vice J. W. Archer, promoted to a captaincy and assigned to Brig. Gen. Anderson's staff. Company C.--Wm. English, promoted, vice Capt
Jona Morgan (search for this): article 1
t; recovered. George Knauff, wounded in hand; recovered. James A. Royester wounded in arm; recovered. Wm. S. ware, wounded in foot. All on 18th. Company E.--S. Morris, killed. James E. Marron, killed.--Collins, wounded. All on 18th. Company K.--Wolfgang Discout, killed. Wm. E. Cree, wounded; recovered. Fred. Gutider, wounded; recovered. Henry Duebel. wounded. recovered. All on 18th. Phil. C. Degechart, wounded, on the 21st. Company H--Milton H. Barnes, killed;* and Jona Morgan, wounded on the 18th. *I wish here to say a word of young Milton Rarnes — not to make an invidious distinction between those who have fallen, but because he was a member of the company to which I belong, and well known by me. All who were acquainted with this gallant youth remember his jovial nature, his merry, lighthearted disposition. No member of our company was more popular than he, for all liked "little Milton" for his jolly humor and uniform amiability. When the battle of the
gstreet. Company G--Lieut. Langley, promoted, vice S. H. Tucker, resigned Lieut Morris, promoted, vice Lieut. H. Miles, killed July 18th. Lieut McDonald, promoted, vice Lieut. Morris, promoted. Company H.--J. H. Greaner, elected Captain, vice F. H. Boggs, resigned. Lieut. J. T. Vaughn. promoted, vice Lieut. Greanor. Lieut. Wm. H. Tysinger, promoted, vice Lieut. Vaughan Lieut. O. R. Hough, elected from the ranks, vice Wm. Allan, transferred. Company L.--W. Tabb. promoted, vice Capt Taylor, resigned. Lieut. Jno. A. Tyree, promoted, vice J. T. Rodgers, resigned. Lieut. B. F. Howard, promoted, vice Jno. A. Tyree, promoted, Lieut. W. W. McKaig, promoted, vice B. F. Howard, promoted. Company K.--Lieut. Paul, promoted, vice Lieut. Linkenhauser, deserted. I also add a statement of the killed and wounded in the battles of the 18th and 21st July: Company C.--Lieut. (now Captain) Engglish, wounded in the leg. Serg't. Patrick Rankin, wounded in the leg; since
Joseph Whitaker (search for this): article 1
. Rodgers, resigned. Lieut. B. F. Howard, promoted, vice Jno. A. Tyree, promoted, Lieut. W. W. McKaig, promoted, vice B. F. Howard, promoted. Company K.--Lieut. Paul, promoted, vice Lieut. Linkenhauser, deserted. I also add a statement of the killed and wounded in the battles of the 18th and 21st July: Company C.--Lieut. (now Captain) Engglish, wounded in the leg. Serg't. Patrick Rankin, wounded in the leg; since dead. Mike Redmond, wounded in the leg; since dead. Joseph Whitaker, through the body; recovered Michael Hughes, through the body: recovered. Jno. Hamilton, through the arm; recovered. Andrew Foresight, through arm: recovered. James Driscoll, through body: died All on the 18th. Jno. Cavenang in the hand, on the 21st. Company B.--Capt. Lee, mortally wounded Lieut. Wirt Harrison, wounded in foot; recovered. Sergeant Wm. J. Lumpkin, wounded in hand: recovered. Joseph Allen, killed. Fred. Lutz wounded in head; recovered. Nat. Kesler, wounded in
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