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Continued. --Several cases, where parties had been arrested as suspicious characters, were called in the Mayor's Court yesterday, and continued as follows: Samuel T Close till to-morrow; Geo. Snider till June 5th; George Toland till June 8th; Byron W. Bernard till June 7th. The last named is now charged with being a person of evil name, fame and reputation, and a very suspicious character.--Josiah Davis, who had been taken up for selling certain sermons of Lyman Beecher, against intemperance, was admonished and let off.
Arrest. --A Rockingham county correspondent (June 7) says: George Blakemore, charged with the murder of Jacob Rohn, of this county, and who had escaped the vigilance of our officers, was arrested a few days ago in the county of Highland and lodged in jail in this place last night.
From Washington. --The Southern papers contain the following telegram from Washington, June 7: It is believed that Lord Lyons' dispatches to his Government are unfavorable to the Lincolnites. The Cabinet has been in session every day this week on foreign affairs, which, it is believed, are ominous of trouble.
Mr. James Thomas, Jr., of this city, on the 7th of June, presented a fine box of chewing tobacco to the members of Company "F, " now stationed at Aquia Creek; also, a barrel of superb smoking tobacco. This gentleman, as well as others, has shown his appreciation of the services to be rendered by the soldiers, by first sending them to the field properly equipped and then comforting them after their arrival. The "F" boys say they properly appreciate the kindness of Mr. T. A. resolution of thanks to him was adopted at a meeting of the company held a few nights since.
pany. affairs at Harper's Ferry. The Baltimore papers of Saturday contain the following: Frederick, Md., June 7. --An intelligent and reliable gentleman just from Harper's Ferry, reports a complete state of preparation for attack, wh there stationed, which an officer stated to my informant, numbers about 16,000. from Alexandria. Alexandria, June 7.--The U. S. steamer Reliance arrived off this harbor about noon today, and transferred the Lieutenant commanding to the Wre gradually approaching each other on the Fairfax road. expected movement against Harper's Ferry. Washington, June 7.--Five companies of the Third U. S. Infantry--namely, Company B, Capt. Shepherd; Company D, Lieut. Bell commanding; Compaoops are in expectation of an attack upon them by the Confederates from Manassas Junction very shortly. Hagergrown, June 7.--An advance brigade of Federal troops under Col. Thomas reached Greencastle, 13 miles south of Chambersburg, to-day. T
ail, are to the 21st of May. Ex-Senator Lane was in a critical condition from a wound at Roseburg, and could not be moved. He was not out of danger, though his friends were hopeful. He was shot in the right breast, the ball coming out through the right shoulder. The Oregonian learns that Lieut. Mullen's party, duly organized and prepared for the field, left Walia-Walia on the 13th of May, to resume operations on the Fort Benton road. The funeral of Judge Douglas. Chicago, June 7. --To-day business throughout the city was generally suspended, and the Board of Trade adjourned yesterday until Saturday. At eleven o'clock, amid the tolling of bells and firing of minute guns, the procession moved from Bryan Hall, (where since Tuesday the remains of Judge Douglas had laid in state,) through Clark and Lake streets to Michigan avenue, thence to Cottage Grove. The procession was about two miles in length, and occupied an hour in passing any given point. At th
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.from Camp Montague. Camp Montague, June 7. This is not so important a place as to justify your corespondent in occupying a weekly place in your columns, nor in wasting as much of his time as will be necessary for such; but he does consider it to be of sufficient consequence to merit a notice of some noticeable facts connected with its movements. Major Ward, the Commandant of this post, arrived day before yesterday, and took charge of matters pertaining to his office yesterday. He is quite commanding in appearance, being in height something over six feet, and, should we be called into an engagement, his voice must sound clearly over the heads of his men, as well as above the roar of the cannon. An Episcopal minister, his presence brings with it a moral power that in such a cause will be invaluable. Would that all our efficient officers could add to their dignity the surpassing dignity and strength which surround the t n soldier.
The Daily Dispatch: December 29, 1860., [Electronic resource], Massacre of a crew of a South-sea Whaler. (search)
Massacre of a crew of a South-sea Whaler. --A fearful outrage has occurred in the port of Buckaroo, in the island of Isabella in the Southern Pacific, by the massacre of the most of the crew belonging to the whaling ship Henrietta, Capt. Brown, whose log-book furnishes the following details; 7th of June last, vessel at anchor off Buckaroo. At day-light pumped ship, washed the decks, and sent the small boat away for two casks of fresh water. At 8 A. M., the boat returned. During the morning and forenoon, several canoes came up and pulled round the ship, for what object the master at first could not define. In the forenoon the carpenter and five of the crew left the ship in a small boat to cut fire wood, and also two spars, one for the mainmast and the other for a spare main gaff.--With the exception of one man, he never saw them again afterward. The man who swam to the ship from the shore informed him (the master) that they had been attacked and murdered by the natives of th
The Daily Dispatch: July 2, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of Charlotte Bronte's father. (search)
Death of Charlotte Bronte's father. --The Rev. Patrick Bronte, the rather of the popular authoress, "Currer Bell," died at the parsonage in Haworth, on the 7th of June.--He was born in the year 1777, and was consequently 84 years old at the time of his death. He died comparatively alone, passing from earth as he had lived in it. A cold, gloomy, unsympathizing man, he had the reputation of being, and will be remembered as, the father of one of the rarest families that were ever born to man. His name dies with him, but the fame achieved by the suffering, long patient, persevering, spirital "Currer Acton, and Ellis Bell," is imperishable.
ose excellent article we copied on Monday, expresses most eloquently its horror of the character of the war of invasion of the South, and the diabolical sentiments of those who wage it. It quotes the language of the leading Black. Republican presses and inquires, "Was ever more hellish sentiments uttered? Where, in the annals of despotism or the records of its butcheries, shall we seek for a parallel to this?" On Tuesday we gave a very important article from the Paris "Pays," of the 7th June, in which that paper declared that insanity seemed to rule at Washington city. The Pays is a semi-official paper, and its views are considered in consonance always with those of the Emperor. It is exceedingly caustic upon the Lincoln Government. Referring to its truculent tone in its dispatch to Mr. Dayton, the bombast and effrontery of Cassius Clay and Adams, and the Lincoln ultimatum of war against any European power which will take part in this quarrel, the Pays quietly says, "unable
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