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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 47 47 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 41 41 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 12 12 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 8 8 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 6 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Name Index of Commands 6 6 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 4 4 Browse Search
Isaac O. Best, History of the 121st New York State Infantry 4 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 4 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 32. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 3 3 Browse Search
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ms to do every thing in his power to lessen the horrors of this dire calamity. Other officers are kind in their departments, and the negro regiments look quite subdued. No one can tell how long this will last. Norfolk had its day of grace, and even New Orleans was not down-trodden at once. There are already apprehensions of evil. Is the Church to pray for the Northern President? How is it possible, except as we pray for all other sinners? But I pause for further developments. April 6th, 1865. Mr. Lincoln has visited our devoted city to-day. His reception was any thing but complimentary. Our people were in nothing rude or disrespectful; they only kept themselves away from a scene so painful. There are very few Unionists of the least respectability here; these met them (he was attended by Stanton and others) with cringing loyalty, I hear, but the rest of the small collection were of the low, lower, lowest of creation. They drove through several streets, but the greetin
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 58: the President's account of the evacuation of Richmond. (search)
itions made there; nothing had been done after you left, and but little could be done in the few hours which remained before the train was to leave The people here have been very kind, and the Mayor and Council have offered assistance in the matter of quarters, and have very handsomely declared their unabated confidence. I do not wish to leave Virginia, but cannot decide on my movements until those of the army are better developed. From President Davis to Mrs. Davis. Danville, Va., April 6, 1865. In my letter of yesterday I gave you all of my prospects which could now be told, not having heard from General Lee, and having to conform my movements to the military necessities of the case. We are arranging an executive office where the current business may be transacted here, and do not propose at this time definitely to fix upon a point for a seat of government in the future. I am unwilling to leave Virginia, and do not know where, within her borders, the requisite houses fo
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Five Forks and the pursuit of Lee. (search)
dge after his passage, but Humphreys arrived in time to extinguish the fire before it had made much progress, and followed Lee to the north side of the river. General Grant started from Burkeville early tile next morning, the 7th, and took the direct road to Farmville. The columns were crowding the roads, and the men, aroused to still greater efforts by the inspiring news of the day before, were sweeping along, despite the rain that fell, like trained The capture of Ewell's Corps, April 6, 1865. from a sketch made at the time. In his official report General Ewell gives the following account of the battle of Sailor's Creek and the capture of his corps: On crossing a little stream known as Sailor's Creek, I met General Fitzhugh Lee, who informed me that a large force of cavalry held the road just in front of General [R. H.] Anderson, and was so strongly posted that he had halted a short distance ahead. The trains were turned into the road nearer the river, while I hurrie
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 19: the repossession of Alabama by the Government. (search)
through all restraints, ravaged the town for awhile. Wilson now prepared to move eastward into, Georgia, by way of Montgomery. He. directed Major Hubbard to construct a pontoon bridge over the Alabama River, at Selma, which had been made brimful by recent rains, and then he Ruins of Confederate Foundery. this was the appearance of a portion of the city of Selma, when the writer sketched it, in April, 1866. t; was the site of the great Confederate iron-foundery there. hastened April 6, 1865. to Cahawba, the ancient capital of Alabama, This was the place where De Soto crossed the Alabama River, on his march toward the Mississippi River, which he discovered in the year 1541. a few miles down the stream, to meet General Forrest, under a flag of truce, by appointment, for the purpose of making arrangements for an exchange of prisoners. They met at the fine mansion of Mr. Mathews, This gentleman informed the writer that the two officers dined at his house; and after Forre
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 21: closing events of the War.--assassination of the President. (search)
e six thousand men then made prisoners, were Ewell and four other-generals. Lee succeeded in crossing the Appomattox over the bridges at Farmville that night, April 6 and 7, 1865. with his dreadfully shattered army. He tried to make that stream an impassable barrier between his force and its pursuers, by destroying the bridgeshe President rode rapidly through the principal streets of Richmond, in an open carriage, and, at near sunset, departed for City Point. Two days afterward, April 6, 1865. the President went to Richmond again, accompanied by his wife, the Vice-President, and several Senators, when he was called upon by leading Confederates, sevehdrawal of the Virginia troops — in other words, nearly all of Lee's army — would accomplish it, he left with General Weitzel, on his departure from Richmond, April 6, 1865. authority to allow the gentlemen who have acted as the Legislature of Virginia, in support of the rebellion, to assemble at Richmond and take measures to with
s time attended by Mrs. Lincoln, by Vice-President Johnson, several U. S. Senators, &c. He was now waited on by several leading Confederates, who, seeing that their cause was hopelessly lost, were naturally anxious to make the best terms possible; and to whom, in a spirit of kindness and magnanimity that had never been shaken, he lent a favorable ear. In deference to a suggestion by some of their number, he wrote the following: headquarters armies of the United States, City Point, April 6, 1865. Major-Gen. Weitzel, Richmond, Va.: It has been intimated to me that the gentlemen who have acted as the Legislature of Virginia, in support of the Rebellion, may now desire to assemble at Richmond and take measures to withdraw the Virginia troops and other support from resistance to the General Government. If they attempt it, give them permission and protection, until, if at all, they attempt some action hostile to the United States; in which case, you will notify them, giving them
7 South Anna, Va., May 10, 1864 2 Deatonsville, Va., April 6, 1865 7 Ashland, Va., May 11, 1864 9 Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 4 Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, 1864 1 Farmville, Va., April 7, 1865 2 Hawes' Shop, Va., May 28, 1864 1 App9 Berryville, Va., Sept. 4, 1864 1 High Bridge, Va., April 6, 1865 1 Opequon, Va., Sept. 19, 1864 23 Place Unknown 3 the final battle of the Sixth Corps--at Sailor's Creek, April 6, 1865--the regiment displayed remarkable fighting qualities, Deep Bottom, Va., July 29, 1864 2 Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 3 Auburn, Va., Oct. 14, 1863 2 Lee's Mills, Va., JulTrevilian Station, June 11, 1864 2 Sailor's Creek, Va., April 6, 1865 2 Aldie, Va., Oct. 31, 1862 1 Petersburg, Va., July- March 19, 1865 1 Jonesboro, Ga. 2 Owensburg, N. C., April 6, 1865 2 Atlanta Campaign 5 The Carolinas 3 Guerrillas 3revilian Sta'n, Va., June 11, 1864 18 High Bridge, Va., April 6, 1865 2 Newby's Cross Roads, July 24, 1863 3 Winchester, V
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 9 (search)
r trains and find our strength. In truth they never came even in sight of our infantry pickets. Though he was not fit for the saddle, General Meade insisted on riding out beyond the lines to talk with Sheridan. He treated him very handsomely and did not avail of his rank to take command over his cavalry, but merely resumed the 5th Corps--a generosity that General Sheridan has hardly reciprocated! Headquarters Army of Potomac Richmond and Burkeville R. R. 10 miles north of Burkeville April 6, 1865 We are pelting after Old Lee as hard as the poor doughboys' legs can go. I estimate our prisoners at 16,000, with lots of guns and colors. At six A. M. the three infantry corps advanced in line of battle, on Amelia Court House; 2d on the left; 5th in the centre; and 6th on the right. Sheridan's cavalry, meantime, struck off to the left, to head off their waggon-trains in the direction of the Appomattox River. We did not know just then, you perceive, in what precise direction the en
th, and Twentieth Corps, and Kilpatrick's Cav.; Confed., Gen. J. E. Johnston's army and Wade Hampton's Cav. Losses: Union, 191 killed, 1168 wounded, 287 missing; Confed., 239 killed, 1694 wounded, 673 missing. March 20, 1865 to April 6, 1865: Stoneman's raid into southwestern Va. And North Carolina. Union, Palmer's, Brown's, and Miller's Cavalry Brigades; Confed. No record found. Losses. No record found. March 22, 1865 to April 24, 1865: Wilson's raid, Chickasaw, Ala., ing colors and martial music, to enter the memorable review at Washington in May, here preserved. The return of the soldiers — the grand review The return of the soldiers — the grand review, a few seconds after the previous figure. April 6, 1865: Sailor's Creek, Va. Union, Second and Sixth Corps and Sheridan's Cav.; Confed., Gen. R. S. Ewell's command, and part of Gen. R. H. Anderson's. Losses: Union, 166 killed, 1014 wounded; Confed., 6000 killed, wounded, and capture
5, 1864. Geo. D. wells, Cedar Creek October 13, 1864. Sylvester G. Hill, Nashville December 15, 1864. Arthur H. Dutton, Bermuda hundred died June 5, 1864. Charles R. Lowell, Cedar Creek October 20, 1864. Theodore read, high Bridge April 6, 1865. Tabular statement of losses in both the Union and Confederate armies in the principal battles of the Civil War, 1861-1865, compiled from official reports by Marcus J. Wright, chief of the division of Confederate records, U. S. War Deparals killed in battle— group no. 8— Brigadier-generals Archibald Gracie, Jr. Petersburg trenches December 2, 1864. John Adams, Franklin November 30, 1864. H. B. Granbury, Franklin November 30, 1864. James Dearing, high Bridge April 6, 1865. John Dunovant, Vaughn Road, October 1, 1864. John Gregg, Darbytown Road, October 7, 1864. Stephen Elliott, Jr., Petersburg died in 1864. Oscar F. Strahl, Franklin November 30, 1864. Archibald C. Godwin, Opequon September 19, 1864
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