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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 1 1 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 5: the Chattanooga campaign.--movements of Sherman's and Burnside's forces. (search)
nt overtook him. On the following morning he marched on to Greysville, on the East Chickamauga, where he found Palmer and his command, who, on the previous evening, had struck a rear-guard under General Gist, and captured three of his guns and some prisoners. There Sherman halted, and sent Howard to destroy a large section of the railway which connected Dalton with Cleveland, and thus severed the communication between Bragg and Burnside. Hooker, meanwhile, had pushed on to Ringgold, Nov. 27, 1868. Osterhaus in advance, Geary following, and Cruft in the rear, and finding at every step evidences of Bragg's precipitate flight. Stragglers were numerous, and were made prisoners. When the head of the pursuers reached Ringgold, the rear of the pursued had just left it. A little beyond is a narrow gap in Taylor's Ridge, sufficiently wide for the passage of the ]east Chickamauga River and the railway, with margins rising several hundred feet. There General Cleburne (called, as we have o
nutes to the action of a screw-press. The face of the mold being afterward black-leaded, an electrotype cast was taken. He also made stereotype-plates from the same substance, the mold being obtained in the above manner, and the plate formed under pressure while heated. Stereotype-mold drying-press (paper process). Iron electrotypes were made by Klein, a Russian, and the process patented in the United States, September 29, 1868. See also Scientific American, November 18 and November 27, 1868. In Joyce's process for obtaining plates in relief from intaglio molds, patented July 14, 1874, a smooth plate of iron, such as is used in the clay process of stereotyping, is covered with a thin layer of suitable composition, ordinary thin clay and pulverized plaster. When dry, the design or writing is cut into the composition by means of pointed or sharp-edged graving-tools, so as to expose the face of the plate at those parts which are to show black in the print. The nature of
l Grant to Mr. Blest-Gana, Chilian Minister to the United States. Mr. Blest-Gana had been the Chilian Minister at Washington nearly a year when Grant was elected President, and he wrote at once to offer his congratulations. I have elsewhere told of the respect Grant always showed for the representatives of the various American republics, and the more than amicable relations he strove to maintain with them all, both in their personal and official capacities. Washington, D. C., Nov. 27th, 1868. Sr. D. A. Blest-Gana, Minister, etc. dear Sir,—Your esteemed congratulatory letter is rec'd. Please accept my thanks for the kind expressions it contains both towards me personally and to the government of the United States. The tendency of the world at this time seems to be towards free government. May it go on until all are as free as we are, and as prosperous. I hope the day is not far distant when Republican Governments, especially those on this continent, will be in suc