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, John F., Mar. 25, 1865. Hatch, John P., Mar. 13, 1865. Hawley, Jos. R., Sept. 28, 1865. Hayes, Joseph, Mar. 13, 1865. Hayes, Ruth. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Hays, Aleead, H. C., April 1, 1865. Barber, G. M., Mar. 13, 1865. Barnes, Charles, Sept. 28, 1865. Barney, A. M., Mar. 11, 1865. Barney, B. G., Mar. 13, 1865. Barnett, Jaoe, Jas. C., Mar. 13, 1865. Broadhead, T. F., Aug. 30, 1862. Bronson, S., Sept. 28, 1865. Browne, T. M., Mar. 13, 1865. Browne, W. H., Mar. 13, 1865. Brown, C. E, Geo. A., Feb. 13, 1865. Foster, Geo. P., Aug. 1, 1864. Foster, John A., Sept. 28, 1865. Foust, B. F., Mar. 13, 1865. Fowler, Edw. B., Mar. 13, 1865. Franchot, christ, C. A., Mar. 26, 1865. Gile, Geo. W., May 6, 1865. Ginty, Geo. C., Sept. 28, 1865. Given, Josiah, Mar. 13, 1865. Given, William, Mar. 13, 1865. Glasgow, SMartin, Wm. H., June 8, 1865. Mason, Ed. C., June 3, 1865. Mather, T. S., Sept. 28, 1865. Matthews, J. A., April 2, 1865. Matthews, Sol. S., Mar. 13, 1865. Matto
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Slocum, Henry Warner 1827-1894 (search)
vision. He served with distinction in the campaign on the Peninsula, in 1862, and on July 4, 1862, he was promoted major-general. In the battle of Groveton (or second battle of Bull Run), at South Mountain, and Antietam, he was signally active, and in October, 1862, was assigned to the command of the 12th Corps, which he led at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. At the latter he commanded the right wing of Meade's army. From September, 1863, to April, 1864, he guarded the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, and in the Atlanta campaign commanded the 20th Corps. In the march to the sea he commanded one of the grand divisions of Sherman's army; also through the Carolinas, until the surrender of Johnston. He resigned Sept. 28, 1865; was defeated as Democratic candidate for secretary of state of New York in 1865; was a Presidential elector in 1868; elected .to Congress in 1868 and 1870, and as Representative at large in 1884. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1894.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
gn November-December. Columbia Duck River November 24-27. Battle of Franklin November 30. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Huntsville, Ala., and duty there till March, 1865. Operations in East Tennessee March 15-April 22. Duty at Nashville till June. Ordered to New Orleans, La., June 16; thence to Indianola, Tex., July 7. Duty at San Antonio and at New Braunfels till September. Mustered out September 28, 1865. Regiment lost during service 11 Officers and 120 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 220 Enlisted men by disease. Total 353. 10th Indiana Regiment Infantry. 3 months. Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., April 22-25, 1861. Duty near Evansville, Ind., till June 7. Ordered to West Virginia June 7. Attached to Rosecrans' Brigade, McClellan's Army of West Virginia. Occupation of Buckhannon June 30. West Virginia Campaign July 6-17. Battle
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
t May 20, 1865. Company L mustered out December 27, 1864, and Company M January 31, 1865. Duty at Bladensburg and Cloud's Mills till June 14. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., June 14-20; thence to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, June 21-25. Regiment consolidated to 6 Companies July 21. March to Fort Kearney, Neb., July 27-August 16. March to Cottonwood Springs, Colo., August 23-28; thence to Fort Kearney August 29-September 1, and to Fort Leavenworth September 8-18. Mustered out September 28, 1865. Moved to Boston, Mass., September 29-October 5, and discharged October 8, 1865. Regiment lost during service 5 Officers and 101 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 180 Enlisted men by disease. Total 288. 4th Massachusetts Regiment Cavalry Organized at Readville December 26, 1863, to February 8, 1864. 1st Battalion formerly Independent Battalion, Massachusetts Cavalry, was assigned as Companies I, K, L and M February 12, 1864. Attached to Ligh
o Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, and mustered in March 5, 1865. Left State for Huntsville, Ala., March 7. Attached to District of North Alabama, Dept. of the Tennessee, to September, 1865. Service. Arrived at Hunsville, Ala., March 17, 1865. Assigned to duty along Memphis & Charleston Railroad guarding bridges and building stockades till June. Regiment concentrated June 20 and assigned to post duty at Huntsville till September 25. Mustered out September 28, 1865. Regiment lost during service 1 Enlisted man killed and 48 Enlisted men by disease. Total 49. 190th Ohio Regiment Infantry. Failed to complete organization. 191st Ohio Regiment Infantry. Organized at Camp Chase, Ohio, January and February, 1865. Moved to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., March 10, 1865. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 1st Provisional Division, Army of the Shenandoah, March 20. March to Charleston March 21. Transferred to 2nd (Ohio) Brigade, 2nd Provisional D
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States Veteran Reserve Corps. (search)
teran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company G, 7th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Nashville, Tenn., July 25, 1863. Designation changed March 7, 1864. Consolidated with 74th Company, 2nd Battalion, September 28, 1865. 12th United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company H, 12th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Convalescent Camp, Va., July 16, 1863. Designation changed May 23, 1864. Consolidated wimpany, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company K, 20th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Hampton Gen. Hospital, Fort Monroe, Va., August, 1863. Designation changed May 25, 1864. Mustered out by detachments August 11 to September 28, 1865. 33rd United States Veteran Reserve Company, 2nd Battalion Formerly known as Company G, 9th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps. Organized at Convalescent Camp, Va., August 24, 1864. Designation changed April 29, 1864. Consolidated
ver campaign; in the latter part of July, organized as infantry, it was transferred to Maryland, becoming part of the 2d Brigade, 19th Army Corps, and engaged in the battles of the Opequon and Cedar Creek, going into winter quarters at Pleasant Valley, Md., on Dec. 28, 1864. In February, 1865, it was again equipped as cavalry, and in March returned to Virginia. At the close of the previous year the three independent cavalry companies were mustered out and their places were filled by other Massachusetts men. On May 20 those who had originally formed the 41st Infantry were mustered out. The regiment left Washington for Fort Leavenworth, Kan., June 14, 1865; served in Kansas and Nebraska during the summer, and was mustered out of service Sept. 28, 1865. Proceeding at once to Boston, the members of the regiment were paid off and discharged, October 5, at Gallop's Island. Present also at Irish Bend, Henderson Hill, Georgia Landing, Cane River, Muddy Bayou, Piney Woods and Snag Point.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
gr. Gerrish, David F.,Me.Mass.Mass.Nov. 26, 1863.Actg. 1st Asst. Engr.Nantucket.South Atlantic.Aug. 26, 1866.Hon. discharged.Actg. 1st Asst. Engr. Gerry, Charles M. S.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 30, 1864.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Iosco.North Atlantic.Sept. 28, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. Gerry, Martin H.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Sept. 19, 1862.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Itasca; Ossipee.West Gulf.Mar. 12, 1866.Resigned.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Oct. 23/63.Actg. 2d Asst. Engr. Gheradi, Bancroft, In serv. Master. Sleeper, James A.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Mar. 9, 1865.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Kearsarge.-Dec. 14/66.Appointment revoked.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. Sloan, John F., Credit, CharleBtown.Mass.Mass.Mass.May 28, 1864.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Kensington.-Sept. 28, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. Small, Edward A.,-Mass.Mass.Sept. 11, 1862.Actg. Ensign.Cambridge.South Atlantic.Oct. 14, 1866.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Feb. 22, 1865.Actg. Master. Small, Elbridge F.,Mass.Mass.Mass.Feb. 17, 1864.
Lieutenant, 1st Battalion Frontier Cavalry, Mass. Volunteers, or 26th N. Y. Cavalry, Jan. 18, 1865. Captain, 3d Mass. Cavalry, Feb. 16, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Second Lieutenant, 7th U. S. Cavalry, Mar. 7, 1867. See United States Army. Crowninshield, Benjamin W. First Lieutenant, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Dec. 19, 1 17, 1862. Second Lieutenant, 3d Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 16, 1862. First Lieutenant, Nov. 1, 1862. Captain, June 17, 1863. Major, Aug. 15, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Colonel, Oct. 5, 1865; never mustered. Nettleton, Edward Payson. Captain, 31st Mass. Infantry, Oct. 30, 1861; mustered, Dec. 10, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, Frederick G. Captain, 41st Mass. Infantry, afterward 3d Mass. Cavalry, Sept. 2, 1862. Major, Dec. 12, 1864. Lieut. Colonel, Aug. 15, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Colonel, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. Pope, George. Private and Corporal, 44th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 12, 1862. Discharged
4. Captain, Feb. 23, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Barr, Robert G. Second Lieutenant, 3. Captain, Nov. 14, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Major, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. Lieutenant, Nov. 14, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Captain, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. ss. Cavalry, Dec. 17, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Captain, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. 2. Captain, Oct. 27, 1863. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Major, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. Gi Lieutenant, Sept. 2, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Captain, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. ug. 17, 1865; not mustered. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865, as Second Lieutenant. Captain, Oct. 5, 1ass. Cavalry, Feb. 8, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Captain, Oct. 5, 1865; not mustered. Lieutenant, July 21, 1865. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865 (S. O. War Dept., 189, Aug. 13, 1884). t Lieutenant, May 16, 1864. Mustered out, Sept. 28, 1865. Wilson, John T. Second Lieutenant, [3 more...]
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