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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 14: siege of Petersburg. (search)
of endurance, and with the smile of a sublime resolution risking the last defiance of fortune. His thoughts ever turned upon the soldiers of his army — the ragged, gallant fellows around him, whose pinched cheeks told hunger was their portion, and whose shivering forms denoted the absence of proper clothing. Mrs. Lee, in her invalid chair in Richmond, with large heart and small means, assisted by friends, was busy knitting socks and sending them to him. He writes her from Petersburg, November 30, 1864: I received yesterday your letter of the 27th, and am glad to learn your supply of socks is so large. If two or three hundred would send an equal number we should have a sufficiency. I will endeavor to have them distributed to the most needy. And again on December 17, 1864: I received day before yesterday the box with hat, gloves, and socks; also the barrel of apples. You had better have kept the latter, as it would have been more useful to you than to me, and I should have enjoye
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 46 (search)
a rigid execution of the law is mercy in the end. The great want in our army is firm discipline. The Secretary of War sent it to the President for his information. The President sent it back with the following biting indorsement: When deserters are arrested they should be tried, and if the sentences are reviewed and remitted, that is not a proper subject for the criticism of a military commander.-Jeff. Davis. November 29th, 1864. Another dispatch from Gen. Bragg: Augusta, November 30th, 1864. Following just-received from Major Gen. Wheeler: Four Miles West Buckhead Church, November 29th, 9 P. M.-We fought Gen. Kilpatrick all night and all day, charging him at every opportunity. Enemy fought stubbornly, and left a considerable number of their killed. He stampeded, and came near capturing Kilpatrick twice; but having a fleet horse, he escaped, bareheaded, leaving his hat in our hands. Our own loss about 70, including the gallant Gen. Robertson, severely wounded. Our
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 5.35 (search)
e were all aiming at — victory and peace from Virginia to Texas. He was one of the many referred to by Mr. Lincoln who sat in darkness, but after the event saw a great light. He never revealed to me the doubts he had had.--W. T. S. Meantime Hood, whom I had left at and near Florence, 317 miles to my rear, having completely reorganized and resupplied his army, advanced against Thomas at Nashville, who had also made every preparation. Hood first encountered Schofield at Franklin, November 30th, 1864, attacked him boldly behind his intrenchments, and sustained a positive check, losing 6252 of his best men, including Generals Cleburne and Adams, who were Ration-day at Chattanooga in 1864. from a War-time sketch. killed on the very parapets, to Schofield's loss of 2326. Nevertheless he pushed on to Nashville, which he invested. Thomas, one of the grand characters of our civil war, nothing dismayed by danger in front or rear, made all his preparations with cool and calm delibe
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 9.64 (search)
posed. General J. D. Cox has pointed out that the reports confirm his own observation that Hood's artillery was used in the battle.--editors. General Forrest was ordered to post cavalry on both flanks, and, if the assault proved successful, to complete the ruin of the enemy by capturing those who attempted to escape in the direction of Nashville. Lee's corps, as it arrived, was held in reserve, owing to the lateness Major-General Patrick R. Cleburne, C. S. A., killed at Franklin, November 30, 1864. from a photograph. of the hour and my inability, conseqently, to post it on the extreme left. Schofield's position was rendered favorable for defense by open ground in front, and temporary intrenchments which the Federals had had time to throw up, notwithstanding the Confederate forces had marched in pursuit with all possible speed. At one or two points, along a short space, a slight abatis had been hastily constructed, by felling some small locust saplings in the vicinity. Soo
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
ta, with a powerful enemy commanding, in a large degree, his communications, yet it was in no sense a retreat, but a new campaign, offensive in all its plans and their execution. Sherman was with Blair's corps when it crossed the Ogeechee Nov. 30, 1864. and moved down the left bank of that stream towards Millen. In order to distract his foe, he directed Kilpatrick to leave his wagons and all obstructions with the left wing, make demonstrations in the direction of Augusta, and give Wheeler t, and pushed on northward, closely pursued, and sometimes severely pressed after the day dawned. Hour after hour skirmishing went on, while the patriots gradually moved northward. during that day and night, and early the following morning Nov. 30, 1864. they were in a strong position at Franklin, on the Harpeth River, where some stirring events had occurred the previous year. See page 118. There Schofield halted on the southern edge of the village, in order that his trains, then choking
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 17: Sherman's March through the Carolinas.--the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
federates in that region, in the absence of Bragg. This caused a postponement of the expedition until the latter part of November, when General Grant provided six thousand five hundred troops from the forces under General Butler, to co-operate with the fleet under Admiral Porter. The immediate command of the troops was given to General Weitzel. When the arrangements were all agreed upon, after Grant and Porter had a consultation in Hampton Roads, the commanding general was informed Nov. 30, 1864. that General Bragg had gone to Georgia, taking with him a greater portion of the troops at and around Wilmington, to operate against Sherman. Grant considered it important to strike the blow at Fort Fisher during Bragg's absence, and he gave immediate orders for the troops and transports to be put in readiness at Bermuda Hundred, as soon as possible. In the instructions given to General Butler, December 6. it was stated that the first object of the expedition was to close the port of
held a skirmish line for several hours, under a strong pressure. Loss, 11 killed and 69 wounded. Two brigades of colored troops participated in the victory at Nashville, December 15, 1864. The heaviest loss in any regiment on that field occurred in the Thirteenth U. S. Colored Infantry, which, in its assault on Overton Hill, lost 55 killed (including 4 officers), and 166 wounded; Includes the mortally wounded. total, 221. The severest loss at the battle of Honey Hill, S. C., November 30, 1864, fell on a black regiment, the Fifty-fifth Massachusetts, which lost in that action, 29 killed, and 115 wounded; total, 144. In the closing battle of the war — the victorious assault on Fort Blakely, Ala., April 9, 1865--a colored division bore a conspicuous and honorable part. Among the casualties in that engagement the following are worthy of note: Regiment. Killed. Wounded. Includes the mortally wounded. Missing Total. 68th U. S. Colored Infantry 10 91 -- 101 76th U
nd 24 missing; at Chancellorsville — Devens's Division, Eleventh Corps--it lost 14 killed, 107 wounded, and 31 missing; at Gettysburg — in Ames's Brigade, Barlow's Division, Eleventh Corps--it lost 9 killed, 100 wounded, and 75 missing. In August, 1863, this division of the Eleventh Corps was detached, and ordered to Charleston Harbor, S. C. While stationed at Hilton Head, S. C., it joined the expedition against the Charleston & Savannah R. R., which resulted in the battle of Honey Hill, Nov. 30, 1864, where the regiment sustained a severe loss. Major Carrington E. Randall was mortally wounded in this action. The regiment remained in South Carolina until the close of the war. Twenty-Ninth Ohio Infantry. Candy's Brigade — Geary's Division--Twelfth Corps. (1) Col. Louis P. Buckley. (2) Col. William T. Fitch. (3) Col. Jonas Schoonover. companies. killed and died of wounds. died of disease, accidents, in Prison, &c. Total Enrollment. Officers. Men. Total. Offi
Eighteenth 4 30 36 70 112th New York Foster's Tenth 4 28 3 35 67th Ohio Ames's Tenth 2 20 2 24 Spring Hill, Tenn.             Nov 29, 1864.             42d Illinois Wagner's Fourth 16 64 20 100 Franklin, Tenn.             Nov. 30, 1864.             44th Missouri Ruger's Twenty-third 34 37 92 163 72d Illinois Wagner's Fourth 15 97 38 150 51st Illinois Wagner's Fourth 11 45 98 154 111th Ohio Wagner's Fourth 16 46 20 82 36th Illinois Opdycke's Fourth 6 35 21 62 57th Indiana Wagner's Fourth 5 24 63 92 40th Indiana Wagner's Fourth 2 20 50 72 Honey Hill, S. C.             Nov. 30, 1864.             55th Mass. Colored Hatch's ---------- 31 112 1 144 25th Ohio Hatch's ---------- 24 134 3 161 35th U. S. Colored Hatch's ---------- 7 101 4 112 Deveaux Neck, S. C.             Dec. 6-9, 1864.             127th New York Hatch's ---------- 16 54 -- 70 32d U. S. Colored Hatch's ---------- 9
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 8 (search)
up their adversaries! Also he is going to get a gun that shoots seven miles and, taking direction by compass, burn the city of Richmond with shells of Greek fire. If that don't do, he has an auger that bores a tunnel five feet in diameter, and he is going to bore to Richmond, and suddenly pop up in somebody's basement, while the family are at breakfast! So you see he is ingenious. It is really summer warm to-day; there are swarms of flies, and I saw a bumble-bee and a grasshopper. November 30, 1864 Did you hear how the Hon. Nesmith, whom I have mentioned, discovered the real cause of the defeat at the first Bull Run? He was in Washington at the time, and the military wiseacres, as soon as they got over the scare, were prolific in disquisitions on the topic. One evening Nesmith found a lot of them very verbose over a lot of maps and books. They talked wisely of flank movements and changes of front, and how we should have won a great victory if we had only done so and so; whe
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