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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. 1 1 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The first Methodist Episcopal Church of Medford. (search)
,000. The pastorate closed with a grand jubilee, with resolutions of love for the pastor and his family, and with thanksgiving to God for his blessing to us. Rev. E. T. Curnick followed Mr. Bragg. He found the church free from debt, even the current expenses of previous years being paid in full, a novel experience. During this pastorate, women were first elected as stewards in the church, Mrs. J. W. Saxe and Mrs. Celia M. Vining being appointed at the First Quarterly Conference, held May 8, 1890. A Junior Epworth League was formed and conducted by the pastor, the children were well instructed, and later furnished many members of the church. Mr. Curnick was followed by Rev. Fayette Nichols, and he by Rev. O. W. Hutchinson. During Mr. Hutchinson's ministry the Sunday-school was reorganized into a thoroughly graded school, and the Ladies' Social Circle was reorganized with a new constitution as the Ladies' Aid Society. Mr. Hutchinson was followed by Rev. Alexander Dight, who