Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for April, 3 AD or search for April, 3 AD in all documents.

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Wednesday, March 5th, from which we make up the following summary in regard to the situation of affairs: Official reports of the occupation of Columbus. Gen. Halleck makes the following report to Gen. McClellan, under date of St. Louis. March 4: Sir: The cavalry from Paducah marched into Columbus yesterday, at six P. M., driving before them the enemy's rear guard. The flag of the Union is flying over the boasted Gibraltar of the West. Finding himself completely turned on bohe gallant Commander Stemble. Gen. Sherman remains temporarily in command of Columbus. A. H. Foote, Flag Officer. Other Federal accounts say that the Confederates retreated to Fort Randolph. The occupation of Martinsburg. Washington, March 4. --Gen. Banks's forces occupied Martinsburg yesterday without opposition, and the pickets continue to bring in prisoners. Although few in number, they are of much importance. Among those taken last night was Rev. T. J. McVeigh, chaplain o
are concentrating a large force opposite Hooker's Division, and it is supposed that a large number of Southern troops have recently arrived. Salt Lake City, March 4.--Brigham Young has been re-elected Governor of Utah. Springfield, Mo., March 1.--On Wednesday night 300 Confederates surprised Capt. Montgomery at Kittsvill Federals were killed and seventy horses were taken. It is believed that Generals Van-Dorn, Price, McCulloch and Pike will overrun the country. Louisville, March 4.--Two bridges at Nashville and the Decatur Railroad have been destroyed. The largest boats continue to navigate the rivers. Chicago, March 4.--Columbus was March 4.--Columbus was burning from Friday until Sunday. A portion was still on fire. A large number of the cannon were thrown into the river. A portion of the works were mined. Nineteen thousand Confederate troops had left by railroad, and they had destroyed the railroad track and bridges for six miles. Charlestown, Va., March 5.--Last night a
The Evacuation of Columbus Confirmed — The Federals near New Madrid--Com. Hollins and his Gunboats. Memphis, March 4.--Columbus was entirely evacuated on Sunday afternoon. Everything not carried away was burnt. Many buildings, including private residences, were burnt. The Federals, 19,000 strong, under the command of Gen. Pope, appeared in front of New Madrid, five miles from the river, on Monday afternoon. Com. Hollins and his gunboats fired upon and shelled them and kept them back. The Federal lines extend around the town for upwards of a mile. Up to four o'clock on Monday afternoon the Federals had made no response. We continued to shell them from our gunboats. It was supposed that the enemy would make an attack on Tuesday morning, and an attack from the enemy's gunboats was momentarily expected. Island No.10 has been fortified. It is reported from Nashville that large numbers of negroes have been taken off by the Federal gunboats. [Second Dis