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il 1, 1864, formed a total of $723,474,272. Of this total, not far from half—that is to say, $342,560,327—were applied to the extinction of the public debt; while the total expenditures were $272,378,505, leaving a balance in the treasury on October 1, 1864, of $108,435,440. The sources from which this revenue was derived were as follows: Four per cent registered bonds, act of February 17, 1864 $13,363,500 Six per cent bonds, $500,000,000 loan, act of February 17, 1864    14,481,050 Four p Sequestrations      1,338,732 Customs           50,004 Export             4,320 Coin seized by the Secretary of War      1,653,200 Premium on loans      4,822,249 Soldiers' tax         908,622 The total amount of the public debt on October 1, 1864, on the books of the register of the treasury, was $1,147,970,208, of which $530,340,090 was funded debt, bearing interest, and $283,880,150 was treasury notes of the new issue, and the remainder
their failure, 257. Question of supplying arms, 261. People anxious to serve in any way, 262. Provisional army called, 263-64. Provision for regular army, 265-69. Lack of navy, 271-72. Unpreparedness for war, 272-74. Preparation for war, 270-76. Declaration of peaceful intentions, 283-84. Case of Mason and Slidell, 402-03. Inventory of supplies at beginning of war, 404-06. Progress in securing munitions and supplies, 407-12. Statement of Secretary of Treasury, Feb., 1862, 416; Oct. 1, 1864, 422. Financial system, 417-26. Decline of agriculture, 433. Confederate States of America Increase of manufactures, 433. Enlistment laws, 433-34, 439-43. Congress (Articles of Confederation). Compared with Federal Congress, 6-8, 23-24. Powers, 75. Committee of state, 75. Inadequacy, 75-76. Resolution adopted for a Constitutional convention, 77; powers of delegates defined, 77. Representation under articles of Confederation, 83. Congress (Confederate States of Ame