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now empty,) the Army and the Navy. Possession is nine-tenths of the law. I say most solemnly that unless Maryland and Virginia are out of the Union before the 4th of March, the difficulties of Disunion will be infinitely complicated and bloodshed, inevitable, as I think, in any event, will be incomparably greater.--How can Lincolnginia go out a fortnight before his term commences, he will hesitate about coming to Washington. And even if he should come, better a great battle here on the 4th of March than that much harder battle, or rather series of battles, which must ensue if he once gets possession of the Government. It seems to me that the more States uisiana. A member from South Carolina, wishing to get the sense of the meeting as to the Buchanan-Cobb scheme of getting his State to postpone action till the 4th of March next, put the vote direct, "Shall South Carolina postpone" Not one voice was uttered in the affirmative. Attorney General Black's article in the Constitut
The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Burning of the Kentucky Lunatic Asylum. (search)
rd Court, fills every Virginian here with unfeigned joy. Let us in this crisis be worthy of our name and fame. To show the temper of the South, I relate an incident which occurred at the caucus of Southern members night before last. Representatives were present from South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana. A member from South Carolina, wishing to get the sense of the meeting as to the Buchanan-Cobb scheme of getting his State to postpone action till the 4th of March next, put the vote direct, "Shall South Carolina postpone" Not one voice was uttered in the affirmative. Attorney General Black's article in the Constitution sustains the views of the Message concerning secession. Of course; if it be true, as charged, that Judge Black wrote that part of the Message with his own hand. The modest proposal of Mr. Toucey that he be permitted to purchase supplies for the Navy privately, instead of advertising for contracts, excites no comment. Disu
All have not resigned. --In the Blue Book, 781 South Carolinians are set down as receipting the United States pay rolls for different services. Nine only have resigned, and these resignations are to take effect on the 4th of March next.