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t is probably as emblematical of this corps as any design that could be adopted. The order was issued at Goldsboro, N. C., March 25, 1865. The order further provides that the arrow for divisions shall be two inches long, and for corps headquarters one and one-half inches long, and further requires the wagons and ambulances to be marked with the badge of their respective commands, the arrow being twelve inches long. A circular issued from the headquarters of the Eighteenth Army Corps June 7, 1864, and General Orders No. 108, from the same source, dated August 25, 1864, furnish all the information on record regarding the badge of this body. While both are quite lengthy in description and prescription, neither states what the special design was to be. It was, however, a cross with equi-foliate arms. The circular prescribed that this cross should be worn by general officers, suspended by a tri-colored ribbon from the left breast. Division commanders were to have a triangle in the
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Cold Harbor-an anecdote of the war- battle of Cold Harbor-correspondence with Lee-Retrospective (search)
on for this will be agreeable to me, and the same privilege will be extended to such parties as you may wish to send out on the same duty without further application. U. S. Grant, Lieut.-General Lee acceded to this; but delays in transmitting the correspondence brought it to the 7th of June-forty-eight hours after it commenced-before parties were got out to collect the men left upon the field. In the meantime all but two of the wounded had died. And I wrote to Lee: Cold Harbor, Va. June 7, 1864, 10.30 A. M. General R. E. Lee, Commanding Army of N. Va. I regret that your note of seven P. M. yesterday should have been received at the nearest corps headquarters, to where it was delivered, after the hour which had been given for the removal of the dead and wounded had expired; 10.45 P. M. was the hour at which it was received at corps headquarters, and between eleven and twelve it reached my headquarters. As a consequence, it was not understood by the troops of this army that th
ordinates to do other than as he thinks fit with his. He made, of course, no long speeches during the campaign, and in his short addresses, at Sanitary Fairs, in response to visiting delegations, or on similar occasions where custom and courtesy decreed that he must say something, preserved his mental balance undisturbed, speaking heartily and to the point, but skilfully avoiding the perils that beset the candidate who talks. When at last the Republican convention came together on June 7, 1864, it had less to do than any other convention in our political history; for its delegates were bound by a peremptory mandate. It was opened by brief remarks from Senator Morgan of New York, whose significant statement that the convention would fall far short of accomplishing its great mission unless it declared for a Constitutional amendment prohibiting African slavery, was loudly cheered. In their speeches on taking the chair, both the temporary chairman, Rev. Robert J. Breckinridge of
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
field Jan. 11, 1864 Petrel, Forest Rose. Schooner Emma 1,486 15 878 50 607 65 Philadelphia Feb. 18, 1864 Adirondack. Boat Emma 98 12 84 15 13 97 Key West June 7, 1864 Fort Henry. Boat Enterprise 872 00 172 56 699 44 do April 12, 1864 Sagamore. Steamer Eagle 35,475 33 5,355 46 30,119 87 do Mar. 17, 1864 Octorara. SteLellan. Schooner Lady Maria 30,646 45 2,228 42 28,418 03 do May 7, 1864 De Soto, Stonewall. Steamer Lizzie Davis 18,351 16 2,441 08 15,910 11 New Orleans June 7, 1864 San Jacinto. Schooner Locadie 1,997 00 656 44 1,340 56 do Nov. 26, 1864 Commodore. Schooner Lida 9,753 54 1,374 45 8,379 09 Philadelphia April 23, 1864 Ssquadron. 507 85   Sundries, 12 boxes 816 03 196 98 619 05 Key West Mar. 29, 1864 Brooklyn. Schooner Stingray 33,988 04 2,968 16 31,019 88 New Orleans June 7, 1864 Penobscot. Schooner Sylphide 3,050 69 769 95 2,280 74 do June 17, 1864 Virginia. Steamer Scotia 76,448 52 3,009 02 73,439 50 Boston July 19, 1864 Connect
, not including Gettysburg 219 866 1,471 2,556 Brandy Station, Va., Aug. 1, 1863 21 104 20 145 Mine Run, Va., Nov. 26--Dec. 2, 1863 28 119 77 224 Wilderness, Va., May 5-7, 1864 97 416 197 710 Hawes' Shop, Old Church, Ashland, Aenon Church, Va., etc., May 25-30, 1864 110 450 96 656 Cold Harbor, Va., May 31--June 6, 1864 51 328 70 449 Sheridan's First Expedition, Va., May 9-24, 1864, Beaver Dam Station, Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, etc. 64 337 224 625 Trevilian Raid, Va., June 7-24, 1864 150 738 624 1,512 Wilson's Raid, Va., June 22-30, 1864 71 262 1,119 1,452 Deep Bottom, Weldon Railroad, Reams' Station, Petersburg, etc., Va., August 1-30, 1864 64 269 122 455 Chaffin's Farm, Peebles' Farm, etc., Va., Sept. 1-30, 1864 24 121 336 481 Shenandoah campaign, 1864; Opequon, Tom's Brook, Cedar Creek, and 26 other engagements 454 2,817 646 3,917 Fall of Petersburg and Pursuit of Lee, March 29--April 9, 1865 221 930 339 1,490 It will be observed that ove
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), IV. Cold Harbor (search)
t is about eleven, with a note from a superior officer, saying that General Grant's aide-de-camp need not be delayed further, but that an answer would be sent in at the same point, which could be received by the picket officer. So we shook hands with the Rebs and retreated from the unsavory position. . . . We stopped at Barlow's Headquarters, and then I kept on to camp, where the General greeted me with: Hullo, Lyman, I thought perhaps the Rebs had gobbled you during that attack, . . . June 7, 1864 After extraordinary delays an armistice was concluded between six and eight P. M. this evening. It was very acceptable for burying the dead; but the wounded were mostly dead too, by this time, having been there since the 3d. I fancy there were not many, for our men make extraordinary exertions in the night to get in their comrades, and those who were not thus reached usually had their sufferings shortened by some stray ball, among the showers that continually passed between the works
the Union cause. The casualties on the raid were six hundred and twenty-five men killed and wounded. Trevilian raid, in which, at Trevilian Station, the Confederate cavalry was again seriously defeated. The purpose of the raid was to injure Lee's lines of supply, and to draw off the Southern cavalry during Grant's movement forward by the left flank, following his unsuccessful attempt to take the strong Confederate position at Cold Harbor by direct assault. Sheridan started on June 7, 1864, with about eight thousand cavalrymen, the trains and supplies being cut down to the absolute minimum. Wilson's division remained with the Army of the Potomac. By June 11th, the command was in the vicinity of Trevilian Station, where the enemy was encountered. Here, Torbert's division, pressing back the Confederate's pickets, found the foe in force about three miles from Trevilian, posted behind heavy timber. At about the same time, Custer was sent by a wood road to destroy Trevilian
T. H., June 10, 1863. Buell, Don Carlos, Mar. 21, 1862. Buford, John, July 1, 1863. Buford, N. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Burnside, A. E., Mar. 18, 1862. Butler, Benj. F., May 16, 1861. Cadwalader, G. B., Apr. 25, 1862. Clay, Cassius M., April 11, 1862. Couch, Darius N., July 4, 1862. Cox, Jacob Dolson, Oct. 6, 1862. Crittenden, T. L., July 17, 1862. Curtis, S. R., Nov. 21, 1862. Dana, N. J. T., Nov. 29, 1862. Davies, Henry E., May 4, 1865. Dix, John A., May 16, 1861. Dodge, G. M., June 7, 1864. Doubleday, A., Nov. 29, 1862. Garfield, J. A., Sept. 19, 1863. Hamilton, C. S., Sept. 18, 1862. Hamilton, S., Sept. 17, 1862. Herron, F. J., Nov. 29, 1862. Hitchcock, E. A., Feb. 10, 1862. Federal generals—No. 25-Pennsylvania Samuel P. spear, originally Colonel of the 11th Cavalry. Roy Stone, commander of the Bucktail brigade. William A. Nichols, promoted for faithful service in the War. Israel Vodges, promoted for gallantry in the field. S. B. M. Young, or
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
stablished, with a comptroller of the currency, appointed by President by act......June 3, 1864 Philadelphia sanitary fair (receipts, $1,080,000) opens......June 7, 1864 Union National Convention meets at Baltimore, Md., on call of the national executive committee, Feb. 22; appoints Hon. William Dennison, of Ohio, president; admits delegates from Virginia and Florida to seats without votes, and rejects delegates from South Carolina......June 7, 1864 National Republican Convention meets at Chicago......June 7, 1864 [On the first ballot for President, Lincoln received all the votes except those of Missouri for Grant, which were changed to LincolnJune 7, 1864 [On the first ballot for President, Lincoln received all the votes except those of Missouri for Grant, which were changed to Lincoln before the result was announced. First ballot for Vice-President, Andrew Johnson 200, D. S. Dickinson 108, H. Hamlin 150, scattering 61; after many changes the vote was announced: Johnson 494, Dickinson 17, Hamlin 9.] Vallandigham returns to Dayton, O., from Canada......June 15, 1864 General assault of Federals on Petersbu
anJan. 26, 1875. 2. Waxing Devices. 21,361PeppersAug. 31, 1858. 23,752BrighamApr. 26, 1859. 2. Waxing Devices (continued). No.Name.Date. 39,092DrewJune 30, 1863. 40,484HydeNov. 3, 1863. 41,050BanisterJan. 5, 1864. 43,077McKay et al.June 7, 1864. 43,209HolbrookJune 21, 1864. (Reissue.)1,831HolbrookDec. 6, 1864. 47,911AldrichMay 30, 1865. 47,912AldrichMay 30, 1865. (Reissue.)2,567DrewApr. 16, 1867. 67,300HaydenJuly 30, 1867. 67,881KendallAug. 20, 1867. 69,056WigginSept.ked, bruised between rollers; soaked in repeated waters, to prevent fermentation. Knead, pass through sieve, wash; treat with caustic potash, then with acid and steam; neutralize with alkali; steam, fine, filter, and concentrate. Thompson, June 7, 1864. Macerate grain in dilute acid. Fleischman, July 12, 1864. Macerate grain in sulphurousacid gas water. January 5, 1865. Add bicarbonate of soda to above, developing hyposulphurous acid. Goessling, December 20, 1864. Attempts to crys
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