Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 7, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 3 AD or search for April, 3 AD in all documents.

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Notes of the War. A correspondent of the Dispatch, writing from the Army of the Potomac, March 4th, makes the following cheering statement: "I have no news of interest, in a military point of view, to write, save that our men are re-enlisting in a manner that greatly exceeds our most sanguine expectations; and, I think, by the time our spring campaign opens our army will be much greater than as any previous time. Our men seem to feel and appreciate the importance of the great stake at issue — freedom, and a glorious independence on our side; humility, disgrace, and a life-long servility on the other. God grant they may meet it as becomes the chivalrous sons of the fairest country under the sun — our own sunny South." Patriotic family. Another correspondent of this paper, in a recent letter from the Potomac, gives us an example of patriotism which, we hope, will infuse into our non-combatants a determination to make some personal sacrifices for the good of the com
here, and below I send you a condensed report of the principal items or points of news they contain: Portland, Me., March 4.--The steamship Norwegian has arrived here with Liverpool mail dates to Feb. 20th, and by telegraph from Liverpool to Que The English Funds at London, were dull, and consols were flat. Money was in moderate demand at 2½. St. Louis, March 4. --Columbus has been evacuated by the Confederate troops, and the town has been burned by the rebels. They have removed the guns to Fort Randolph. Washington, March 4.--Andy Johnson has been formally appointed military Governor of Tennessee. United States stocks are quoted at 93. Liverpool, Feb. 21.--The sales of cotton for four days reach 41,000 bales,e French troops will not leave Rome. The difficulty between Austria and Prussia is widening daily. Washington, March 4.--Gen. Banks's forces occupied Martinsburg on yesterday, without opposition. It is believed that Gen. "Stone-Wall" J