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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Army Life in a Black Regiment, chapter 2 (search)
wn, and run up de rag ob dere own. (Immense applause). But we'll neber desert de ole flag, boys, neber; we hab lib under it for eighteen hundred sixty-two years, and we'll die for it now. With which overpowering discharge of chronology-at-long-range, this most effective of stump-speeches closed. I see already with relief that there will be small demand in this regiment for harangues from the officers; give the men an empty barrel for a stump, and they will do their own exhortation. December 11, 1862. Haroun Alraschid, wandering in disguise through his imperial streets, scarcely happened upon a greater variety of groups than I, in my evening strolls among our own camp-fires. Beside some of these fires the men are cleaning their guns or rehearsing their drill,--beside others, smoking in silence their very scanty supply of the beloved tobacco, --beside others, telling stories and shouting with laughter over the broadest mimicry, in which they excel, and in which the officers
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
o return in time for this battle. It is more than probable that Burnside accepted the proposition to move by Hoop-pole Ferry for the purpose of drawing some of our troops from the points he had really selected for his crossing.--J. L. The soldiers of both armies were in good fighting condition, and there was every indication that we would have a desperate battle. We were confident that Burnside could not dislodge us, and patiently awaited the attack. On the morning of the 11th of December, 1862, an hour or so before daylight, the slumbering Confederates were awakened by a solitary cannon thundering on the heights of Marye's Hill. Again it boomed, and instantly the aroused Confederates recognized the signal of the Washington Artillery and knew that the Federal troops were preparing to cross the Rappahannock to give us the expected battle. The Federals came down to the river's edge and began the construction of their bridges, when Barksdale opened fire with such effect that
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 2.15 (search)
ot against the converging fire of the artillery on the heights. My headquarters were in the field on the edge of the town, overlooking the plain. A few minutes after noon French's division charged in the order of Kim-ball's, Andrews's, and Palmer's brigades, a part of Kimball's men getting into the cluster of houses in the fork of the road. Hancock followed them in the order of Zook's, Meagher's, and Caldwell's brigades, the two former getting The bombardment of Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. nearer to the stone-wall than any who had gone before, except a few of Kimball's men, and nearer than any brigade which followed them. Without a clear idea of the state of affairs at the front, since the smoke and light fog veiled everything, I sent word to French and Hancock to carry the enemy's works by storm. Then I climbed the steeple of the court-house, and from above the haze and smoke got a clear view of the field. Howard, who was with me, says I exclaimed, Oh, great God
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The crossing of the Rappahannock by the 19th Massachusetts. (search)
The crossing of the Rappahannock by the 19th Massachusetts. by H. G. O. Weymouth, Captain, 19TH Massachusetts regiment. On the morning of the 11th of December, 1862, about two hours before daylight, the regimental commanders of Colonel Norman J. Hall's Third Brigade, of Howard's Second Division, Second Army Corps, were assembled at brigade headquarters to receive preliminary orders for the approaching battle. Our brigade commander informed us that our regiment was to be the first to cross the upper pontoon-bridge, which was to be laid by the engineer corps by daylight, and that we were to hold and occupy the right of the town until the whole army should have crossed, when the Right Grand Division, comprising the Second and Ninth Corps, would charge the heights, supported by artillery in front and on the right flank. On our arrival at the river at daylight we found but a very small section of the bridge laid, in consequence of the commanding position which the enemy held on the
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), Slaveholding Virtues. (search)
nding church-member. It is stated that his death will give great delight to his personal friends, as well as a calmer satisfaction to his enemies; and as we have every reason to believe, from Gen. Butler's well-known celerity in such matters, that William is now no more, we conclude our notice of him by expressing our mild regret that he ever existed at all. The slaveholding theory is indeed charming. We have a benevolent old master, wearing his life out in the service of his own serfs and racking his amiable brains for inventions, of kindness and caretaking. We have a society so perfectly ordered, and so utterly under the sway of even-handed justice, that wrongs are not only unknown, but impossible. We have an aristocracy of Roman dignity, and a peasantry perfectly happy and measurelessly contented. We have the State always serene and the Church forever in blossom. Such is the theory-but when we come to the practice — ah! that is quite another matter! December, 11, 1862
the conqueror; she having had two killed. The Alabama, though considerably cut up, so as to be compelled to run into Kingston, Jamaica, for repairs, had but one man wounded. And no wonder; since the Hatteras's heaviest guns were 32s, while of the Alabama's (9 to our 8), one was an 150-pounder on a pivot, another a 68; and she threw 324 pounds of metal at a broadside to the Hatteras's 94. With such a disparity of force, the result was inevitable. Gen. N. P. Banks, having assumed Dec. 11, 1862. command of the Department of the Gulf, found himself at the head of a force about 30,000 strong, which had been officially designated the Nineteenth army corps. With this, he was expected, in cooperation with Grant's efforts up the river, to reopen the Mississippi, expel the Rebels in arms from Louisiana, and take military possession of the Red River country, with a view to the speedy recovery of Texas, whose provisional Governor, Gen. Andrew J. Hamilton, surrounded by hundreds more of
Va. 1 Boydton Road, Va. 2 Wilderness, Va. 14 Hatcher's Run, Va. 2 Spotsylvania, Va. 12 Farmville, Va. 2 North Anna, Va. 1 Salisbury Prison, N. C. 1 Present, also, at Yorktown; West Point; Peach Orchard; Savage Station; Glendale; Malvern Hill; Chancellorsville; Bristoe Station; Sailor's Creek; Appomattox. notes.--There was not a more gallant deed performed during the war than that of the Seventh Michigan when it led the forlorn hope across the river at Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. The Engineers had tried for hours to lay a pontoon bridge under the fire of the sharpshooters who were safely posted in the buildings which lined the opposite bank. The pontoniers laid their bridge two-thirds across, but abandoned it, many of the men having been shot down while at work. A heavy artillery fire having failed to dislodge the enemy, a call was made for volunteers to cross in boats and drive away the enemy's riflemen. In response, the men of the Seventh seized some emp
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
. Battle. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Aggregate. July 1-3, 1863. Gettysburg 3,070 14,497 5,434 23,001 May 8-18, 1864. Spotsylvania 2,725 13,416 2,258 18,399 May 5-7, 1864. Wilderness 2,246 12,037 3,383 17,666 Sept. 17, 1862. Antietam Not including South Mountain or Crampton's Gap. 2,108 9,549 753 12,410 May 1-3, 1863. Chancellorsville 1,606 9,762 5,919 17,287 Sept. 19-20, 1863. Chickamauga 1,656 9,749 4,774 16,179 June 1-4, 1864. Cold Harbor 1,844 9,077 1,816 12,737 Dec. 11-14, 1862. Fredericksburg 1,284 9,600 1,769 12,653 Aug. 28-30, 1862. Manassas Including Chantilly, Rappahannock, Bristoe Station, and Bull Run Bridge. 1,747 8,452 4,263 14,462 April 6-7, 1862. Shiloh 1,754 8,408 2,885 13,047 Dec. 31, 1862. Stone's River Including Knob Gap, and losses on January 1st and 2d. 1863. 1,730 7,802 3,717 13,249 June 15-19, 1864. Petersburg (Assault) 1,688 8,513 1,185 11,386 As before, the missing includes the captured; but the number missing
f of your country and myself, tender you grateful thanks for the services you have rendered. Whilst we drop a tear, therefore, for those who have fallen, and sympathize with those who are yet suffering, let us not forget to render thanks to the beneficent Giver of all blessings for the success that has thus far attested the truth and right of our glorious cause. F. J. Herron, Brigadier-General Commanding Second and Third Divisions. General Curtis's report. St. Louis, Mo., Thursday, Dec. 11, 1862. Majer-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief of the U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. Further details are received from Gens. Blunt and Herron, from the battle ground, Prairie-Grove, near Fayetteville, Arkansas: Our loss in killed and wounded is now estimated at one thousand, and that of the enemy at over two thousand. The rebels left many of their dead and most of their wounded for us to care for. Extensive hospitals will be improvised in Fayetteville. Persons returned
three days rations to be carried in haversacks, seven days to be carried by wagons. Were not the Yankees proverbial for guessing, it might be new to tell you of the various conjectures indulged in as to the destination of the expedition. Rumor, with her lying tongue, was busy, and would send the expedition to Richmond, to Weldon, to Goldsboro, to Wilmington, to Charleston, and even to Texas, but no one believed, while all retailed or invented such gossip. The morning of Thursday, December eleventh, 1862, broke clear and cool, and beheld a fine array of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, taking up their line of march, by the Trent road, from Newbern. The sight was magnificent, as the long lines of infantry with their polished arms, and the cavalry and artillery, slowly but cheerfully, with an elasticity of step and a merry hum of voices, that unmistakably showed how high the spirit and expectations of all were aroused, and that it required but an able general to lead such an ar
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