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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1859. (search)
istant Inspector-General of Volunteers in the Army of the Cumberland had reached regimental Headquarters two weeks after his capture, and he never saw it. He was the last of eight classmates who died in the service, and the only Harvard graduate who breathed his last amid the horrors of a Rebel prison. Strong Vincent Private Wayne Guards (Erie, Pa.), April-July, 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel 83d Penn. Vols. (Infantry), September, 1861; Colonel, June 29, 1862; Brigadier-General Vols., July 2, 1863; died July 7, 1863, of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 2. Strong Vincent was born in Erie County, Pennsylvania, June 17, 1837. His father was Bethuel B. Vincent, at the time, and for many years after, a large iron-founder at Erie. His mother was Sarah. A. (Strong) Vincent. His school-days were like those of other boys until he was fourteen years old. He then took it into his head that he had had schooling enough, and so he informed his father, who replied, Very well, my son,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
sion; but they never made him impatient or discontented, or caused him to shrink from the obligations of the present. It was his way to give himself wholly to the special work on hand. Writing on the eve of an expected movement, and referring to a wish he had entertained for a leave of absence, he said, I have little hope or desire to get home now. His ability, coolness, and determination as a soldier were shown in the closing scenes of his service in the field. On the afternoon of July 2, 1863, the division to which his regiment belonged was moved from the right to reinforce the left of the line. In the evening the command was ordered back again, and the regiment set out for the intrenchments it had before occupied. Before reaching them, the scouts in advance reported them as held by the Rebels. The regiment was manoeuvred with great skill and promptness by its young commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Mudge, so as to be prepared for an attack, and a company was sent out to reconn
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1861. (search)
n were greatly needed for their country's protection, he responded by enrolling his name in the list of the Ninth Massachusetts (De Vecchi's, afterwards Bigelow's) Battery, August 5, 1862; and after a month set out for the seat of war. He returned home during the following spring, on a short furlough, and married Miss Adelaide Victoria Burrill of Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, March 18, 1863. She, with an infant son, survives him. The battery was in no engagement until the afternoon of July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg. It there assisted in supporting the Third Corps, under Major-General Sickles. When the corps was driven back, the battery was the last of five to leave the field, while Longstreet was advancing. Reaching an angle made by two stone walls, it was ordered to halt and hold the position at any cost, without infantry support, until a new line could be formed. Bravely did Captain Bigelow hold his post against a whole Rebel brigade, whose centre alone could be reached by his f
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1862. (search)
I said, I am afraid you will lose your life in the service. Said he, Captain, I expect it. I have no doubt I shall lose my life in the service. The two following letters will tell the conclusion of this story. before Port Hudson, July 2, 1863. dear mother,—Our time is out, but we can't come home. I hope this will be over soon, and then we can come back better satisfied. The regiment offered its services to General Banks till July 14th. The men are very much worn out, and I howed him (Ropes) a hole in my coat made by a bullet, and he showed three or four places where his coat and knapsack had been struck, and, laughing, said, in answer to my question, how it felt, Like fishes nibbling. On the morning of Thursday, July 2, 1863, the Twentieth, after a series of rapid marches, reached the battle-field of Gettysburg. On the evening of that terrible day, when the firing ceased, nothing remained in our front save the dead and wounded. Throughout that whole night,